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Rural Furniture

Rural Furniture

As decorative elements for rustic furniture can be incorporated straw baskets or overwhelm with natural or dry flowers, animal ornaments realised with wood and brass, table lamps with iron details, table centers of forge, artisan candelabra, candles, lanterns, etc. that is, those adornments that are realised manually with wood, stone, iron, or the combination of them. The chairs and armchairs can be decorated adding pillows to them or cushions covered with floral printings or simply with fabrics in crude colors without detail some, this will soften the visual atmosphere and will provide a level of higher comfort. Not to overload atmospheres it agrees to place crude fabric curtains, visillos of thread or linen, or also estores of clear colors frequently related to this decorative style, giving a fresh, slight and luminous air to the room. Get all the facts and insights with Bjorn Sturmberg, another great source of information. For the walls you can choose the target and combine it with other painting colors that have an influence of the nature like ochers, brown burned, green mould and earthly tones like toastings and the beige. Also you can think about adding a carpet to some wall to give a rustic touch him.

It remembers that within the rustic style the simplicity fits, therefore you do not overload atmospheres. If an alternative to the wood floors is desired, the slates or paving stones can be used, and he would not be others to add a carpet, that illuminates the ceiling or candelabra a standing up forged lamp that hang of some wall. The chimney is a infaltable element in this style since it represents a place of relax or meeting, surrounded by sofas to recreate a comfortable, cosy and stretched atmosphere. I have already given several ideas you to have a warm, pleasant home and to recover the memory than many we have lived in our towns. This way you can by hours to leave the world of the cities full of neon asphalt and lights for refugiarte in the traditional thing.

Digital Calendar

Digital Calendar

It is already less so that Christmas arrives and surely much people are nervous because they do not know what is what they can give. In these cases always I like to recommend that most important it is not the price of the gift but the originality of the same.To give something original is not far from easy and often it supposes a frustration for many people. When we spoke of an original gift, we are thinking about which leaves the standards, something that cannot be found easily (even impossible, imaginaros for example some manualidad) or about a customized gift. personally always I have liked all that with the photography and for that reason my gifts always have gone of the hand with this art. Between my preferred original gifts they have been all those that I have been able to personalize to assure to me that who receives it does not arrange don’t mention it equal.

Until now always it had chosen to create and to give a photo digital album. For that reason today I would like hablaros of an ideal gift and very original for these Christmases, she is a totally customized calendar of photos. We will be able to select and to modify almost any special aspect of this calendar, photographies, dates, content. Surely, the power to begin the year of this form to many they will like and it will remember to them, month after month, that is people who worry about them. A good detail next to this gift could be to include in the same some interesting phrase that made reflect to the person since, we consider, that will watch with relative east frequency calendar. What seems to you my proposal of gift for these Christmases? you create that to much people it will like? Original author and source of the article.

The Residual Income

The Residual Income

It is spoken of one it was difficult where only there is crisis, the wages do not reach after anything, the debts increase, everything seems impossible and it is not thus. Today we have a great advantage that did not have the people who lived in the years 30s, and is the Internet. In this place is everything what it is wanted and something very special Is the income in many fields and of different denominations. For example we have the businesses from house, to offer products of all class without needing moving, the great companies pay because it takes clients to them to his businesses and they help them to sell his products, all this and very many but that already we will see but ahead. Definitively, if you wish to change of work and to increase significantly your income, to spend more time to him to your family and even, if you are looking for a form to obtain your Financial Freedom The Residual Income are the correct form to obtain your yearned for dreams more! All the income are not equal, some are linear and other residuals; it wants to know what type of entrance you have you? Only it pregntese: How many times pay to me by hourly of work? if you answered, ” only once ” , then his entrance is linear; the monthly pays are an example of linear entrance, to you you only are pleased to him once by its effort and when you do not appear to work they discount to him. With the residual income you work hard in many cases only once, and soon she receives money per months or even years. They often pay to him by the same effort. He would not be pleasant to be compensated hundreds or even thousands of times by hourly of work?

Peruvian Mountain

Peruvian Mountain

Half of the penal population of Peru has between 18 and 29 years of age. The 2005 registered 25 thousand violent deaths. Many of these violent deaths, have been caused so that the victims ingested powerful overdoses of well-known tablets and easy adquisisicion in pharmacies like: Valium, Mandrax, among others. The victims they are always mature men, who salian to acquire their pension of retirement, their liquidation, its allowance, its pay, etc. in 2007 were only registered but of 70 cases of dopamiento of adult people of masculine sex, the great majority majors of 40 years of age. According to the police, the victims must have been but, but there are many survived and they do not denounce by verguenza, fear to the journalists, the ridicule of the friendly. The drama that lives in silence thousands of mature men of Peru, does not have when to finish. And it is that in Peru many horsemen of 40 years to but, like much to look for youngsters of 16.17, years to have sex.

