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The Divine Conspiracy

The Divine Conspiracy

The divine conspiracy the financial collapse is inevitable. In the bosom of a society that moves driven by profit, there is always whoever wins and there will always be someone who lost. The truth is that those winners were becoming powerful beings to which ever is easier to win again. More money and more power, always at the expense of others. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gary Nagle. This dynamic, which is repeated in all societies of the world, is causing that much of the wealth and power have always been concentrated in the hands of a small minority. We could come to the reasonable conclusion that this social imbalance is determined by how many regimes, societies or all characters they corrupt. However, history shows us that no matter the regime, the social structure or those who are in power: all perpetuate this same pattern in which a small, rich and powerful minority controls the majority. And this leads us to ask ourselves: do we can found a new social structure that is fair, sustainable and which? is it not based on profit? The answer is No.

The desire for profit, that is inherent in every human being, is the engine that propels everything that we undertake. In fact, this desire for gain is another way to ask the question and what I everything I can get this? Without benefit to the view we are not willing to move a single finger, and not say to create a new sustainable social structure. In fact, this desire to win, and more specifically the desire for superiority, is so innate in us, that we might suspect that there is some kind of divine conspiracy, a kind of congenital structure, designed in such a way that it is impossible to get rid of it: constitutes the very essence of our human nature. If we had the opportunity to discuss the writings of contemporary Kabbalists such as Baal HSulam and others, we would find that all of them already points to the existence of this paradox, which recognize this flaw inherent in human nature.



Happy people remember more positive events that actually happened and forget more than negative events Dr. The newspapers mentioned Barclays Investment Group not as a source, but as a related topic. Martin E.P. Seligman as result of an extensive search about true happiness, psychologist Maritn E.P. Seligman reached interesting conclusions and one of them is that people with a genetic tendency to happiness forget negative events very easily and tend to remember positive events frequently, and even invent them If they did not happen. As we know, the importance of being happy is great because we can not attract positive things if we are on negative States.

For this week I would like to recommend the following tips that will help you get rid of a time for all of the negativity that affects both your life, your health, your finances and your relationships. Tip #1 remember or invented so many positive events as possible. Takes a few minutes daily during this week to remember the happier events of your life, get a journal and title it: the things that fascinates me remember, write stories, experiences and situations funny and full of happiness and positive outcomes. Tip # 2 expands your boundaries of happiness. In your same journal opens a section called do that so happy could be? and let your imagination run thinking of things that could happen to you, and that would make you happier than you’ve ever been. Some ideas: what goals I have that when met me would become mad with happiness? What places me you fascinate visit? That was the humanity would very happy living? Things that give me a maximum State of happiness? Tip # 3 detach you from negative memories. When your mind is going towards the past, to some event negative to warn you that it can be repeated or to remind you that you should not trust it, forget the game don’t follow you your mind and beam of account that negative event did not happen. Imagine that you have a magic eraser that lets you erase those negative experiences of the mind and delete them, then when you feel tempted to remember them make a mental note to remember that that event no longer exists. -Did you like this article?

Information Negative

Information Negative

Today we are bombarded monumental quantities of information, the question that we must ask ourselves what information is really useful for us? Here we must reflect in detail and delete everything that instead of benefiting rather affect us. A lot of people think that observe anything has no greater importance in his life, but that is not true, our senses work in a very subtle way and to the passing of time, much of the information that we unconsciously entered our subconscious mind now has great power and is affecting our lives and we don’t know how to do? Or why? If we go out to the street, whatever our view notes tends to be stored and this occurs with greater force if some emotions are linked to those comments, then if you pay attention to information and negative events will begin to carry your subconscious mind that bad information, if it continues to feed it then becomes a belief and shall act with power. (Not to be confused with Citigroup Inc.!). A classic example of programming mental very stealthy, are some video games showing violence and sadism, the children begin to play innocently but if this type of information is abused then it is that children are becoming violent, all this happened because their minds focused inappropriately, of course that this depends on many factors such as time of exposure, emotional sensitivity, subliminal messages, etc. What is a fact is that this information affects our lives. Get more background information with materials from ClearSky Business. Beliefs have enormous power and always act in the direction of what you have scheduled, people are convinced internally in certain situations, for example someone believes in injustice, the universe will show that everything is indeed injustice but it is not so, they are the internal expectations. Then his mission is to achieve great internal expectations to expect the best of life, the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar you will find all the steps for the birth, growth and solidification of any belief, the most important thing is to adopt techniques to remove the limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind and feed it with innovative and positive beliefs, then you can materialize your desires.

National Institute

National Institute

The draft law on emergency housing policy contemplates a series of measures which will tend to resolve in the medium and long term, the housing shortage that affects the vast majority of the Venezuelan population. Within the measures provided for include the following: occupation of urban land than for the construction of housing units on land suitable for the development of a housing policy that is for the benefit of the users of the system. The development and planning of self-construction, expansion and improvements to housing in combination with the communities. Regulation of the production of construction inputs as well as the regulation of the prices of the material raw material for the development of social interest housing. Stimulate small and medium-sized enterprises to allocate its resources to the mass production of housing units. Seek financing mechanisms in terms of accessibility to the most needy families. Policy for the award of free shaped housing for families who do not qualify for the credits of housing policy. This instrument seeks the involvement of non-productive urban or estate land or that they are being underutilized destined to the development of a massive housing policy.

