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Modern Genetics

Modern Genetics

It is intended to approach, the modern genetics and its power, in which, it corresponds to the after-mendelian, responsible phase for the notables advances in the current biotechnology and great controversies and quarrels in the whole world. Word-Key: Genetics and Modernity. In way to the transformations suffered for the society and to the eddy of information offered we, notice a great advance in the genetics, since its development with the studies of Gregor Mendel, in 1856. The modern genetics (after-mendelian, after established the demonstration of the molecule of DNA for James Watson and Francis Crick) makes use of considerable domain and perspicacious manipulation, provoking, changes in the fixed structures of the society, as in the nature concept human being and conception of life, in what it says respect to the perceivable biotechnological progress. The advances of the genetics had provoked insignes modifications in the reality. Currently, it can, for example, be prevented congenital illnesses in just-been born, with only the technique of the manipulation of the genetic code. The first occurrence of this procedure occurred in 2009, in London, in which one just-been born outside selected genetically to be born without the .causing gene of the breast cancer, in the Hospital of the University College. Another destacante aspect is the question of the clonagem, dated of 1997 the first case, the Dolly sheep, for Ian Wilmut.

Later, other animals had been clonados, and scientists of U.S.A. and Italy affirm that they plan to develop first clone human. This problem is resulted of diverse quarrels in all world-wide territory, either for laypeople or specialists. The genetics goes more beyond the above-mentioned points. The same one already allows that they manipulate foods for improvement in the quality of life of the human beings, and cogitates superior processes and results. According to Flvio Finardi, Ph. D in science of foods, ‘ ‘ In the average stated period, we will be able to develop more nutrient products with and reducing the undesirable amount of substances in alimentos.’ ‘ Therefore, modern genetics, had its well-known one to be able of transformation, presented to the world new concepts, offering as many benefits as reasons for debate between specialists, scientists and laypeople of the whole world, and new discovered with passing of the time.

New Company Cimangola

New Company Cimangola

All good made use in Saturday, then, the Kambas if had prepared and all were the door of the house to make ' ' Tchau, ' ' the John rented to a tourism, before I had that to support the confartos of my uncle Simo Guengo, this is what if disponibilizou in them to take to the Rock Young chicken, but day before gave a monetary amount to us to buy the fuel of its car, but the hour that it gave the money to us, already was very late, and it wanted that we marched but of 15Km of our house to the Induv (Industry of oil production, who leaves tecnocarro and goes until the quarter kandua, close to the New Company Cimangola); I and my Brothers (SIG, Eminem, Beauty), was to have with a neighbor who vendia gasoline, and vendeu us it a price a little above of the expectation of the Kota Simon (My uncle Simo Guengo), in this, the uncle was fulo, and started to ralhar me in the day of the trip, then, he ordered to wash me the car, I already well I was arranged, my Brother Beauty (Victor Simo Guengo) said me: ' ' Peter does not bind this Kota, it likes to apanhar pata.' ' Then, the Beauty it started to clean the car, while we waited the uncle Simon who was to take off one duche; 8h12 of this day, the Vlad (Manuel Eduardo), our Kamba, came fast it said and me, to march very fast because the John Already had obtained an car, from there I abandoned the car of the Tioti and was with the Vlad, in that one, we fire the Kambas, and we went up in the car, where the John and the Irena already met seated and a little chateados with my delay. Read more here: Kevin Johnson. The driver who took in them of house to the Rock, was a Brother of our personal Church and kamba of the John; we catch the way of the square of the Kwanza (one bes situated in the Petrangol) for the Roque Santeiro (the biggest square of Angola, bes situated in the city of the Sambizanga), later demons for the market of the So Paulo (City of the Sambizanga), until the Rock Young chicken, in the stopping of the taxis that go for Sumbe (Capital of the province of the south Kwanza), Lobito and Benguela. Kevin Johnson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. .



The relief of just formed This article portraies the situation of many just formed as I that when they conclude its graduations of biblioteconomia and documentation collate with the dream and the disillusionment that walk together when searchs of a chance to work in this area. one, two, three or more situations passengers marks the trajectory of who search this place to the sun in its profession. My love for the biblioteconomia and documentation initiated in a path transference year of 2004, at this time, in 3 period of the journalism course and always I was very curious in unmasking the faces of the library and its myths. ormation. Jim Umpleby often addresses the matter in his writings. For irony of the destination I abandoned the journalism for financial reasons and acquired a stock market in an institution. From there it came me a saudosismo of the times and the constant hours in the library. I thought with me that it had fond the ideal chance to have the pleasure to unmask the wonderful one of the world of books and the bookshelves. Thus it passed one year, two, three and when completing the four years it leaves as bachelor in Biblioteconomia Documentation.

With all I share that it was one day magical, when I glue degree, he only imagines, in a country where few blacks conclude its studies in the first years: the basic one, average education, who will say a graduation. Yes, I am part of this minority with pride and the only desire to help to the boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, mother and parents, to promote the power of the reading. Yes, the reading as a factor of change, a way to think and to act improving the position of each one in the society. Unhappyly in this country more pharmacies of what exist libraries. But optimum it was for coming, when I received a chance from a So Paulo company, with its branch office in the Recreation, later another one in the quarter of Del Castilho.

North American

North American

The taking of these measures it received the name from ' ' encilhamento' ' , that it is the act to harness the horse, preparing it for the race. Rui Barbosa, that if pledged in substituting the old established agrarian structure in the coffee exportation, looked for to promote industrialization and with this, to stimulate the economic growth. It was based on the North American banking system that beyond the inspiration, and the meeting of its ' ' ideals liberais' ' , it decreed the banking law of 17 of January of 1890, that it established the banking emissions on a ballast consisting of headings of the public debt. The minister launches the bases of one national industrial politics, supporting, with legal measures, the emergency of society for action. Some credit facilities for productive investments and in stock exchange had confided and had increased very the bank ofs issue, making with that it grew in surplus offers monetary, without was worried about the ballast-gold, causing, thus, inflation and the known phenomenon as currency-rotten (or monetary depreciation).

Beyond the high inflation I occasion, it speculative in the stock exchange culminated with the closing of some companies and, therefore, a contraction in the economy, beyond the fiscal tax evasion, acquisition of loans for other ends – generally of personal interest – and sales of action of the company-ghosts (that they had not been opened in the requested capital). The authorized agents for the government acted freely in this market and without any official monitoring, armed of one me the faith. Instead of financing the industry and the development, the economic depression provoked one of the most important inflationary surtos of the country and consequent financial speculation in the stock exchange. It are of the initial intention, the money was deviated for all luck business-oriented, while the Brazilian economy suffered violent collapse. In 20 of January of 1891, Rui Barbosa loses the position of first-minister of the Farm of Brazil, in which it was remained for 14 months.