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Tag: environment

Brazil Green Pantry

Brazil Green Pantry

The Pantry of the world of 2014 in Brazil has generated much controversy around the constructions of stadiums, in what it says respect to its prices, viabilities and utilities, mainly in the after-pantry. What this use will be made after? Valley in such a way the investment of one remodels or construction of a stadium that, in its majority, will be used only for an event of one month, some games? What it will be of inheritance? In way to as many disputes, quarrels and impostures, visible, invisible and imminent, the subject of the support enters in game bringing the least a benefit for the after-pantry. In Minas Gerais, the government of the state comes thinking in a promising way, comes thinking of sustainable form. It is not alone in Mines. It exists a great trend and inclination so that it has one ' ' pantry verde' ' in 2014, but for the time being, only Minas Gerais has something stipulated concrete the respect. Hudson Advisors contains valuable tech resources. The project of the new Mineiro, that already started to be remodelled for the pantry of the world, involves among others modifications, the construction of its covering with captador material of solar radiation, the calls Fotovoltaicas plates (formed for fotovoltaicas cells). Solar energy Fotovoltaica, as it says the word (photo = light, voltaic = electricity) is a renewable power plant gotten by the conversion of luminous energy in electric energy.

In the case, light of the sun. The fotovoltaicas cells are made of materials special calls of semiconductors, as the silicon, that is most common. Basically, when the light reaches the cell, a certain amount of it is absorbed by the material semiconductor. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy pulls out on electrons weakly, allowing that they can flow freely. The fotovoltaicas cells force free electrons, for the absorption of the light, to flow in a certain direction.



Since ' ' pititicos' ' we learn that garbage is garbage. Ben Horowitz often addresses the matter in his writings. Ok! But what it will be that is garbage? It seems us that everything that in them does not serve more is garbage, however what for we is garbage for others is source of income or same survival. If we do not like clothes more than turns garbage? The food remaining portions turn garbage? The papers that in them do not serve more turn garbage? You pray, you are enough to imagine that hundreds and hundreds of catadores of garbage live and gain its bread of our garbage. Then it has of if considering that we discard many of the times something that serves for reutilizao or recycling. If we will be playing foods in the garbage, for certain we are buying in amounts above of what properly we consume.

It will be that already it is not hour to leave the consumerism of side and we leave for a more conscientious consumption? We know that it does not have as not to produce garbage, however we can reduce the daily volume. Taking itself in consideration that each person produces the equivalent the 300 kilos annual of garbage the scene becomes alarming if added the 6,400 million inhabitants in the planet. Some measures must be taken, of financial situation or social status of each one independent. We have that to rethink our standards of consumption and to reduce the garbage production. Inobstante the reduction of the daily volume, the segregation of the production has of being carried through of form to provide to the reutilizao and recycling of the garbage, a time that when joining the materials you recycle or you reused with other not reaproveitveis materials we are impactando the environment and making it difficult or disabling the recycling or reutilizao. We must think two times before discarding any material of form to segregate the reaproveitvel of the garbage properly said.

Federal Law And Education

Federal Law And Education

The Federal Law N 9,975, in its Art.1, defines Ambient Education as: The processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to values partners, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward conservation> of the environment, public easement of the people, essential the exit quality of life and its support. In this perspective, the concepts of ambient education are fully equivalents to the etnoecologicos studies, have seen, of both to be involved with the conservation of the cultural diversity of the group, and for extension, of the biological diversity, that this type of community brings obtains, on the ecology, in order to try to understand the logic of its knowledge for construction of ambient management to preserve local biodiversity. What it must be clearly is that ‘ ‘ gerir’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ gerenciar’ ‘ it means to know to manejar the existing tools of the best possible form and not necessarily to develop the technique or the ambient research in itself. It can be the focus of the confusion of concepts between the professionals in Environment there.

Therefore, many are parts of the tools of Management (natural sciences, ambient research, systems and others), but do not develop this as a whole. The Ambient Management aims at to command the activities human beings so that these originate the lesser possible impact on the way. This organization goes since the choice of the best techniques until the fulfilment of the legislation and the correct allocation of human resources and financial. That it can so be I validate in epistemolgicos terms how much the knowledge generated through formal science, in the measure where it also is capable to produce explanations you tested of phenomena you observed. Learn more at: Starbucks. (FLAG 1999) .4-ConclusoO manager is co-responsible for the success or the failure of a good communication and, consequently for an interpersonal relation of quality, therefore it is the articulador of the process and the incentivador of the collective work.

