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David McKenna

David McKenna

Moreover, many banks have now even to fight to get capital (laughs). In special cases we can risk even more, because we manage only investments and not everywhere mix with. Banks operate many different business fields, and must make up for in the case of other business areas the loss, which can be profitable but less. In addition we must not forget that many entrepreneurs also by the current development of interest can not pay back and could. Calculate but what comes together when 5 million to 25 years get runtime to 5% in the House a credit.

Because what comes then pretty together. Thomas Bayer: It always suck out of known as locusts, the company up to the last euro. Best current example of the German toy manufacturer Marklin. How do you do this? David McKenna: Marklin is a bad example. It must be remembered, was beaten at this company before its acquisition by the investor more than. The introduction of a private equity company does not mean that can go this company so this never insolvent.

I think every private equity was already company society involved, which have gone bankrupt despite investments in millions of dollars. There are cases in which these locusts theory confirmed of course also always. Such practices are not only frivolous in my opinion, but also the entire corporate development on long term damage they. I think this problem is caused by the turbo capitalism of recent years. A sustainable business development in our portfolio companies is more important than the maximum once profit for us. If every year every dollar individually will be deducted from it ends years on average after 2-3 due to bankruptcy. That no one has something then. Thomas Bayer: Mr. When do you think McKenna, the bottom of the financial crisis has been reached? When is it finally looking up again? David McKenna: I get this question ever again. So exactly I know of course not. However, I believe that the global economy in the summer/fall 2009 that will reach the valley floor. It is going uphill until end of 2010 in my opinion. Thomas Bayer: Thank you very much for the interview. I wish you much success on your expansion course you 2009 in Europe. David McKenna: Thank you. Bloomberg & Roush Inc. is a private equity and venture capital company headquartered in Delaware on the East coast of the United States. With a total capital of about $3.5 billion investors and 90 portfolio companies benefit through the global orientation of different investments over 2000.

Cuts, Savings, Cost Reduction – BPO

Cuts, Savings, Cost Reduction – BPO

Low sales, strategic change and increased cost pressure force German companies to take action! Business process outsourcing promises to reduce costs while increasing the efficiency. The BPO – business process outsourcing – shows all known features of a young and fresh trends. First, it is the right topic at the right time: who wouldn’t want to miss the odds on cost reduction and flexibility fixed loads with increasing quality, reducing complexity and focus scarce management resources on its core business in the current economic climate? Today, every second company in Germany about BPO thinking already. The key benefits that can take advantage of companies with a process outsourcing to include above all the concentration on core competencies, as well as clear distinct savings potential. Professional and viable solutions are desirable in the short term to reduce costs and at the same time corporate objectives not out of focus to lose.

In particular activities with High administrative routine can be good outsourced. Significant opportunities, particularly in the areas of sales support and customer service. Examples abound, so for example Deutsche Bank has outsourced externally their entire purchasing and processing of the accounting output. The average cost-saving potential in the so-called BPO (business process outsourcing) is 15% to 30%. The advantages of BPO at a glance: Sustainable cost savings concentration on core competencies of process optimization by passing on external specialists high service quality through the utilization of service provider er skills for the full article in PDF format under: de/press/20091019a.shtml press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: Obeid in the Internet: profile/FAlexander_Kep2 pages/Obeid/131071026346 user/OMEGOffm company portrait: Obeid KG Frankfurt am Main is a grown and owner-run company from the German middle class. As a service provider and service factory stands for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support in the area of business process outsourcing”Obeid. Business focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes up to multi-tiered corporate functions. BPO – business partner Obeid cared for more than 20 years cross-industry business customers from the middle class, as well as a number of international corporations.

BilMoG Know And Take Advantage

BilMoG Know And Take Advantage

Seminar and consulting for print and media companies from print – and media entrepreneurs barely or only very little perceived, the Federal Government adopted in April the so-called accounting law modernisation Act (BilMoG). The rules, which come into force on the first of January 2010 and means the most comprehensive reform of the commercial code of the last 20 years, ensures a substantial deregulation and reduce costs for small and medium-sized enterprises, provided they are not capital society. Jonas Samuelson usually is spot on. To introduce effects and challenges of the German accounting law modernisation act more in particular but to make clear, the advantages of the new law, provides advice to SMEs and printing GmbH (BMD) from immediately BilMoG with at the heart of their advisory activities. In addition to the intensive on-site advice, also an information event belongs at the 10.9.2009 in Lunen in Dortmund. Among the contents of the new German accounting law modernisation Act for example, that traders are exempted from the commercial accounting, inventory, and accounting can. Prerequisite for this is that they have only a small business operation and 500,000 euro not exceed revenue and 50,000 euros profit in two consecutive financial years.