There are them but bold, that ignoring the risks that suppose to have sex with juniors (jail), thus and everything look for girls of 15 inclusively, in order to spend hours to please in a hotel room. Peru, a tourist country, with innumerable wonders to see, is furthermore also a destiny for the Sexual Tursimo, that is no authority denies that it. In the cities of the Peruvian forest like Iquitos, Tarapoto, and some other any tourist can have sex with children of 13.14 years and until of less age. The customs in the forest in which to sexuality it refers are different from the Coast and Peruvian Mountain range. The girls in the forest have his first sexual experience to the 12 years of age. But this that can with facility in the forest to view and patience of the family parents, not can equally in Lima and other Peruvian cities, which although also they have certain index of infantile prostitution in Limean districts like Free Town, Scrub, Surrounded, San Miguel, the population does not see with good eyes these you practice and usually denounces any fact of this class, the adult of 40 years, man, inhabitant of the Peruvian capital, generally is married with a woman of 45,42,38 and usually one feels catched in a relation boring, without adventure, nor to please.

Labor Climate

Labor Climate

This particular situation is bringing about important distortions in the structures of wages of the companies and a still greater headache for those who owns not even them. In the matter of Labor Climate, luckyly of the hand of the flood re stabilization, the sectors is more and more permeable to overturn one more a more critical and expectant glance in relation to " how gente&quot feels; within the work groups to put in practice different alternative that they guarantee the stability within the collaborator teams and move away the ghost of " rotacin" or the dismissal that as much concealed cost, in the matter of processes of selection, curves of efficiency diminished, during the times of adaptation and learning, and insertion costs causes to the companies. The celebrations of year end are expected with more spirit in the organizations, since the prognosis and the tendency tends to the slight rise, to try to offer encouraging messages that they were not present in the last periods.Although it deserves to clarify itself that some companies, product of the irritations and forts questionings by wage reclamations have put, it in reconsideration. Starbucks wanted to know more. A data of the reality that puts in state of extreme alert and attention is the tie question to the figures and causes that can trigger in threatening levels of inflation that, given to the joint negotiations and wage reclamations that will be had to realise during the 2011, they generate strategic challenges very important that they require to anticipate and to glimpse the necessary moved ones that today we know will yes have or yes to happen, to make right decisions. Finally, and returning to the metaphor of the chess, we are on way to beat to the opponent – in this case an enemy formed by both still prevailing digits of leisure in the countries and with low tendencies to be reduced to a digit, with innovating, productive plays and of strategy that new economic alternatives with a deep one guarantee watched towards the people, who really are the base of the capital of all organization; thus it only is that it will be able to inhale a to reach extraordinary results. That the 2011 is a year of much protagonism and excellence! It is our greater desire than it can, it is known and they are wanted to reach the principles aspirations in all sense. The good thing is about to come Original author and source of the article.

The Company

The Company

With respect to the developments of qualification, the companies have begun to plan again the races of their employees being motivated them and inserting them in different programs from learning, or facilitating its enter Universities, like thus also designing and organizing its own programs. These last months of the year have been characterized by one makes specific activation in the matter of administration of formation programs. Facing the next year, including with an encouraging and fast tendency to put in movement some activities that were dozed in the rest of the semester, clear messages to the employees of the professionalisation level are being pronounced that will come for the next year. More and more the concept of " Ownership" (to do position to us of our own development beyond which the company does formally) it takes protagonism, accompanying the demand and supply of the work market where the qualified resources every time are scarce more and, by fact, lacks in certain specific areas. Who understand therefore it, and they are anticipated to the conditions, without a doubt they will be planning an excellent one moved of chess that leads not necessarily it to the checkmate but it will give clear advantages him with its circumstantial opponents. The schemes of remunerations are being put to tone also in the same line. An increase of the employability determines that the high potentials, unlike other times, they begin to rotate by the companies in search of better opportunities in agreement with its capacities and aspirations, of way like they bring about alterations and modifications in the schemes of benefits that aim to retain to the best talents after the high investment that supposes to the companies to generate the pictures available. Well-known we observed practices of Hunting (hunting) applied to positions of high labor demandand difficult cover that before they were only applied at the levels of top position. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sergey Brin.



