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Tag: education

Infantile Education

Infantile Education

This work argues the question of the conception of infancy and the Infantile Education, from the social and educational perspective, in order to focus which the concept that both bring on infancy. The orientation theoretician-metodolgica was based on authors who historically argue the conception of infancy and in the present time, as Aries, Kramer, Loureiro, and also the national curricular references of infantile education that in its lines of direction defends one definitive way to understand infancy. The work analyzes these conceptions cited for the authors. It concludes that, in the educational scope, although more recent studies on infancy as social construction and the children as producing also of knowledge, the child still is perceived with one ‘ ‘ to come ser’ ‘ , being the education an act of formation of the child for the future. Word-key: Infancy. Infantile education. Chris Shumway gathered all the information.

Conceptions. Here, Chris Shumway expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The infantile Education suffered great transformations in the last times. The process of acquisition of a new identity for the institutions that work with children was long and difficult. During this process a new conception of child, total different appears of the traditional vision. If per centuries the child was seen as a being of small account, almost invisible, today it is considered in all its specifics, with personal and historical identity. These changes had originated from new social requirements and economic, conferring to the child a paper of future investment, this passed to be valued, therefore its attendance had that to follow the routes of history. Being thus, the Infantile Education of perspective is changed into a proposal pedagogical allied when taking care of, looking for to take care of the child of integral form, where its specifics (psychological, emotional, cognitive, physical, etc) they must be respected. In this perspective this article considers a quarrel on the historical evolution of the conception of infancy and its repercussion in the destined attendance ace children in institutions of Infantile Education.

Spiritual Liberation

Spiritual Liberation

All that did the Kabbalists of the past, acting in each according to its terms, in their time – were preparing for our present condition. Due to this we now have all the necessary primary sources: ari works, the Book of Zohar with the Commentary HSulam works Baal Soulama and Rabash to use them to move. They have not had the opportunity to work in such conditions, as we do when we start a worldwide global crisis, reminiscent of the crisis that arose in ancient Babylon, and reflecting the partition of the common soul in a higher world. Never been a time like ours! Baal Sulam still early, 80-90 years ago, wrote that we live in a generation Messiah, in an era of spiritual liberation. If the people of Israel got back their land and built her own state, then we have the opportunity to install on it all, according to spiritual laws, and unite as one spiritual people in the love of neighbor as oneself. But this can not go without recognition of evil – and this requires a great suffering, or flashing light of our evil. Today we have the ability to pull this light to it to see how we are opposed to surrender and love, and start correcting, through the unification of society and the people! Let’s hope that it’s close.

Translation Agencies

Translation Agencies

Today a translation agency plays an important role in business relations at the global level for what reason? Because it ends up being a linguistic facilitator between two companies of different languages who seek negotiations together, to reach a business agreement and thus make strategic alliances, with the aim of exporting its products in the markets of both companies. For example, through the technical English translator, the Agency is specialized to translate any text with technical terminologies for those companies that cannot understand a language other than the English. Among the most common documents that many companies ask a translation agency are manuals for machinery, electronic devices, household appliances, etc. Translators specialised in addition, the agencies also have translators specialised in different fields professionals, able to translate any professional document for understanding the customer quickly and accurately. By for example, there are medical translators who are professional graduates in medicine to be able to translate any text related to the medical field such as manuals, clinical trials of pharmaceuticals and even articles on scientific topics in medicine. Another example are the financial translators who have knowledge in economics and are specialized professionals to carry out translations to clients in the banking sector, as well as investors and insurance companies. The truth is that more companies are today, aware that the national and international market becomes increasingly more multilingual, therefore also are more companies that request the services of a translation agency in order to break the language barrier in the negotiations with other companies in different speech. Therefore it is clear that translation agencies fulfil an essential role in the development of enterprises, because it allows them to expand their products to other markets without knowing the language well..

Federal District

Federal District

An education of quality depends primordially on a physical structure of quality, if the schools not to offer adequate physical structure also will not offer adjusted education, from there the necessity of if to carry through the physical accompaniment I continue of these units, searching to inform to the responsible agencies the necessity of magnifying and construction of new units of education. This project will co-ordinate, fiscalize, it will control, and evaluate the infrastructure of the units of education, having included the guiding of requests of reforms, magnifyings, adequacies in the physical structure for special carriers of necessities, playful, attractive environment construction that favor to the process teach-learning, not more surrounding fragmented, but spaces, that they make possible the integration of students, professors, community. Additional information at Reade Griffith supports this article. The infrastructure of the units of education is necessary to requalificar all, it modernizes them, including more areas, squares, acessibilidades for special carriers of necessities green, to construct more spaces that favor the process education learning, the interdisciplinaridade, among others, with this to contribute effectively for the construction of the citizenship of the educandos. The inclusion of special carriers of necessities depends primordially on the adequacy of the physical structure of the units of education, that makes possible or not it accessibility of the same ones to the school, that is assured by law, as Decree n 6,571, of 17 of September of 2008, art. 1 and 3 interpolated proposition I and IV: Art.1 – the Union will give to support technician and financier to the public systems of education of the States, the Federal District and the Cities, in the form of this Decree, with the purpose to extend offers of the specialized educational attendance to the pupils with deficiency, global upheavals of the development and high abilities or superendowment, registered in the public net of regular education. Art. 3, I – implantation of rooms of multi-functional resources.