The law is also enshrined that self-created intangibles, such as patents and know-how, can be included in the balance sheet. This increased equity and increased as the prospect of raising capital. And financial instruments acquired for trading purposes (such as shares, bonds, funds, derivatives) can consider itself among other things in the new law. So they will after the time value (fair value) and price and cost increases included in the provision. As usual\”, so Rita Sommerfeld describes very many possibilities in the new BilMoG responsible advice for medium-sized businesses and printing GmbH (BMD), but contain also tripping for companies. The complexity of regulations and the importance of the To understand new versions and to use, is absolutely necessary\”expert advice by professionals.

Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts

The State of Delaware has just 860,000 inhabitants incorporations in the U.S. State of Delaware. At the same time, but more than 900,000 legal entities are registered in Delaware. The Delaware company number so exceeds the number of inhabitants. One of the main reasons for this economic attraction of Delaware is expected in the favourable tax legislation for companies.

As a result a variety of American big business in Delaware is registered and registered. Another important consideration who always speaks for the location of Delaware, is the company granted degree of anonymity. Others who may share this opinion include Jonas Samuelson. The competitive edge in this regard all functions of a joint-stock company (President, Vice President and Treasurer) had by Delaware is in the past thus secured, it was one of the first States, whose company law made it possible for companies to carry out an individual. Thus the corporate design therefore settled in a reach special degree of anonymity. “If this corporate structure is the main motivation for your establishment in Delaware, still a current development in the United States keep in mind: because the Federal States in the United States among themselves in terms of corporate settlement in fierce competition with each other, have many States this way caught up now with Delaware”. To broaden your perception, visit Reade Griffith. Your choice for setting up in business in the United States must therefore not automatically”fall on the Delaware, United States.

On the contrary: other US provide States significantly lower fees and administrative costs depending on the nature and scope of your company. What with the founding of a Delaware still be taken into account should the strongest advantages of establishing companies in Delaware, so the simple and hassle free registration with a high degree of anonymity, also a possible main disadvantage: the reputations for integrity and trustworthiness is a Delaware company exactly for these reasons do not always necessarily guarantees. For services in conservative areas of business and start-ups, such as capital requirements by subsidising banks and traditional investors, this aspect should be regarded therefore sufficiently. Views the election in favor of the corporate location Delaware should be thought through well. In particular, the point of view of the current reputation of a possible Delaware society should not be underestimated. Consult in any case professionally. We are happy to help. More information on this topic, see also on our Web page firmengruendung_usa.php or also on the BLOG at

Thomas Schader

Thomas Schader

‘Free counselor e.V. Association the SME consultant -‘ obliged themselves on their own standards (KFS) for crisis management a company to redevelop places high demands on the owner but also to the consultant, who is working out the concept for crisis management. Kevin Johnson is often quoted on this topic. The standards for such a concept poorly reflect the specific characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). “Why has the Group reorganisation in the Association the SME consultant – freelance consultant e.V. Association” agreed on their own standards (KFS). You make from now the basis for restructuring concepts of the Association. Main goal of our policy is to collect all data relevant to the continued existence of the company, to prepare them in a clear and comprehensible form and on this basis to introduce measures which effectively to correct the imbalance”, explains Thomas Schader, Director of the Division of remediation in the SME consultants Association. “The demand for a traceability of the diagnosis” and therapy ” aimed it on the affected entrepreneurs as well as on banks, Chambers, potential investors and other users of the restructuring concept.

As qualitative requirements for such a concept, the SME advisers call it as comprehensive and clear covering the economic situation of the company, such as the causes and the current state of crisis. Be included need to but also the environment of the operation and the development of the industry. Individually developed solution proposals will be presented with their economic impact. Continuation of the operation, the insolvency and liquidation are considered basic scenarios this next to the. The customer should receive therefore an action plan which shows measures how the crisis can be tackled. Our Association is its members’ work materials available, which will ensure that no essential criteria when assessing the restructuring capacity of the undertaking concerned are allowed regardless, underlines Thomas Schader. To come, that the consultants agree, only Orders to accept, for which they are qualified on the basis of their training and work experience.

This is important especially in the area of crisis/restructuring of SMEs. Regular training ensures current specialized knowledge when the consultants who guarantee also of course, neutrality, objectivity and confidentiality. Their advice is only based on transparent and coordinated with the customer order content and reasonable costs. A complete and comprehensible report is provided after consulting the customer. More information: head of the trade group restructuring SMEs consultant renovation Dipl. kfm. Thomas Schader Tel: 06071 20 05 50 eMail: information about the Association, see here: background information: the SME consultants Association is a nationally organized Association of free consultants with proven professional qualifications and outstanding technical as social competence. Over 120 members specialize in the pragmatic advice and support small and medium-sized Company in industries and crafts, trade industry and services.