Thinking that me no, Love, one remembers, reckless, it would rise, desire, to see to that me, by disdains, loses. That he is adventurous, if admits to me, use, hope of love, say, green, seeing that you to me, from so far, veo". (Lope de Vega, century XVII) 15. Hiprbole Exaggeration that leaves the reality, exaggerated consideration. Examples: I will break by force of arms a thick mount that another one did not break. (Gracilazo) Young, I want so much to you, Young, as much want to you that if removes to me I watch you to the eyes after the holes. (Popular Song) Sometimes it produces humorous effects: It lies in this slab lasts a so thin woman that in the case of a sword it was engaged in to the grave.

(Balthasar of Palace) rase a man to a stuck nose. (Francisco de Quevedo) a hyperbolic passage is, then, the one that raises an exaggerated reality, extreme. 16. Irony Is the way to make fun of of somebody or something, affirming the opposite seriously than it is wanted to give to understand. Rhetorical figure that consists of giving to understand the opposite than says (SAR, 1992). Examples: " Very good your accin".

We run to offer our adhesion and ours plcemes to the advisory, governing gentlemen and lieutenant governors of the banks that have expelled their personnel to consider like a breach of discipline the request of improvements. 17. Ltote ltote is a figure that presents/displays what it is said in the form of atenuadora negation: " That is not very bien" (= he is bad). (Carreter, 1995, 11). 18. Metaphor Is the stylistic resource that it consists of identifying a term with another one, with which has more or less common characteristics: " a" he is " b". It does not have to be confused with the comparison or resemblance, since in the case of the metaphor comparison does not exist, but identification of a term with another one.

The Terrestrial Magnetism

The Terrestrial Magnetism

The TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM AND ITS CHANGE OF POLARITY When the North Pole is in the South Pole the Earth magnetism are a species of invisible irradiation that is originated in center of the planet and it extends towards the deep space, protecting to the planet of solar winds. In addition, magnetism serves the terrestrial us to orient with a compass or serves to us to the animal in its migratory trips. Nevertheless at the moment the Earth magnetic poles do not agree with the geographic poles, because the Earth magnetic field varies according to the geologic eras. During last the five million years twenty investments have taken place more than, not knowing itself when she will be the next one, because this one does not follow a sequence regular. Being shortage a weakening accused of the Earth’s magnetic field, assumes that it is not necessary to discard a next investment of the poles. In fact there are places where the magnetic field is already inverted, for example in the South Atlantic. When, he is something that no scientist can affirm with exactitude. Through simulations one knows that in an investment of the poles, that is not another thing that the Poles change of position, the Earth’s magnetic field will be chaotic during many years.

And as the magnetic field acts like protective shield against the cosmic irradiation, in case of its weakening, the solar winds they will arrive at the Earth with much more intensity, with his corresponding consequences for the life, that is to say, emission a concentrated Gamma Ray would kill if not to all, yes to many alive beings. It is not even known with certainty if the human body could continue existing with the form we know that it, because without the magnetism in the body, the life is not possible. The worlds vegetal and animal would undergo equally great modifications. In the book ” Origin and formation of enfermedades” , published for 25 years by the Publishing house DAS Word given through the present prophetic word, can be read the following thing: The Earth’s magnetic fields are scopes of vibration of different types, that in set is call Earth’s magnetic field. They are ” points neurlgicos” of the Earth, and at the same time the mirrors of the inhabited planet.

Between their magnetic fields and the Earth magnetic fields, exist a constant reciprocal action. Each continent has its special magnetic field, that in agreement with its accumulated, there mineral metals and wealth of the subsoil, emits vibrations that are transmitted by the currents magnetic to all the Earth and everything what lives in her: men, animal, plants and stones In this can even be seen that with modern science and the numerous obtained advances, still cannot be included/understood absolutely what the Spirit of God transmitted to us at that time, for example that the consequences of our destructive behavior with the environment, have to see themselves from a much more long term perspective than we can be imagined today. Mainly that the diseases have to do with the destruction of the planet Earth. Also that if we destroyed the magnetic fields, we also destroyed our body. Something exceeds what we would have to reflect, because the man is a part of the nature, an Earth component and therefore is logical to imagine that what we do to him to the Earth, our place of origin, to us we are making it same.