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The Staff

The Staff

By the way, the appropriate personnel to the solarium – a big plus of this business. Beautiful tanned girl not only tell a lot of interesting and useful information about the process of tanning, or pick up an individual program for your skin type, but will also sort of a walking advertisement, showing a lovely result of the artificial sun. True, such a 'publicity stunt' additional costs – employees need to pay at least $ 400 a month. In principle, the first stage can be done without additional labor. For example, girls from the 'Sole' just hired an administrator, accountant, cleaner – at salaries, and two therapists – to interest.

In all other cases, cost on its own. Another necessary item of expenditure – advertising salon. Certainly, in comparison with other investments, this amount is not too annoying, but it takes time and effort. – To begin, we have printed business cards and 10,000 flyers – the man who came with him, gets a 10 percent discount. Specially trained people carried the Flyers to the entrances and mailboxes – for the month scattered 6,000 pieces. This is a very profitable business on those ads, many are coming. Then we do a substantial discount to our regular customers.

For example, minute tanning we have is 26 rubles, and if the ticket is purchased at once for 75 minutes, give 20 percent discount. In general, the opening of the tanning salon – business, though troublesome and costly, but profitable. Bobby bland has similar goals. By the way, now sellers offer solariums and consultants in this business, and even fairly quickly to help implement plans for the organization's own studio. For example, in the same cabin 'Sun and the City' is a department where experts in the field of artificial sun tell us how better and more profitable to open and place a solarium. And even count the budget (consider all costs and profits will predict), will pick up the necessary equipment, train technical minimum staff (if desired, can even in Germany) and subsequently will supply parts and perform repairs. Among other things, some firms can provide all the necessary printing products: flyers, posters, stickers, information leaflets for visitors to the questionnaire, club cards, etc.), as well as clothing for the staff, performed in a single design style with interior design.

Silk Printing

Silk Printing

Offset printing on balls – allows you to print at high speed. This is useful when for example a manufacturer of balls launches the game balls with a certain pattern circulation of 50000 and more and the requirements for image quality is not high (such balls are usually made to be sold in retail, but not for advertising), the quality of care in second place in the first place – time and time – money, in this case – Offset way to justify itself. It should be noted that the offset can cause the inscription on the balloon around the entire circumference of the ball as well as during the application on the ball – the ball rotates. Also printed on the circle can be, and other methods such as typing on the balls around the circumference can and using the method of printing Silk screen printing, but only by special equipment. The situation is similar to the method – Tampo.

In offset platemaking need specific equipment and expertise. Offset printing on the balls difficult to achieve smooth border print layout, just hard to apply a coat of paint desired thickness, which is necessary because the problem of balls – be bright and attractive – which is why demand for quality printing on balloons are growing – especially in the production of advertising balloons. The essence of Offset printing method, flexographic printing on a round shaft-cylinder-drum attached pre-prepared plate (a plate etched or made by an engraver positive or negative image layout for printing), the drum rotates, and with one hand contact with another cylinder, which in turn rotates dipped into the tub with paint, so the plate with the layout evenly paint, and then continuing to rotate the shaft-cylinder-drum plate on the other side touches the ball – so the ball is passed image.

Information Service

Information Service

So it was in years past. Such a pattern is expected in the upcoming summer season. There is one promising area not addressed in this article – domestic tourism. But this is a topic for another conversation. Attract money paying compatriots and foreigners who wish to travel to Russia, much harder than selling overseas tours.

This requires the creation of a product to the world standards, it is very difficult: good hotels in this country is not enough, need skills foreign economic activity. Yes, and a license to a certificate in domestic tourism as a nd is not easy. Stages of a travel agent – Search for office. – Registration of legal person. Obtaining a license, hygienic certificate.

