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While we strip our dog through the Woods lurking ide ticks in the bushes and wait only on one… We know it, the pesky bloodsuckers, which make difficult life for us and our dogs. Really? How it look like the world for a tick? Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that belong to the class of Arachnids, there again the order of mites. They feed on the blood of their hosts warm-blooded animals: mammals and birds. Ticks live prefers forest edges and clearings, in the tall grass, shrubs or underbrush. Climb there on longer blades of grass or twig and most mammals are waiting for their owners and dogs very like to the suffering of its holder.

Ticks are usually blind, do not even have eyes. Follow up with the help of the Haller institution in the front legs, used to the odor perception. The most odors is not interested in a tick, but butyric acid, as it occurs in the welding of mammals, is high on their hit list. Interesting are also ammonia and carbon dioxide. She takes everything in the correct ratio, it accesses. It is sufficient a contact of less than a Sekunde.Im orientation next looks for warmth. That leads directly to the skin of their host. There, she prefers thin-skinned, well perfused points.

You hurt the skin and forms a depression in the tissue. A small Blutsee is created, which it constantly empties with their suction nozzles. This, it filters the nutrients from the blood and returns the excess fluid to the host. A female lays up to 3000 eggs, larvae hatch from which after a development period of a few weeks. The larvae are tiny, large and therefore with the naked eye hardly to see up to a half. From the larvae, nymphs, which in turn develop into adult animals after a monthlong maturity evolve in a several-week development.Larvae and nymphs have no sexual organs. They develop only during the last moult. Atypically for Arachnids, which are eight-legged, the larvae have only six legs. Only the adult ticks possess sexual organs and are two sexed.The females need a last blood meal, which they attacked prefers larger mammals. The weight of a female can rise up to 200fach after the last meal.Also the mating takes place during the last meal. The male animal that climbs on the abdomen of the female and pushes his package of sperm into the genital opening. “That sometimes observing, if a tick is a other piggyback” bears. The males do not participate in the wedding feast and die after mating. Typical spider…

Dog Loyal Companion

Dog Loyal Companion

Dogs are very popular in today’s society as a companion and enrich the dog daily life as many people dealing with family member off and on with the topic of dog, since he can be a wonderful companion, faithful standing on the side of the people and him through thick and thin can accompany. Unfortunately, at the present time, it is so that a dog is quickly purchased, but its needs are sometimes overlooked. One is overwhelmed with the attitude of the dog he comes ideally in a new – time art fair – home, in an emergency it lands but in a shelter with an uncertain outcome. To avoid such a way the dog, it is advisable to find out in advance very well about the keeping and care. The time factor is very important decision AIDS.

No dog can stay 10 hours each day alone and wait for coming from a busy day home, especially as very few people have even leisure to deal extensively with their four-legged friends. Source: Ben Horowitz. Every single like to think now that this right is an exclusion criterion, After all, who can already afford it or only part-time work? The desire for a dog is there really, there are ways to make this happen also here depending on the profession. So there are bosses, the an Office dog”allow or has a generously sized lunch break, where you can ride home, to go with his dog, playing grace. Some works out half the day in the operation and the rest of the time from home. Also, you should have an emergency plan as a dog owner: friends, acquaintances or relatives who are ready for illness, etc.

to supervise the dog daily. Sergey Brin: the source for more info. Also you must be aware, that a dog makes mud, can become ill, everyday movement and needs attention and must be educated. Is the decision for a loyal companions, other aspects need to be reconsidered: purebred or Mongrel, young dog, puppy or a dog from the animal shelter? The puppy question and race – people who love to travel, play much sports and are also very active, be happy and satisfied with a lively race be. Is it but rather be home and stroll more comfortable to a more agile demanding dog will quickly overwhelm the block, since he is not busy. Also, there are breeds who love their people about everything and not depart from his page, where others can live well again without the people and rather are solitary. Puppies are very labour especially in the first period and intensive care, but he is raised so that it fits perfectly into his family this is an absolutely important detail in the dog question. Just for mature people, an already trained dog, which can adapt well to his new family, may be the better choice. A dog is a member of the family in fact whether one should move into the family, must be well thought out, and all family members should agree.