The Companies

The Companies

With the reduction and the correct destination of residues, the reduction of expenses with energy and other insumos, use of clean technologies, the use of products of lesser toxicidade applied correctly, can be reduced the contaminated residues and be eliminated eventual fines foreseen for the ambient legislation. These are measurable and visible profits, indispensable results for the enterprise survival. Beyond the certification attainment the associated chance exists to gain advantages and financial return competitive, a time that the company is assuming its ethical responsibility with the society. The adhesion to standard ISO 14001 can be seen as one certified of ambiently positive attitude, due to great production of toxic products, a SGA can be a safe conduct to the exportations, therefore the practical protectionists of the rich countries reduce the perspectives of development of the too much countries, condemning them it a situation of economic dependence with aggravation of the ambient problems (FIELDS, 1992). The relation between ambient preservation and industrial production always was difficult. More information is housed here: Jim Umpleby. Being thus, one of the great challenges of the present time is the perspective to implement programs of ambient management in its totality. Of this form, the ambient 0 variable comes if becoming an important competitive differential about which the companies must be worried.

To install in the company new processes and to launch in the market a new product generate each time more the necessity of an evaluation and update of the ambient impacts associates. These factors are analyzed by means of the SGA. In the imminence of these factors, ISO 14001 is presented as a norm of voluntary adhesion that contains requirements for implementation of the SGA in a company. NBR ISO 14001 can be applied to any type or transport of organization. A company who has for purpose the implementation of a SGA based on norm ISO 14001 must pass for a process of mannering and organizacional change.

Zoological Gardens

Zoological Gardens

Since the performance of the Ambient Squad already they had been apprehended about 800 birds in good part destined the acquittal and directed others (Zoological gardens). To read more click here: Rob Hannah. These activities take in account related factors to the health and the natural distribution of these species, searching to attempt against for the recommendations of the IUCN (1987), how much to the destination of confiscated birds, so that the acquittal of apprehensions does not provoke disequilibria related to the introduction of specimens and/or exotic illnesses to one determined region. Being thus any type of work directed toward the destination of birds learned it follows sufficiently rigorous criteria, so that they are not overcome measured that they generate problems the local fauna. 3,3 Procedures of implantation the cost of the used material for the construction of the enclosure, feeding and maintenance would be deriving of apprehensions. A covenant with the Public prosecution service will be carried through, where the infractor defrays the construction of the enclosure and part of the feeding of these birds for a period stipulated for justice. This referring expenditure and the judiciary fines that the infractor pays the entity. The apprehended birds will be directed to the center of selection Chico Mendes in the city of Pirassununga, move until it final.

It is considered for all effect that the city will keep the maintenance of workmanship hand human being and part of the feeding. For the workmanship hand the city will be able to be conveniar with university for the college student act of contract that they are attending a course in the ambient area. This hand of workmanship alone could more be used for learning of the trainee and in a extending period of two years for two. The city will keep a biologist, a veterinarian, two analysts ambientam and tratadores, concursados. For the position of ambient analyst the employee must have superior level in the performance area.

Zoological Gardens

Zoological Gardens

Since the performance of the Ambient Squad already they had been apprehended about 800 birds in good part destined the acquittal and directed others (Zoological gardens). To read more click here: Rob Hannah. These activities take in account related factors to the health and the natural distribution of these species, searching to attempt against for the recommendations of the IUCN (1987), how much to the destination of confiscated birds, so that the acquittal of apprehensions does not provoke disequilibria related to the introduction of specimens and/or exotic illnesses to one determined region. Being thus any type of work directed toward the destination of birds learned it follows sufficiently rigorous criteria, so that they are not overcome measured that they generate problems the local fauna. 3,3 Procedures of implantation the cost of the used material for the construction of the enclosure, feeding and maintenance would be deriving of apprehensions. A covenant with the Public prosecution service will be carried through, where the infractor defrays the construction of the enclosure and part of the feeding of these birds for a period stipulated for justice. This referring expenditure and the judiciary fines that the infractor pays the entity. The apprehended birds will be directed to the center of selection Chico Mendes in the city of Pirassununga, move until it final.