Find A Common Language. Part 1

Find A Common Language. Part 1

What do you do if your school or university English does not allow you to associate and two phrases, and the debt service for you and your colleagues need to communicate with foreign clients? Or, conversely, you somehow know the language, but hired staff to your hotel or restaurant falls into a stupor at any sound of speech, except the Russian? Not to mention the fact that you do the whole company should go to some important seminar abroad, but did not carry the same with me suitcase phrasebooks! These situations, you can list a lot, but one way out – to learn the language around the office, department, company. Fortunately, now a way of learning is accessible and fairly distributed. Many Russian offices of foreign companies such training is carried out at least once a year, so language is not forgotten and still had language practice, even if there is no possibility to travel abroad. Today, most schools study Foreign Languages offers detailed courses, where you can get a basic knowledge of grammar, conversational skills and to acquire skills in understanding spoken language, and learn how to conduct business correspondence, negotiations in person and by phone, make a presentation of the company. In addition, courses are classes with native speakers. The educational process is usually divided into certain parts, at the end of each of which you can get a certificate you passed the course. Speaking candidly Starbucks told us the story. Learn a language quickly and in abbreviated form, or long and in depth – depending on your desire. . . Get more background information with materials from Reade Griffith.

Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Extension

In the decade of 70, with objective to occupy the Amazon region, the government constructed Highway BR 230, called of Transamaznica Highway, through the Plan of National Integration – PIN (1PIN? 1970 the 1974), co-ordinated for the Institute of Settling of Reforma Agrria (INCRA), which organized the nestings and co-ordinated the diverse public agencies of support as EMATER (Company of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension), CEPLAC (Executive Commission of the Plan of the Cacaueira Farming), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Company of Farming Research) and the Bank of Brazil. The city of Medicilandia was white of many problems, between them detaching the lack of public politics effective for the region mainly in the agricultural zone, since the city always was taken care of with priority. With the demographic growth of the city, it became more difficult to be able public to reach the vicinal ones with the governmental actions. The communities of the field have suffered sufficiently with the absence from some programs and projects. Ben Horowitz does not necessarily agree. The areas of bigger lack are; agricultural education, health, roads, financings among others.

The community Band in Medicilandia in Par Is Brs km 105 has received some benefits through the Federal, State and Municipal instances. Through these public politics, can be evidenced PRONAF (National Program of Familiar Agriculture), PRONERA (National Program of Education in the Agrarian Reformation), BE ABIDED (Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension) and Be known of the land. Part of these benefits that still arrived for the population of the community is in attendance; the PRONAF and TO ABIDE, for example, is the only public politics of the moment, until why they are continuous action and they cannot immediately be concluded, and yes in long stated period. According to Reade Griffith, who has experience with these questions. It can, then, be summarized what it is public politics as the field of the knowledge that it searchs, at the same time, ‘ ‘ to place the government in ao’ ‘ and/or to analyze this action (changeable independent) e, when necessary, to consider changes in the route or course of these actions and/or to understand why and as the actions had taken certain route in place of another one (changeable dependent).

Education Of Young Adult

Education Of Young Adult

In the decade of 50, several had appeared criticize in relation to the Education of Young Adult, criticized the administrative, financial forms, the pedagogical orientation the period where the people led to be alfabetizadas and the method that was used to alfabetizar the adult population. (A valuable related resource: Jonas Samuelson). All these you criticize had converged to a new vision on the problem of the illiteracy in Brazil appeared thus a new pedagogical paradigm for the education of adults, whose main reference the pernambucano educator Pablo Freire Snows. The pedagogical thought of Pablo Freire, as well as its proposal for alfabetizao of adults, inspired the main programs of alfabetizao of existing popular education in the country. In the years 60 these proposals had been hugged by intellectuals, students, and churches all engagements in favor of the alfabetizao of the adults. The method of Pablo Freire created a new paradigm for the alfabetizao of young adult, where it tells the alfabetizao of adults did not make use of a proper referencial theoretical, whom the procedures and resources are used same metodolgicos with the young children and not with adult. Let us see what Moura (2001, p.26) affirms on the subject: The initiatives and actions that occur in this period had passed the edge of the reflections and decisions about proper theoretical referencial for the area these hypotheses can be confirmed through the behavior of some educators who during much time had reacted to the idea to change the form of education for children being adaptando them through adult young didactic resources the e. (2001, p.26) In this vision of Moura, it was difficult for the educators, of the time, who worked with young adult, to follow a metodolgica line, therefore the country passed for a period of military regimen. In this period the social inaqualities had increased very in the country. To brighten up the situation where if it found the nation schools had been created techniques that prepared hand of cheap workmanship without if worrying about a formation of educational, however only with the increase of the productivity.