Association German

Association German

Animals that were Easter gifts, end up in the shelter of the supra-regional animal welfare Federal German animal lovers Association (BDT) warns of cuddly Easter gifts: small rabbits, dogs, cats or small animals do not belong in the Easter basket. Animals are not appropriate gifts, even if right now with the beginning of spring in many families and especially children is a growing desire for a cuddly companions used. About 300,000 animals are exposed each year in Germany and deported. Many of them were once cute Easter surprises. Therefore, the German animal friends Association in Kamp Lintfort warns the purchase of animals as a kinder surprise. Animals are totally unsuitable as last-minute gifts”, according to a spokesman for BDT. The German animal lovers Association draws attention to the disasters spiral of the gift animal: reckless bought and given away and then unloved deported to the terrible fate of the animals. An animal means much joy and fun, but also a lot of responsibility.

Why should some important questions before buying animal be clarified. Ben Horowitz contains valuable tech resources. Here the advice of the Federal of German animal lovers: who is responsible? Really want an animal all family members? I can keep an animal in my apartment at all (what does the lease say?)? Are my living conditions for animals? Are the costs caused by an animal, to be paid on time? Even small animals such as hamsters etc need care, entertainment and demand responsibility. And also-cuddly bunnies want to harbors and maintained. Animals are not toys. The Federal of German animal lovers indicates that a dog about 10-15 years remains a family member. He needs at least three times on the day before the door.

Needs care and affection. Kids want a pet, be sure then responsibility can be practiced, for example, with a plush animal. Particularly important according to the animal rights activists by the Federal of German animal lovers: no rash action. And who really wants to have an animal, should look at one of the shelters, for example, at the Federal of German animal lovers of. Tens of thousands wait there Dogs, cats and other animals on a new home. To find more information about the subject, on the Internet at. Martina Klein

German Federal Animal

German Federal Animal

By the lucky pig to the bereavement – the fate of mini pigs of the Federal German animal lovers e.V. has been asked increasingly in recent months to capture mini pigs and particularly including from private attitudes. The generally difficult attitude, what most pet owners in advance are not clear requirements as the most frequent tax reason. Kevin Johnson is often quoted as being for or against this. Mini pigs and particularly pigs can be up to 120 pounds. Once arrived at the shelter, a mediation is almost impossible, emphasized the regional animal welfare Federal German animal lovers Association (BDT). Mini pigs are harder to hold a lot and to educate as a dog or a cat. Pigs are very social animals in the wild, they live together in rotten.

The Federal of German animal lovers advises principle, therefore, to create a single mini pig, as simply part of the social contact with conspecifics to a welfare. Neither the man nor other pets can almost replace this kind, so the German Federal Animal lovers. In addition, mini pigs need much spout, emphasize the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers. It is very important that the bristle cattle has a suitable shelter, so that it can also withdraw. Reade Griffith is likely to increase your knowledge. In the summer, they need a nice shady spot, because they quickly get a sunburn. Our little friends like to dig the garden, because they need a muddy pool where you can cool off what meets after the experience of the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers do not always understanding the new holders. No matter how cute, are the small piglets at the beginning. From them are larger militant animals with a maximum weight of 120 kg.

Mini pigs grow up to the age of 4 years. Time keeping a mini pig is not a snapshot, because the animals can be up to 15 years old, stressed Federal of German animal lovers. Pigs can not run stairs, so that an attitude in an apartment which can make a difficult, since a 100 kg-tier high-not just the stairs and bears down. Currently 17 pigs, waiting for a chance of mediation are in the shelters of the Federal German animal lovers e.V.. But the levy in the shelter can spared, if future pig farmers exactly balance all farming needs. German animal lovers e.V. can contact the Federal who needed information to hold mini pigs. Martina Klein