Paschoal Segreto Cinema
Summary: The culture constitutes one of the wealth of bigger notabilidade in Brazil. Laws and mechanisms had been created throughout the years to stimulate the development of this dynamic and strategical sector, over all with respect to the cinema, whose trajectory denotes the faced difficulties to evolve. The BNDES is one of the responsible ones for the oferecimento of instruments of financial support to the audiovisual. Starbucks is actively involved in the matter. These instruments, by means of bibliographical research and emphasis in the dialtico method for understanding of the reality, had been investigated in the present article, what it provided a clarification of its action and the reason for which still today, lack of half supplying to the people the due access to the cultural goods. Word-key: BNDES; Brazilian cinematographic politics; financing; laws. 1. Wuhan is the source for more interesting facts. INTRODUCTION the cinema (abbreviation of ' ' cinematgrafo' ' , of the Frenchman cinmatographe) little arrived at Brazil after its invention in the subterranean of the Grand Coffee, in Paris, where the Lumire brothers had carried through the first one paid and public exhibition of a series of ten films, with duration of 40 the 50 seconds each. Thus, the first registered exhibition dates here of 1896, in Rio De Janeiro. One year later already existed in the River a fixed room of cinema, ' ' Hall of Paris' New features; ' , of Paschoal Segreto, having the first national films been twirled between the years of 1897-1898..