Textile Industry
One is the propriamentedito superior circuit, to another one is the superior circuit delinquent, consisting of modern forms of produomenos of the technological and organizacional point of view. The circuit superior delinquent can be resultadoda survival of less modern forms of organization or the reply umademanda capable to excite total modern activities. This demand can virtanto of modern activities, as of the inferior circuit. This superiormarginal circuit has, therefore, at the same time a residual character and one carteremergente’ ‘. The local history of the atividadeindustrial can be divided at three distinct moments of the point of view dasinovaes that if give in this activity and its space of performance, such as the doartesanato, of the 3 manufacture and of the 4 maquinofatura, or current, also called industrial and whose sequence also can be creditada world-wide history of this activity, being that the two last ones are the ones that maisde close interests this synthesis.