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Factory In The Seminar Room (FiS) To A New Product Extends

Factory In The Seminar Room (FiS) To A New Product Extends

After three years, we have expanded the factory in the seminar room (FiS) to a product. Since March we have now expanded the factory in the seminar room (FiS) the product combination socket. Get all the facts and insights with Douglas R. Oberhelman, another great source of information. In a further and thus fourth simulation game participants get the task to integrate the new product in the entire business process now. So far the participants within the framework of this business simulation organized a complete business process (from the entrance of the order until the date of the invoice to the customer) as regards the products of CEE socket and CEE plug in two different variants. (A valuable related resource: Keith McLoughlin ). Here we have given methods such as the value flow diagram, the spaghetti diagram, PDCA, 5A and the 7 types of waste usually in a two-day event.

Since March, we have now the factory in the seminar room (FiS) the product combination socket”expanded. In a further and thus fourth simulation game participants get the task to integrate the new product in the entire business process now. Not only is this exciting Fact that the customer purchases the new product in four different variants, but a completely new document structure and the associated work instructions as well as the job descriptions must be made by the participants. This of course at the same permanent figures in relation to the old”products CEE socket and CEE plug. We are thus even more realistic and closer to the reality in a business process. Often it comes in organizations just not to improve existing business processes, but also in the business process to integrate new consumer desires. “, says Ralf Volkmer, who realized this expansion with support from the colleagues Ralf Kramann and Dr. Rolf Schrader at us.” The feedback from our customers such as, for example, the WEIDEMANN GmbH and Ducker Group GmbH which already use this new variation to the development of their employees, confirm us in the continuous development of the factory in the seminar room (FiS). We offer you our Approach in a two-day Conference on 13-14 June 2013 in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and/or a personal interview before. Your team of the learning factory consulting & Training

Michael Richter

Michael Richter

This in turn leads to or makes decisions with regard to new or amended objectives, the addition of sales partnerships or even the exchange of partners. 3 the external force quickly meet the peculiarities of the respective transaction training / training through the participation of the company goals. This, it turns out, whether and which areas require a deeper information. Click Electrolux for additional related pages. These can be then passed the concerned employees in a concentrated form. This is based on the one hand directly on the company, on the other, cheaper, as if sent different staff to lectures that cover only parts and then laboriously to integrate.

4. a wide range of experiences you can not learn experiences, you have to collect them. Not every company but has sufficient staff or knowledge of foreign markets and mentalities. In order to take advantage of, the opportunities it offered, such experiences externally to obtain ‘ and to be able to go to so that on the one hand flexible on other markets, on the other hand at the same time to transfer the necessary Know-How to the employees. This can be done on the one hand constantly in their daily business, but also in the form of internal training on specific topics. These are few if also important topics for which external support can be attached. For SMEs, this may include the full range of marketing and sales for larger companies if necessary.

only support in individual sectors, for which special experience can be helpful, or where existing staff must be supplemented simply temporarily. And this is the main advantage of external support: it is only temporary, i.e. can be used if necessary and no constant cost. Michael Richter of international marketing and sales consultant, Seekirch, deals with strategic marketing for more than 35 years. By the market investigation, to the planning and successful marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents. He offers the resulting knowledge and experience its global customers for marketing and sales whether SMEs or large companies. Contact: Michael Richter international marketing and sales consultant 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany marketing = = country experiences Tel. 07582-933371

Impressive IT Expertise At The Bpi Forum 2013

Impressive IT Expertise At The Bpi Forum 2013

Enthusiastic participants in the Steering work Bielefeld under the motto’s future now from challenges to opportunities many decision makers of the invitation followed this year again to Bielefeld. The basis for a successful relationship is communication, personal contact and the permanent exchange with customers, partners and suppliers. The continuity in the successful development work would not be possible without the impetus of the end users and the IT partner. Just in the age, bpi solutions speaks of ever faster changing environment not only by customers, but rather by partners who are systematically integrated in the development process. The bpi forum is one of the platforms, which accelerates the transfer of knowledge in a wide environment and an interesting frame.

So, new potential and development prospects, which look not only bpi solutions positively into the future can arise. Consistently positive feedback there was documents for the varied lecture programme with themes from the themes Management, mobile solutions, business process management and workflow, as well as the atmospheric ambience of the Bielefeld steering work. In addition to the lectures of the bpi and its partners, speakers exhibited well-known companies such as Mitsubishi HiTec paper Europe, Hardenberg Wilthen, DIEDRICH’s creative bath, plumbing, furniture, DuMont, Saeed buildings their solutions before. In addition, participants in the versatile automotive framework programme enjoyed. Henning Kortkamp, Managing Director of the bpi solutions gmbh & co. Click Ben Horowitz to learn more. kg, sums up the impressions of the event: “our corporate philosophy is based on trust and customer focus, therefore the interaction with our customers and partners is very important to us.

