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Office Methods

Office Methods

For the successful work of the organization (enterprise) in conditions of market relations in the first place should increase social activity of every employee – proactive, creative focus, self-discipline. This can be achieved by controlling interest and in interest. Implementation of this general satisfaction contribute to social and psychological methods of management that provide effective conditions for transition operation of the organization in modern conditions. The purpose of these management techniques – to explore and use the laws of mental activity workers to optimize mental phenomena and processes in the interests of society and every individual. Social management practices on the content and targeting and mapping of objective social relations and relations within the workplace and in between. They provide formation and development of labor collectives through mind control and behavior of people across the factors of their activities. These factors include the needs, interests, motives, ideals, goals, inclinations. Depending on this social management practices into the following groups: – the methods of social control massive process – management groups – management teams and processes – the methods of social regulation and methods social prevention – methods of social regulation – methods rolovih changes.

The object of psychological methods of management at the enterprise level (enterprise) is an individual, a purpose – to control mental activities of each individual employee for the rational regulation of his behavior and a possible relationship in the workplace, creating on this basis in the workplace morally optimal psychological climate, which promotes the revitalization of the workers. Psychological methods of management are divided into these main groups, namely: 1) methods of formation and development workforce and 2) methods of humanization of relations in the workplace, and 3) methods of psychological motivation (motivation), and methods of vocational selection and training of personnel. Legal management practices. Management of modern manufacturing is based on legal rules that are rules of conduct established by the state. Legal regulation of social production is based on the methods of legal regulation (in the form of the publication of government edicts, laws, regulations, instructions, and second regulations) and specific prescribing and regulations (approval of the reconstruction project, appointment to the post and the like). Management of the organizations regulated by legal acts of the government, industry and official bodies. Intra-relationships are governed by regulations which gives the company management on their own or together with civil society organizations (trade union). Normative acts of the company are subject to mandatory verification (legal expert) at the sole responsibility of the requirements of current legislation, which provides legal service company. .