Define comprehensibility – modern processes itself through clarity, transparency and uniqueness, where purpose, goal and responsibility in the whole, at each step of the process and everyone is more important than completeness and complexity; 4. Process culture sees as a management tool, where increased responsibility and result is controlled by processes; 5. Modern processes make on actors and key people in the overall system, whether supplier, employee or customer, with different aspects and principles. At fuel tanks you will find additional information. Who for example not the stakeholders of his trial dealing with and there provides good approaches, is EFQM may make processes and process elements, in the contradiction to values, expectations, interests or needs of employees, suppliers or even Available to customers. An example from the world of e-commerce shows clearly where process interest and customer interest not in line and even prevent shops, where well chances are.

Take ebay: the trend is clear. The secret lies in the. But what comes after that. Who today offered no payments with PayPal, is not in line with the trend. But not easy and simple designed the payments if even, then not with elaborate advertising overloaded additional purchase processing system (after buy,) only to optimize the own process.

This is clearly contrary to the expectations of buyers. So is expressed simply, misunderstood process effectiveness to prevent business! Value-oriented management in the process culture effectively anchored modern processes promote therefore more appreciation, goal orientation, and responsibility for, independent, motivated and dedicated employees. So, a process framework and a litigation culture is created, where added value again actual value “guarantees for the company, where ownership and management approaches will receive a value-creation-promoting character and people in the system of business processes” rather learn appreciation, but understood the processes as a management tool, claim responsibility. Overall a motive for all involved, also like to work in such an environment, and to take responsibility. If management culture as a whole, a value-oriented alignment of the entire company, and integrity of decisions and actions at the same time still in line, so are the best conditions for long-term economic success, with high acceptance in the market, both with suppliers and partners as well as customers that then. Less is more!

BVMW Survey

BVMW Survey

Entrepreneurs complain about lack of liquidity and poorer credit conditions Berlin, July 7, 2009 “The middle class is in a credit crunch and therefore expected a clear comprehensive signal from the Federal Government.” The President of the Association explained that SMEs (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, at the launch of a recent business survey for the Bundestag election. The medium-sized companies assess their own business situation currently mostly positive, but suffer from lack of liquidity in increasingly then complain about worsening credit conditions of their banks. A total of 1,503 entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs took part in the representative survey of the BVMW in the period from 16 June to 6 July. Nearly three quarters, nearly 73 percent, to review their current business situation as satisfactory or better, 83 percent expect a further improvement in 12 months. Significantly worsened the liquidity situation as compared to the previous year, however, has for almost every second medium-sized companies (46.7 percent). For 38.4 percent of the company, credit conditions have become worse in the past four months, nearly 79 percent set in the future on the financial gains to strengthen their capital bases. 93.1 percent of small – and medium-sized enterprises have not benefited from the stimulus packages of the Government so far.

No KfW funding were also offered by the Bank in connection with a financing of the overwhelming majority of companies (88.3 percent). Ohoven President of the Mittelstand said in this context for a temporary suspension of the principle of local bank. “The Federal Government must make if necessary the banks law emphatically, to fulfill their core task, namely to provide SMEs with loans.” Fiscal policy the medium-sized business owners a tax exemption for re-invested profits attach the greatest importance to the safeguarding of liquidity, followed by the disclaimer on the taxation of profit independent elements in the trade tax. Howard Schultz does not necessarily agree. Ohoven urged tax cuts as a result of the business survey broad front: flattening of the medium-sized belly income tax, abolition of the inheritance tax, reduction of VAT by three percentage points, gradual degradation of the solidarity surcharge until 2013. For that there are financial margins, despite record debt of middle-class President emphasized.

