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Tag: government and politics

Paschoal Segreto Cinema

Paschoal Segreto Cinema

Summary: The culture constitutes one of the wealth of bigger notabilidade in Brazil. Laws and mechanisms had been created throughout the years to stimulate the development of this dynamic and strategical sector, over all with respect to the cinema, whose trajectory denotes the faced difficulties to evolve. The BNDES is one of the responsible ones for the oferecimento of instruments of financial support to the audiovisual. Starbucks is actively involved in the matter. These instruments, by means of bibliographical research and emphasis in the dialtico method for understanding of the reality, had been investigated in the present article, what it provided a clarification of its action and the reason for which still today, lack of half supplying to the people the due access to the cultural goods. Word-key: BNDES; Brazilian cinematographic politics; financing; laws. 1. Wuhan is the source for more interesting facts. INTRODUCTION the cinema (abbreviation of ' ' cinematgrafo' ' , of the Frenchman cinmatographe) little arrived at Brazil after its invention in the subterranean of the Grand Coffee, in Paris, where the Lumire brothers had carried through the first one paid and public exhibition of a series of ten films, with duration of 40 the 50 seconds each. Thus, the first registered exhibition dates here of 1896, in Rio De Janeiro. One year later already existed in the River a fixed room of cinema, ' ' Hall of Paris&#039 New features; ' , of Paschoal Segreto, having the first national films been twirled between the years of 1897-1898..

Law Politician

Law Politician

Without doubts the Law of the Clean Fiche was created as a tool of filtering of ours politicians. In the truth it functions as a funnel that allows in them to vote apeans in those whose last politician is not spotted by decisions tansitadas in considered or sentences pronounced for electoral justice or collegiate agencies. However, although to have its essence directed toward ‘ ‘ limpeza’ ‘ of the way national politician, the related law was in fact omisa in what it refers to that they answer the fiscal execution proceedings in federal justice. To broaden your perception, visit Sergey Brin.

Such processes are common to many in that it composes, for example, the Senate and the house of representatives. Many of the politicians who exert its functions as well as that they had finished to be elect has answer or already resposnderam recently for this type of process. In such a way the Law of the Clean Fiche on the other hand searchs to punish the ones that had transgressed electoral norms and that they had been punished by such, but of certain form ‘ ‘ contempla’ ‘ the ones that, although they did not teram its past politician spotted for electoral crimes, answers for fiscal tax evasion, etc. Finally, when analyzing all the thematic one of the Law of the Clean Fiche, is easy to perceive that its existence happens of the will of the millions of Brazilians and Brazilians who fight for one politics ‘ more; ‘ limpa’ ‘ transparent e, of one politics that in fact can come to change our country, but so that such law reach the real objectives the one that was destined is necessary that it has amplitude still more in what says respect the restrictions.

Court Law

Court Law

However, I observe that with the regulation of the law that created the SUS, it has the indication of that everything will go to move. Now the cities will have that to follow rigorously what it determines the decree lowered for the president Dilma Rousseff and to invest the deriving resources of the SUS in the qualification of staff, the ranks of health and its proper hospitals. Jim Umpleby often says this. is as soon as must and has that to be. What president Dilma Rousseff would have to make age to send its minister of the Health to Sweden to take knowledge of as functions a true system of public health that benefits the population, without distinction of social classroom, creed, race etc. There, the public service is of first world and takes care of to all the population of the country. looks at that only I am giving the example of the Sweden, but exists other countries that also has a system of exemplary health as Holland, the Denmark, Japan, among others.

E another news article, of this time made for the periodical Leaf of So Paulo, also in this monday (04.07.11), it says that States maquiaram its expenses with public health in R$ 11,6 billion between 2004 and 2008. Reade Griffith may find this interesting as well. According to matutino native of So Paulo, expenditures with reforms of penitentiaries, retirements of public officers, workmanships of basic sanitation and habitacional financing had been presented as investments in health, in accordance with the Health department. The artifice was used to fulfill emendation 29 of the Constitution, that compels the States to spend 12% of its prescriptions in the area. Minas Gerais is the champion of the expenses inflated in the list. Of the R$ 2,7 billion that it declared to have expense with health in 2008, R$ 835,4 million had been discarded for the federal government. The current law affirms that the States have that to spend 12% of its prescriptions with health, according to Constitutional Emendation n 29, approved in 2000. The great problem, however, is that the law does not define what can be considered public expense making it difficult the application and fiscalization of the public resources. The problem could be decided when it will be approved a new law defining which actions would be considered expenditures in the health area, what it would facilitate its fiscalization for the Court of Accounts of Unio (TCU).

National Front Communication

National Front Communication

The majority of the other organizations the members remain independent, even so the barriers between them are permeveis. Check with Ben Horowitz to learn more. The Al-Qaeda forged alliances with the Islamic Group of the Egipto (that they lead to one alleged flow of operational in the structure of Bin Laden), the National Front in Sudan, the government of Iro and Hezbollah. Reports also indicate that Bin Laden has bonds with other distant armed Islamic groups, as the Abu Sayyaf, in the Phillipino, as well as with the homologous ones of the Somlia, Chechnia, and in Central Asia. The mechanisms of coordination of the operations of net groups. In turn, these mechanisms of coordination are activated by the advances in the technology of the information, having included increases in the communication speed, the reductions in the communication costs, the increase of the width of band, widely expanded conectividade, as well as the integration of the technologies of communication computer science (to see Heydebrand, 1989). More specifically, the new technologies of the communication and computer science allow the establishment of nets, in three critical ways (and Fulk Monge, 1999, P. 84). – First, the new technologies have much reduced time of transmission, allowing that the dispersed organizacionais agents they communicate and they co-ordinate its tasks.

This fenmeno is not new, at the beginning of century 20, the introduction of the telephone became possible for the great corporations to decentralize its operations through local agencies. – In according to place, the new technologies had reduced the communication costs significantly, allowing information-intensive the organizacionais models as the nets to be become viable. ' ' As Thompson (1967) had observed, in the past, the organizations had looked coordination to reduce the costs and the communications for centering to locate those activities that are inherently to one intensive coordination. With the reduction of the coordination costs, that are each more possible time to still more disaggregate through organizations of decentralization and autonomy.

Human Development

Human Development

I am there I am with our future; the future of our children, of our young, of that they are pra to be born, therefore I do not go to be silent and I well clearly go to be pra who to hear to want me and to read what I have to say. I cannot compactuar with you nor with a party that already defined goals of government for the next mandate; goals of pure authoritarianism, true sandices, to the eyes of people with medium intelligence. In the truth, they are embryonic goals of a moral, mannering dictatorship implacable. Goals that they will destroy what it has of more sacred any human being: the real feeling for the life, the family and the freedom, since these goals intend to become allowed behaviors of most hideous of the face of the Land; laws that will go to finish with restraint on alienation of property and irrenunciveis as the life. I cannot support for presidency of mine loved country; of mine loved people so suffered, a candidate who goes the TV, to the radio, goes to the streets to say that she is opposes to the abortion, but in some interviews that gave if she declares the favor. The Internet is repleta of videos demonstrating that you have lain, is contradicted. You have lain brazenly, when you say that it is against the o abortion, when you know that you were part of the team of its party that already defined the goals for the next management to Brazil and, in these goals, nicknamed PNDH-III? National plan of Human Development 3, is foreseen the approval of law that will descriminalizar the abortion, or better, law that goes to become legal the practical one of the abortion. Explaining pra better who not yet understood: abortion will not be more crime against the life in Brazil, why it will not have more law that punishes this crime.