Certification Services "outbound tourism". – Registration of signs or outdoor advertising. – Office equipment, training of staff. – Study tour on hotels. – Visit the tourist exhibitions. – Conclusion contracts with tour operators. – Advertising in the press. – Submitting to the tour's first customers. Most popular countries among Russian tourists Following the summer season 2002, Turkey – 27,2% Spain – 11.2% Cyprus – 8.4% Croatia – 7.6% Egypt – 5.8% Russia – 5,6% Other countries (including Ukraine – 1,5%) – 34,2% Rate prepared banko Information Service "based on a survey of more than 600 travel agencies in Moscow. How much can you earn? Account Doll. to Wed for months. Percent of revenue in the sl. for months. Gross Revenue Expenditure 3500 100 3000 85,7%, including: – the rental of rooms (50 square meters. M) 1000 28.6% – for staff salaries (4 pers.) 1200 34,3% – to link 200 5.7 % – Advertising 500 14,3% – Other expenses 100 2.8% Operating profit (before taxes) 500 14,3% on the kind of financial results for the first year or two of work Moscow can expect a travel agency, selling an average of 50 rounds per month at an average price of about $ 700 (margin is usually 10%). It is assumed that it takes a cheap office outside the center and specializes in trips to Turkey, Spain and other popular countries. Higher profits (up to $ 1500 per month) appears after about two years, when forming a circle of permanent clients. The calculation was based on a poll Experts and entrepreneurs.

Tank Information

Tank Information

According to large companies, this increases the competitiveness of the gas station. Kprimeru, Lukoil has released a whole a booklet with advice on the use of corporate identity for collaborating stations. This brochure is painted every detail: what size and color should be signs in some staff uniforms must be worn at any height to hang flags and even how to place the urn. So, you have to rebuild the stations in accordance with certain standards. Modifications can be very expensive – up to $ 150,000 to not spend money for nothing better from the outset to build gas stations under the "somebody".

Where and how much fuel to take an important element of the gasoline business – a close relationship with the tank farms and refineries. There can and wholesale prices povygodnee bargain, and the most convenient mode of receipt of the goods to build. For example, on a consignment basis. However, no matter how much flirting directly from the tank farms, yet experience shows that it is most advantageous to establish relations with a major oil company, which has as its oil tanks and other infrastructure. This ensures the quality of gasoline. To better focus in selling wholesale fuel prices, it is useful to use the Internet. Most complete and latest information – site. Daily information is worth about $ 50 However, there is a free way – through an Internet exchange for the purchase and sale of petroleum products ( True, analytical information on market trends still available for the money.

Hurry Before the Crisis Ends

Hurry Before the Crisis Ends

No money – no krizis The inscription on the T-shirt This article is written for those who want to exploit the crisis for their own benefit. This technology is widely used in our company, and thanks to her, turnovers at a time of crisis – only to grow, number of our beauty salons have almost doubled. Many people do not notice, and perhaps never will see the benefits – which brought us the crisis. What is the crisis? This is the moment when people have things go so well as before. Although many before, they were not going well, but now they have the right to declare out loud about it. Yes, because the crisis now! Therefore, bad things are going, do not you understand? This is it, how would you justify What can give knowledge about the crisis? How can you use it for the benefit of themselves? Well, firstly, all the owners of salons urgently want to increase the profitability of the salon. What do you want it for you? That's right, if you can help them do that – you'll earn good money.

Either find a good partner, which will open a beauty salon in your network. Let's look at how the crisis occurs (organized), as is gaining momentum, as it attains its maximum, and how, eventually, gradually transformed into prosperity. For you probably no secret that in life there are certain laws that everything is happening. And, of course, sometimes you use your understanding of these laws to their advantage. The way the world – if you possess the knowledge, you are much more stronger than those they do not own it.

Preparing to Use the Internet

Preparing to Use the Internet

This article is written primarily for beginners on the Internet, but also experienced users I think that will be gleaned from here. I think that raised a good topic since reading this article, I hope you take this advice as a basis and understand how they are important. So the process of preparing himself for the cause, I will often give an example based on the business but the entire process can also be attributed to individual targets. To begin, you must make a choice target. It is very important, you should analyze their opponents, to learn what their income and what is the complexity of the business, how much business is time-consuming. Further, I advise everybody to carefully examine and study all aspects of the case that you want to do.

Next time delay is also a very important aspect is not in a hurry and do not make hasty conclusions. Learn what is consuming a few days and then do one day of rest or just enjoy a one day something else. Even if all you can memorize in one day then you teach it for two days (you can even review the same) and then one day break from the topic and then make your conclusions already. You have to understand that mastering information and education, their views should take a little time. So make haste makes waste. Select the Web site and domain name. Most likely you want to make money online and want to earn good money and not a small thing.