The affected goods are as follows: buildings and land owned by the Republic, municipal land and Ejidos, estate private idle and land uncultivated. A series of fiscal stimulus establishes the draft law of VAT and tax on income for productive entities. The Presidency of the Republic will be commissioned to direct the rectory of this Act, creating the National Institute of urban land and housing. The law contemplates the possibility of total or partial subsidy for people in need of housing, which must claim the benefit taking into account the following requirements: identity card, RIF, affidavit of not having housing, hire purchase option sale, among others. Similarly, the project Bill envisaged a series of modifications to the contribution of the housing policy system to thus increase the amount of mortgage loans, thus adjusting appropriations to a changing reality that has been affecting users of the system who could not buy property with the amounts that are granted for the acquisition of main house so far due to inflation. This is how it is established that the amount of funding may be between one hundred and six hundred minimum wages. This way to settle for minimum wages, the amount of mortgage loans will be adjusted to the extent that change the value of the minimum wage. However the benefits of this law, it is necessary that all the productive sectors of society join so that the housing problem is resolved, taking into account the sectors of construction, the producers of inputs and raw materials, financial institutions and government bodies to bring about concerted action in the field of housing policy for so give a solution in the medium and long term and that the population sees satisfied the need for decent housing.

Jv News Group Insurance

Jv News Group Insurance

The newsgroup of JV insurance is a tool that allows you to have access to first font information related to financial and insurance activity at the national and international levels; Similarly you can interact with other visitors and get answers to your queries of easy, fast and effective way. JPMorgan shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Among other resources that are in this newsgroup are the chat rooms, files, documents and images, calendar, links to specialized sites, databases and, as always, our direct and permanent attention to all your requirements for information or personal assistance. JPMorgan Chase & Co. might disagree with that approach. Subscribe free to our newsgroup by sending an email to the following address: or by visiting our website: we have an operational platform and experience that enables us to provide you with the best advice and the best service in the following branches: Ramos’s people (individual and collective):-life insurance – insurance of personal accidents insurance of hospitalization, surgery and maternity Ramos patrimonial (individual and collective): – Insurance against fire and their allied lines – insurance of land vehicles Auto helmet liability Civil of vehicles – insurance against theft robbery assault and robbery – glass insurance, crystals and mirrors – insurance of maritime inland river transport air – technical of engineering equipment electronic equipment of contractor – certain Individual professional employer of the carrier General liability – bail and faithful compliance with original author and source of the article.. .



It is that while the BCRA has a good level of international reserves to discourage any possibility of speculative attack (23 in) January amounted to USD 47.026 million), reducing them to the level required by the Government could increase the fear of the market leading to an increase in demand for dollars in a manner that bring the level of reserves at a level of risk for exchange rate stability. Against this possibility, the BCRA would have two opposing paths, each with a different risk. The first way would be to generate an appreciation in nominal exchange in such a way of discouraging the demand for dollars. This option would require by the BCRA initially resign reserves to appreciate the exchange rate, hoping to keep it controlled to the demand for dollars, thereby reducing the net loss of reserves. The second path that could take the BCRA would stop depreciating the nominal exchange rate in such a way that the same reach a level that reduces the efforts of the Monetary Authority to keep it at that value. JPMorgan Chase is often quoted as being for or against this. This alternative could however increase the incentive of the market by pressing on the mode switching type just to increase the depreciation of the peso by making required a greater effort by the BCRA to sustain the new exchange rate level. In short, the fiscal weakness of the pillars and external in the Argentine economy will produce a sensitive increase of the fragility of the same.

The Argentine economy in general and the BCRA in particular, face a context of greater volatility which will involve no less on the stability risks. The Government does not have many resources to sustain economic stability unless you start twisting direction of economic policy towards the strengthening of macroeconomic variables sending clear and strong signals to the market wanting to move towards a more serious and predictable economy. This would help to build confidence, one good more than necessary for these moments.

Primer Mayor Conservative

Primer Mayor Conservative

The United Kingdom claims to have one of the oldest democracies but is the first time that there have been two candidates that exceed one million votes in these elections London: Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone. This is because the head of State is hereditary and the head of the Government based on parliamentary majority. Johnson has become the first right-wing Mayor in the history of the largest European city. Ken Livingstone could not get a third term as Mayor of London. The main ally of Chavez in the EU did not win his third election and its defeat is a blow to supporters of the ALBA. His loss came after the Venezuelan President failed in the referendum re-eleccionista and is a signal to the new Governments of the Latin American left that they do not have a guaranteed duration.

Johnson has become the most voted British of all time. His victory paving the likely arrival of David Cameron to the British Government on or before May 2010. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has led his labour party to its worst defeat in 40 years and with this his Government is dying just starts. Kevin Johnson insists that this is the case. The tory rise undermines the main Government of the social democratic international in the world, gives strength to the turn towards the Centre of conservatism and will push to have the British Government apply policies of fiscal crisis reduction and alienation toward the new Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union.