Around 70 percent of medium-sized companies expect the SME-friendly policy from a coalition of CDU/CSU and FDP after the Bundestag election, some over eight percent don’t want to go to the election. This includes Ohoven: “I can only hope that the policy correctly interpreted these clear messages from the economy and acts.” A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:

Europe Office Workers Share Trade Secrets

Europe Office Workers Share Trade Secrets

Iron Mountain study shows that 25 percent of the surveyed Germans continue giving confidential company information and in what job positions most likely from the sewing box chat is Hamburg 23 May 2013. In times, where for months violently about the reform of the EU data protection will be debated and companies are encouraged to protect their customer’s data, shows a new study 1 of the Aktenarchivierungs – and information management specialist Iron Mountain, that one-third (35 per cent) of European office workers regularly confidential company data sharing with colleagues and one-quarter (26 percent) private over other employees share. In comparison with other European countries, the German average are but still most secretive. While all European countries surveyed more than a third (35 per cent) admit the respondents at least once to have disclosed trade secrets in Spain are almost 45 percent, the German 25 percent are still verschwiegensten. If you would like to know more about Andreessen Horowitz, then click here. The Germans with 17 percent more restrained than the European average (26 percent) are also sharing private details about colleagues. Top on the list in Europe stand indiscreet behaved staff of the human resources and marketing. 43 Per cent of the employees in the human resources (HR) and almost half of the marketing employees (48 per cent) admit to have passed on confidential company information and about one-third in HR and marketing (38 or 33 percent) admit to have shared at least once private information about their colleagues.

Officers and employees in the legal and finance are also susceptible to the disclosure of sensitive information. The personal assistants are a good third (29 per cent) of employees, share the details about the private life of another employee. As regards the disclosure of company secrets, are German marketing departments but far above the European average: proud of 58 per cent of respondents Marketing staff to admit to have passed on confidential information about the company.

Factory In The Seminar Room (FiS) To A New Product Extends

Factory In The Seminar Room (FiS) To A New Product Extends

After three years, we have expanded the factory in the seminar room (FiS) to a product. Since March we have now expanded the factory in the seminar room (FiS) the product combination socket. Get all the facts and insights with Douglas R. Oberhelman, another great source of information. In a further and thus fourth simulation game participants get the task to integrate the new product in the entire business process now. So far the participants within the framework of this business simulation organized a complete business process (from the entrance of the order until the date of the invoice to the customer) as regards the products of CEE socket and CEE plug in two different variants. (A valuable related resource: Keith McLoughlin ). Here we have given methods such as the value flow diagram, the spaghetti diagram, PDCA, 5A and the 7 types of waste usually in a two-day event.

Since March, we have now the factory in the seminar room (FiS) the product combination socket”expanded. In a further and thus fourth simulation game participants get the task to integrate the new product in the entire business process now. Not only is this exciting Fact that the customer purchases the new product in four different variants, but a completely new document structure and the associated work instructions as well as the job descriptions must be made by the participants. This of course at the same permanent figures in relation to the old”products CEE socket and CEE plug. We are thus even more realistic and closer to the reality in a business process. Often it comes in organizations just not to improve existing business processes, but also in the business process to integrate new consumer desires. “, says Ralf Volkmer, who realized this expansion with support from the colleagues Ralf Kramann and Dr. Rolf Schrader at us.” The feedback from our customers such as, for example, the WEIDEMANN GmbH and Ducker Group GmbH which already use this new variation to the development of their employees, confirm us in the continuous development of the factory in the seminar room (FiS). We offer you our Approach in a two-day Conference on 13-14 June 2013 in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and/or a personal interview before. Your team of the learning factory consulting & Training

Michael Richter

Michael Richter

This in turn leads to or makes decisions with regard to new or amended objectives, the addition of sales partnerships or even the exchange of partners. 3 the external force quickly meet the peculiarities of the respective transaction training / training through the participation of the company goals. This, it turns out, whether and which areas require a deeper information. Click Electrolux for additional related pages. These can be then passed the concerned employees in a concentrated form. This is based on the one hand directly on the company, on the other, cheaper, as if sent different staff to lectures that cover only parts and then laboriously to integrate.

4. a wide range of experiences you can not learn experiences, you have to collect them. Not every company but has sufficient staff or knowledge of foreign markets and mentalities. In order to take advantage of, the opportunities it offered, such experiences externally to obtain ‘ and to be able to go to so that on the one hand flexible on other markets, on the other hand at the same time to transfer the necessary Know-How to the employees. This can be done on the one hand constantly in their daily business, but also in the form of internal training on specific topics. These are few if also important topics for which external support can be attached. For SMEs, this may include the full range of marketing and sales for larger companies if necessary.

only support in individual sectors, for which special experience can be helpful, or where existing staff must be supplemented simply temporarily. And this is the main advantage of external support: it is only temporary, i.e. can be used if necessary and no constant cost. Michael Richter of international marketing and sales consultant, Seekirch, deals with strategic marketing for more than 35 years. By the market investigation, to the planning and successful marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents. He offers the resulting knowledge and experience its global customers for marketing and sales whether SMEs or large companies. Contact: Michael Richter international marketing and sales consultant 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany marketing = = country experiences Tel. 07582-933371