The Basis of Business Building

The Basis of Business Building

To open a business need a large initial capital, the order of 7-15 million rubles. Less business – it is seasonality is not often we have people walking in the winter to swim and sunbathe Payback business about 5 years. The very essence of the business idea is to provide a paid beach with all kinds of "bells and whistles" Needless to say must be sea, which we rent, not all of course, but only a portion (under the laws of the beaches are not sold, and leased to the state, and not on very long term, after which lease terms are revised) Properly fenced area, raises cultural and entertainment cafe, couches, bars, tennis courts, a place to play volleyball, rent watercraft, as well as the rescue tower, bio-toilets, mandatory duty ambulance, etc. Of course waterslides and swimming pool. The basis of income from paid beaches are paid for schet6 entrance + drinks (snacks) + paid services (rent watercraft) Our income will go also due to these funds.

Only in a competitive environment will be a reasonable pricing policy, about 20-30% cheaper than the rest. Ie beach designed for the average Russian. We will not take the quality and number of customers. As to attract more clients, you can spend leisure activities such as concerts and / or live music, set the white tents on the sand and make a romantic cafe, etc. Can organize competitions with valuable prizes, agree because you always want to gain something, even if not very valuable. For example one of the favorite games of the sea is considered to be beach volleyball, so why not organize a competition and winning team for example can give a subscription to visit the beach. Actually this idea can be developed to infinity, for example in the off-season, you can organize an indoor pool, and how you can accurately recreate the wild nature: to make the pool is not the standard rectangular, circular, and tighten it :)) to put decorative tiles, reminiscent of the sea bottom or reef karalovy put around trees and more vegetation, put a bar made of bamboo or styled it, etc.

The Procedure

The Procedure

For example, the cost of registering the legal entity is presented very low, and her later service is available to provide an annual legal address, registration, checking account, a separate pay and training all primary documentation. Ultimately, what happens is that the price is unreasonably high, although initially the client agrees to the auction price dumping. In turn, there are firms that exhibit services market the final cost arising from all costs, fees, translating documents, providing addresses, registration of accounts and the work of the artist. Such cost at first glance, higher than competitors, but it is erroneous understanding of the situation. The same thing is proposed, and the preparation of personal dossiers for submission to the consulate. To the auction price overrides a number of fees and services that people pay, so as he had already tied up the arrangements with the party prepares documents. The procedure for removal or relocation in terms of transportation of personal belongings and moving people is secondary.

Immigrant visa and possessing a long-term multiple entry into the country to even understand what he wants to move to a new country of residence. In deciding the most delivery of personal baggage will, of course, web sites, and of course the party, informing and to help in immigration. Often take the view, and is spent on delivery with a heap of things wrong. Things household use simpler and cheaper to buy a new place on arrival. Integration, adaptation and tolerance interrelated concepts for future immigrants. Not a few important factor is how quickly people can settle in a new place and take as the inner world (a new place of residence, whether an apartment or house) and external (that surrounds the round), place of work and obtaining wealth is also very important. Inner experiences inherent in every person for themselves, for their existence, for my family, for their children, for their prosperity, for their prospects and security are beginning to disperse, usually in the first six months of residence. On many experiences, people living in a foreign country may laugh, but after a time period that happens, depends on the person, his inner strength, abilities and opportunities and prospects.

Immigrant children protected primarily by his parents, himself moving, changing environment and adapt sometimes seems very interesting work or play. Therefore, kids pour into the new rhythm of life is easier than adults. Children's experiences in fact turns out to several times less than the experiences of adults. For immigrants wishing to obtain a full service to the achievement of goals you want to give advice. Do not count on the fact of cheap services, choose a well-known in the market structure of immigration, not processed through acquaintances, friends, matchmakers and brothers. Enclose contracts and agreements, clearly specified the cost and range of services and conditions. Only legally-trained company with knowledge of the laws of a foreign state and the nuances of legal legislation can prepare documents for immigration. Not issued to a secondary product, used the company and other questionable activities. Remember miser pays twice. Immigrants need to know that it's easy and comfortable to live in a new country only second-generation immigrants, ie children. It is worth sacrificing one's health and forces.