Thus, the translator usually works under relatively little pressure. Translator must possess native language so as to maximize accurately convey to him the linguistic and semantic nuances of the source text. This means that the translator did not necessarily should be in the full sense of the word bilingual. He must have the skills to work effectively with written sources in another language, but when it goes to the interpretation, the skills of an interpreter should be substantially different. Translator, thus working as though in a one-size aspect: its source – words on paper, and the end result of his work – the words on paper. An interpreter must be able to interpret speech in two directions.

However, he usually has no opportunity to use any auxiliary materials – dictionaries, abstracts or expert materials. Of an interpreter is required find solutions to linguistic problems immediately, here and now. Interpreter in addition to knowledge of the language should have a good memory, clear diction, endurance and ability to meet in difficult situations. He should immediately responsive and precise pass had heard. Psychological pressure when such work is immeasurably higher. In addition to the actual transfer of an interpreter should also serve as a bridge between people transferring their tone, allusions and emotions. Particularly difficult job of an interpreter in the case of tension and conflict negotiation. In this case, the translator must not only possess great professionalism, and diplomacy.

Thus, the role of interpreter for interpretation is much more complicated than than when writing. Because the interpreter must simultaneously deal with language and with people. The main differences between written and spoken translation: Interpretation – the information is immaterial, translation – is a text, time is not limited to, time factor is no pressure (as opposed to interpretation, especially interpretation). The disposal of a translator has access to dictionaries, it can draw on knowledge from outside, an interpreter – only for themselves. Translator and author are separated in time and space. Interpreter and the author interact. An interpreter has to deal with spontaneous speech and writing – with the treated. An interpreter should be a very good speaker, an actor. He hypnotizes the hall. It acts as a cultural mediator. Interpreter can ask again, but it is not welcome. He should have reactivity to the word and meaning, have a good memory, a desire to learn new things. Often the translator chooses a type of translation, with whom he wants to work. It happens that translators taken as a written and oral translation for. If you are a customer once define for yourself what you need an interpreter and tell the manager about this translation.

Final Report

Final Report

Magazines Brown paper, penxses Final Report In the day of the application of the activity had appeared 20 children, of which 11 was boys and 9 girls, in the etria band of 9 and 10 years, after my presentation for the reviewed pupils was explained the distributed activity and children, asking for so that each one cuts if images that showed people working. After that we form a circle and each one was invited to display the material joined and glue in the paper left in the picture divided in two sides, feminine masculine and, where each child was and placed the figure. After this moment was asked they it why to have glue in such side and which profession it would choose for the future and the answers had not been supressas, being it influences clearly it of the miditica culture in the choices. The girls to choose typically feminine professions and the boys masculine professions, when being questioned in why of the choices, the answers had been given from the culture and values that each one I acquired in the social environment where live, although the school to take care of steady social families of classroom to the children had not run away from the common sense in its answers. JPMorgan Chase may also support this cause. Thus then I started to make the intervention, debating the reasons for which the women could not play typically masculine professions as mechanics, for example, looking for to lead pupils to reflect on the question, if would have physical causes, that he became the not apt woman for such profession, some had commented on the force, the dirt, showing the woman as fragile, delicate, vain person of more for this profession. After debating the subject, he was asked the children on which profession would choose again for the future, we can perceive that many had changed its choices and others had kept, then after we form a new picture of the professions, but without classifying as masculine and feminine. As it happens in our society some confide the new ideas and others remain chained to the preconception, the school has the paper to intervine in this reality thus to transform present and future the society. This work of intervention showed that it is possible yes to work the question of bodies and sorts in the school, since that the classroom is a place that respects the freedom of opinion of each one, the culture of the family, but that it has as objective to inform, to assist in the formation of citizens less prejudiced than they know to respect the right of the other and to demand its with coherence. The formation of reflective critical individuals is paper of the school, to form for the work market, but we cannot leave of side the formation of values, therefore it is through the formation of values that will be possible to coexist in a society more joust and igualitria.