The bpi forum is an established platform for years and has a permanent place in the calendar of our business partner”. And Anke Kortkamp, bpi solutions, management added: our customers and partners appreciate the bpi forum will be maintained in a relaxed atmosphere exchange of ideas and new visions developed. “Conclusion: A completely successful day, of many of our guests long will be practice-oriented and rewarding, remembered”. About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers for 30 years successfully with a company-wide solution easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and development of to the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Is based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions. The solutions help both the indoor and field and customers rapid communications to build and comprehensive information to provide suppliers and partners. In addition, it is bpi Active solutions as a system integrator in the fields of business process integration, document management and archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers are starting point as dataglobal GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, INSPIRE TECHNOLOGIES GMBH, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which incorporate not only systems, but also the business process modeling enable monitoring processes and results, evaluate, and provide real-time information to the optimization of business processes at the disposal. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage. Contact: Henning Kortkamp bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg Krackser Strasse 12 33659 Bielefeld telephone: 0521 / 94010 fax: 0521 / 9401500 press contact: Hans Kemeny German marketing consulting Berliner Strasse 2 b 23611 bad Schwartau telephone: 0451 / 284363 fax: 0451 / 284370

Steel Posts And Front Protection Bar

Steel Posts And Front Protection Bar

Steel posts and front protection bar provide protection for man and machine with starting guards and steel posts can be avoided serious accidents and associated personnel downtime. For each protection requirement, the HEIN industrial plates GmbH offers the right starting-up protection and bull bar, with the man, warehouse and production facilities are optimally protected. The extremely high requirements, that is in material and construction, HEIN are confirmed by independent testing and certification bodies. Ben Horowitz wanted to know more. Special feature: HEIN provides the appropriate starting-up protection within a day and offers special discounts for larger quantities. The bull bar and steel of HEIN industrial plates GmbH are extremely robust and prevent damage to humans and machines through their TuV tested safety. (Source: JPMorgan Chase). The bull bar from the HEIN range prevent accidents at work and able to withstand even the harshest bumps.

Staff and expensive inventory is thus perfectly protected. According to the BGR 234 must fixed shelves to through – and corner areas by a starting-up protection be secured. The standard prescribes that the starting-up protection is sufficiently dimensioned and fitted with yellow/black hazard marker. Still, the starting-up protection with the shelf must be connected. The starting angle from the HEIN range provide optimal protection even for collision damages. Because the starting angle consist of 6 mm thick, hot-dip galvanized and powder-coated steel and securing thus reliably fixed shelves to through – and corner areas. You can already proactively prevent rear-end collisions by the striking colours of the starting angle.

HEIN industrial plates GmbH continues to guard with Underride Protection, ensuring perfect security with forklift traffic. The shaded warning marking film the steel wall in height of 425 mm, and ensuring that the guard with skid optimally protect employees against accidents with forks. Find matching roll bar, which acts as a spacer to the protection for machines and transport vehicles, also in the pile-driving and collision protection range of HEIN industrial plates GmbH. Robust, 3.2 mm thick, hot-dip galvanized steel roll bar protects facilities from start-up damage with pallet trucks and thus ensuring transport routes. More information about the products for the bumper and starting-up protection are at HEIN found at store/default/de/navigation/ramm-und-anfahrschutz.html.



The software acts as an active interface and automatically creates shop storefront. Thus, all payment options and shipping methods of the original Web shops available are the end customers. You must leave no personal information in Facebook, what comes of many online shoppers despite the need for security. The buying and selling of products is therefore initiated via Facebook, then de facto but happens in the respective web shop regardless of the social network. Thus also a comprehensive legal and industrial safety is,”explains Burgbacher. The software can be used in combination with all standard shop systems such as XT-Commerce, VEYTON, JTL, Magento, and oxide. Also a subsequent change of the shop system is possible without problems. The use of the virtual showcase, especially for operators of Web stores, aimed at consumers is particularly lucrative.