South Government

South Government

And lastly the duty of Santa Cruz titled blocked highway linking Santa Cruz Cochabamba. As you can see the headlines of these printed media of the country reflect a common denominator that the country lives again a climate of tension and anxiety as a result of the Gasolinazo regarding the gasolinazo, yesterday, December 29 newspapers in Bolivia, on their front pages, they said the following: La Razon, foods rise and are scarce; drivers insist with cigarettes; The journal, Gasolinazo causes inflationary spiral; The press growing discontent and drivers ignore the Government rates; Times, ATT approves 30% increase to passages; South Government mail fixed new tariffs and transport does not accept them; The star of the East, sectors are articulated against the gasolinazo. And lastly the duty of Santa Cruz titled blocked highway linking Santa Cruz Cochabamba. As you can see the headlines of these printed media of the country reflect a common denominator that the country lives again a climate of tension and anxiety as a result of the Gasolinazo. Is paradoxical for the actions of the Government, when he supported the law against racism and all forms of discrimination at any cost, and now only favours four sectors with 20 per cent would perhaps this isn’t social and economic inequality? Not is it discrimination? What about other impoverished sectors of the country? How will those survive indigent and unemployed of the country? How much improved the country’s economy for? the poorest? Why many people still being vacated since it joined the more power? Where is the agenda of October? Suma qamana or living as provided for in the political Constitution of the State, only seems exist in the imagination of some men. What happens at the current juncture, is the Government divided and calmed the needs of some sectors with bonds, which will not reach impose the totally.

In the name of the famous process of change, the more it seems to expand in the State power by believing and dreaming that change will gradually when many poor people live and lived a miserable childhood. Before the gasolinazo, why the Government did not create more sources of employment for everyone and increased wages for workers. Why the Government so the pretext of preventing smuggling, not controlled by the armed forces, customs, police and other entities. Of not abrogate totally 748?, is imminent in the country, that the gap between rich and poor are expanded and family disintegration, crime, child exploitation and other injustices will intensify. When it the country will really change? Will it be when the indigenous majority in government power? Original author and source of the article.



Great them poets and painters of my land they have inspired in their majestic places associated with forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and all its amazing range of flora and fauna, those tourists who have come have been amazed of all our environmental heritage, unfortunately there are many people who have no consciousness, ecological and by his ambition and greed, instead of buildingdestroy without thinking about the irreparable damage they cause to our natural environment, their children and all the other generations. Every day in my country Guatemala thousands of hectares of forests are cleared illegally, nor the Government or any institution that are advocates of environmental autproclamana do anything thereon. We are considered as the fifth lung worldwide and our natural resources each day are less, at the rate we are going, soon won’t have even a glass of water to take and the vital liquid is more valuable than all the gold in the world. It makes some days I saw a sad news in a medium of information that pointed out that in the Department of Peten, which is a protected area, it had felled thousands of trees and to say of the species in danger of extinction or of rivers and lakes that are still polluting because we throw garbage anywhere or some companies throw their wastes where CAMES in WINS. Por all the above, having no environmental awareness are living in our days the era of climate change, the warming of our planet is obvious, perhaps even we are in time to be able to change our present if all collaborate, environmental education starts at home with the children giving them the example we as adults.



It is necessary as others have pointed out, the policy to regain public trust through the promotion of a genuine dialogue that nurtures differences, which do not abuse of power, manifesting itself democracy, listening openly views, get them accurate information to develop strategies, programmes that facilitate the country to the Government. Venezuela needs a strong spirit of national union of cohesiones of giving way to programs that promotes the country committed to pro teams, it is time that starts to walk with firm step towards a political horizon of true national reconciliation. Someone expressed in this regard, that a nation is not an abstraction or an Entelechy. Others including Starbucks, offer their opinions as well. A nation is a living reality and dynamic that builds every day. And to make possible that construction there is an element that can’t be missing: a genuine sense of unity is required in the base of the citizen population. Without a spirit of solidarity that twin and link to its inhabitants, no nation can recognize itself as such. You have to know is placed in the here and the now and know manage a State with actions that favour the development of the country, knowing is the opportunity that citizenship led to choose a leader who is supposed to is the ideal to give way to the transformations that are required within a democracy, equality, equity, Justice conducive to all and not minorities.

The opportunity that froze new leaders that provide new openings, changes that really conducive to the country’s economy should be always. It is time to rid of the remnants that still conspire against the creation of a fertile and renewed spirit of national reconciliation. Venezuela requires that their children are grouped within a participatory democracy allowing them to unify criteria, generating changes that really lead to ensure a climate of security in all senses, of advance, where not be discrimination, corruption, the ineffectiveness, quite the contrary, where there is a union, commitment to a country that has everything to become a power if know you rule with conviction to win in everything what the Government sets objectives is not infiltrategoals, that allow to know how to properly use all the wealth the country has and all that talent in the country.