Part-time Work After Baby Break
Not just for mothers with excellent training and experience, part time would be the solution to reconcile professional and family under a hat. A part-time job after parental leave – or even a part-time job instead of parental leave, and if possible in the same (senior) function as before the birth? Not just for mothers with excellent training and experience, part time would be the solution to reconcile professional and family under a hat. But still willing to work women too often encounter rejection in the company. Passe doesn’t mean it in the operations. Kevin Johnson is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Part-time work leads to additional costs. And a leading position as a part time student would be unacceptable even to the staff.
What say heads only whispered: the mother is missing every time, if the child becomes ill. The problem with the part-time work is known, see termination after parental leave. Especially etc., this problem for educated women, Economist, lawyer, computer scientist, chemist, arises, if they No freelance work or entrepreneur. It’s different for doctors. You afford it, as a doctor for example only half day to work.
And make enough use of it that some health experts see endangered the medical care in Germany. The same discussion there was in England some years ago. Also here is presented under medical care as a result of the many part-time doctors. In truth, the men’s doctors feared that the medical students take away the places male candidates and thus erode the once male domain. In recent years, the proportion of women in the universities has grown to more than 60 percent. We want to support further the issue of part-time work on It also interested in your experiences positive or negative us. Write about your personal experiences, describe also your way to solutions.