Since this network anyway always more about Facebook and there each other recommended products, can be initiated as purchases directly through the social network. ShopFacer combines Web shops with social networks and is continuously developed further by Kelly Ltd. The company in Goppingen near Stuttgart designed and programmed online solutions for the distribution of products via the Internet and social media since 1997. ShopFacer presents selected products from online stores on Facebook company pages, where the shop operators themselves can decide which products they want to show. The user directly to the appropriate product in the webshop is guided by clicking on a product that is pictured on a social platform. The shop owner will need no programming skills, because the solution comes with an attractive base design and can be easily customized. Also, additional modules ShopFacer offer various additional functions for Twitter and YouTube. Contact: Kelly limited Grosseislingerstrasse 78 73033 Goppingen Tel: 07161-280-09 E-mail:

From The High-tech Idea To The Business

From The High-tech Idea To The Business

Workshop targeted buyers advance their enthusiasm for the innovative product often simply in the part of the founders who start their business with an innovative, technological idea, put founders week Germany. This assumption is true only in the rarest of cases. If the founders also come from the College, they are still not really familiar with the game rules of the economy. Exactly at this point that sets of K-T developed voltage square innovation. It refers to the innovative technology at a benefit for the future customers. It regard the price, which is ultimately determined by the market also supportive, with the high-tech product-related services and of course. Thus the square of voltage for high-tech entrepreneurs has proved workable tool, to validate the commercial viability of their idea.

Dr. Angelika Kolb-Telieps presents it in Berlin in a friendly workshop within the framework of the founders week of the Federal Interior Ministry for Economics and technology. In addition valuable tips on how to develop a sustainable strategy and a strong financing plan high-tech founders from the outset gives the engineer and founding Advisor. Of course it is also on funding programmes. Dr. Angelika Kolb-Telieps has her own company K-T innovation with an innovative consulting services two years ago started after she worked for many years at the University and then R & D- and launched innovative areas in the industry. She has learnt, what thinking barriers are academics at the business in the way and that it the most creation events not specifically is entered.

She their own experiences and solution approaches complemented the customer passes on to entrepreneur from scientific institutions or departments in companies within the framework of the founders week of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology: content: A high-tech idea with the voltage square make economically viable for the future About vision and strategy to the business concept, costs, sales, promotion and funding must be analyzed, to establish the financial plan, the next steps plan participants: 10-20 high-tech founding date: 16.11.2010 18:00 21:00 in 10117 Berlin, Oranienburger str. 66 the workshop is free of charge. Bookings are binding and by E-Mail on. Ludenscheid, the 26.10.2010, Dr. Angelika Kolb-Telieps

The Growth Champions – Made In Germany

The Growth Champions – Made In Germany

Better than the competition – the blueprint of successful company again and again there are these companies defy seemingly every crisis, growing against the trend and move more successfully than the competition on the market. What do these companies differently? What is the secret of their success? To provide answers Prof. Dr. Roland Alter and Christian Kalkbrenner in the growth champions”. The authors have decoded the blueprints of more than 20 successful medium-sized companies there. With a concrete catalogue of measures, checklists, tips and insider examples, this book provides the tools to build their own growth champion. For the involvement in the subject of growth for the middle class, its practicality and the understandable formulation, the book of the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation (Grand Prize of the middle class”) was awarded and awards 2010 as a medium-sized book. Growth champions, made in Germany are companies that assert themselves more successfully than the competition on the market for years.

Medium-sized companies, the shine through continuous presence in the media nor be screened regularly by analysts and journalists. However, they are extremely successful and assert itself in times of crisis. What do these companies differently? What is the secret of their success? Prof. Dr. Roland Alter and Christian Kalkbrenner, multiple author and growth consultants analyze the success patterns of growth champions in this book together. You use the structure of the bamboo-codes, taking into account also the findings of behavioral psychology and advertising communication in addition to the classic instruments of strategic management.

So, they win for the first time precise, in-depth insight into the manner, as growth champions tick. Who wants to set new course or check the Status quo for his company and optimize, takes concrete and exemplary way in this book, as it can grow systematically. The catalogue of measures proven in practice delivers this many concrete recommendations and ideas. The authors formulate the findings from the Talks with the management of the growth champions easy and understandable. You quickly get to the point and indicate what successes with the varied examples of insider are possible. The book is rounded off by numerous practical tips, checklists, and a case study. The growth champions made in Germany better than the competition Roland Alter, Christian Kalkbrenner 240 pages, numerous illustrations, graphs and checklists 29.80 EUR D / 31.80 EUR A / 49,80 CHF UVP ISBN-13: 978-3-869800-63-9 cover-300 DPI: cover-841 eb-841.html