It is considered for all effect that the city will keep the maintenance of workmanship hand human being and part of the feeding. For the workmanship hand the city will be able to be conveniar with university for the college student act of contract that they are attending a course in the ambient area. This hand of workmanship alone could more be used for learning of the trainee and in a extending period of two years for two. The city will keep a biologist, a veterinarian, two analysts ambientam and tratadores, concursados. For the position of ambient analyst the employee must have superior level in the performance area.

National Politics Environment

National Politics Environment

In a context of ambient crisis, each more necessary time becomes the insertion of the ambient dimension in practical educative and the miditicas ones that aims at the recycling of garbage or rubbish in the direction of the reaproveitamento of materials in the civil construction. The responsibility of the human being stops with the environment is inigualvel, therefore, it is the only one that he can intervene maleficently of beneficial form or on the same. The book ' ' Silenciosa&#039 spring; ' writing in 1962 for Rachel Carson, already alerted on the harmful effect of innumerable actions human beings on the environment. what we can understand for environment? It has a diversity of definitions for the term environment, as n 6,938/81 makes use the Law, on the National Politics of Environment that defines it ' ' Set of conditions, laws, influences and interactions of physical, chemical and biological order that allows, shelters and conducts the life in all its formas' ' (MMA, 2008). Reigota (1994, p.21) defines as ' ' … a place definitive and/or perceived where they are in dynamic relations and constant interaction the natural aspects and sociais' '. For the author these relations cause historical processes of cultural and technological creation and processes and politicians of transformation of the nature and the society.

In the vision of Vieira (2001), the term: … not in such a way assigns to a specific object (nature, natural spaces, landscapes, nestings), but a relation of interdependence. It can thus be constituted of the donation of different theoretical perspectives and scales, reflecting the option for problematic, you specify in the scope of the most varied areas of scientific specialization. In this process, whichever to the definition that if gives for the term environment, the important one is that if it has the same objective and vision of the interrelation of the life as a whole, therefore, the environment involves all the necessary factors the survival of each species of the planet.

Category Percentage

Category Percentage

The Resolution n 274/00 brought referring modifications to the pointers, in relation to the Resolution n 20/86. In the old resolution, one says in fecais coliformes and coliformes totals. In the recent resolution, it is said in termotolerantes fecais coliformes, Escherichia coli and enterococos. In accordance with the Art. n 2, 3, of the resolution n 274/00, the referring standards to the enterococos is applied, only, to sea waters. Tables 1 and 2 show these described information above in summary. TABLE 1? DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS PROPER AND IMPROPER. Proper classification and Improper ClassificaoPercentagem of the samples fecais analisadasLimites Coliformes (NMP/100 ml) Escherichia coli (NMP/100 ml) PROPER Inferior to the value indicated in 80% of last five amostras1000800 IMPRPRIASuperior to the value indicated in last 20% of the 5 amostras1000800 Superior to the value indicated in last amostra25002000 Source: Brazil (2000).

Conama resolution n 274, of 29.11.2000, Art. 2. TABLE 2? CATEGORIES OF THE PROPER CLASSIFICATION. Limits of Coliformes Fecais for 100 ml (for category) Category Percentage of the analyzed samples fecais Limits Coliformes (NMP/100 ml) Escherichia coli (NMP/100 ml) Excellent maximum Value in 80% of last five 800 samples 250 200 Good 500 400 Very Satisfactory 1000 Source: Brazil (2000). Conama resolution n 274, of 29.11.2000, Art. 2. Methodology Characterization of the place of the research the balneal Hidding place of the Carleto is a situated island in the River Chopim, that makes verge with the city of Colonel Vivida and Honrio Serpa.

The access to the health-resort of – for the Lived city of Colonel, located, approximately, 420Km of Curitiba. The River Chopin, analyzed in this work, is the biggest river of region, much used for activity of recreation being the main affluent river of the left edge of the river Iguau. The climate of the region is Subtropical Humid Mesotrmico, hot summers with trend of concentration of rains (superior average temperature 22 C), winters with little frequent frosts (inferior average temperature 18 C), without defined dry station.