Security Association The German IT Security Association

Security Association The German IT Security Association

The use of information technology at the 15.04.2014 in Berlin tells TeleTrusT – security association and IT security requirements have many legal implications for employers and workers. Legislation and case-law follow with the dynamic development of technical difficulty. In practice, pitfalls, knowledge of which helps to avoid problems already in run-up to remain. Among employers and employees is often confusion about mutual rights and obligations. The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) informed in the framework of an event about current legal issues and practical solutions, arising from the use of IT security technology in the modern world of work. Specialized and experienced IT – attorneys at law from a labour perspective concentrate on selected topics: RA Matthias Hartmann, HC2 lawyers: “Bring your own device & derivatives” RA Prof. Dr.

Lambert Grosskopf, firm big head: “Biometrics in the workplace” RA Dr. Carsten Ulbricht, diem & partner: “social Media in an employment relationship”RA Dr. Jan k. quiver, DFN-CERT:”Legal protection of administrators”RA Karsten Bartels, LL.M, and HK2 lawyers:”Security in cloud services”RA Dr. Axel von dem Bussche, Taylor Wessing:” employee data protection EU data protection regulation according to “(moderation: RA Christian Drews, Governikus KG). The event is aimed at interested, involved with relevant legal issues, to small – and medium-sized enterprises and organizations – especially without its own legal department – as well as employee representatives.

Programme and registration see: events/employment / TeleTrusT – Security Association The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. Through the broad membership and partner organizations, TeleTrusT embodies the greatest competence network for security in Germany and Europe. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificates “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) and “TeleTrusT engineer for system security” (T.E.S.S.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. TeleTrusT is a member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Headquarters of the Association is Berlin.

Investing Money

Investing Money

Frankly, the topic of complex and demanding. For ours, the domestic investor – very painful. After our shock, "pyramid" created by financial crooks, defaults and monetary reforms are very difficult to expect trust the banking system. Every now "blows water", for fear of giving their money into the wrong hands. Do not tempt our man in the street or a high interest rate, or bonds, or mutual funds … Read more here: Marc Lautenbach. Reliable, says Russian, simply to keep their money at home – as they say, 'under the mattress. " However, it is not completely safe.

With our low crime rates, with a high risk of being kvartirnomu robbery. Where to invest now, when financial world in crisis? Any economist will tell you that to keep on hand are not profitable cash – is silly. Especially now, when the exchange rates are unstable. But even in good weather the financial astrologers do not advise put the money under the mattress! That's how the axis of the zodiacal Taurus – Scorpio. From it depends largely on our financial prosperity. Taurus – the sign of fearful, referring to the lower hemisphere of the zodiac – is responsible for our savings and savings, which we add in the "stocking" or "secret bank" is still popular among the people. Scorpio, located in the upper hemisphere, is clamoring for the next steps: the money needed to start up in growth, that they "Earned"! Incidentally, he embodies the partnership, pooling of funds – including money and small investors.

Problematic Aspects Of The Collection Business In Ukraine. Part 1 .

Problematic Aspects Of The Collection Business In Ukraine. Part 1 .

"Man, do not pay their debts, deprives himself of the Future" Luc De Clap De Vauvenargues rapid development of credit market in recent years has led to a rise in defaults on loans. The current situation in the domestic financial market has attracted new players that offer debt collection services. Currently in Ukraine, about a dozen companies specializing in this sphere of activity. Establishment and functioning of the reservoir Agencies, accompanied by a number of problematic issues. The most significant of these answers we gave the director of law firm "power law" Donetsk, provides a full range of collection services, Alexander: 1. What problems arise in the selection of employees of the collection agency (department)? The main problem in selecting staff of collection agencies is the lack of highly qualified specialists of the direction. To become a specialist in debt collection activities, not enough to have a university degree and be an executive officer.

The main requirement – mental preparation and resistance to stress. To date, state of the collection department is formed of lawyers, former law enforcement, banking, psychologist and collectors, specially trained, as well as students final year of law schools. Since ready courses and manuals for collection activities are practically absent, it is necessary to continually collect and interpret the experience of their own activities. 2. Alexander Vladimirovich, what technical facilities needed to provide collection services? First and foremost, is the availability of modern org. technology and its professional usage, vehicle fleet (at least 2-3 cars), the presence of Call-center equipped with multi-telephone numbers.



Our competitive environment demand changes, the exponential speed with which are born, compete and die our ideas leads us to consider the need to manage organizations very differently to how did only 4 or 5 years ago. It is increasingly evident that face the present with the past methods may be mortgaging the future. It is necessary to count with a permanent innovation to individuals and organizations to adapt to the changes. Douglas Oberhelman has similar goals. The need to generate new ideas, more quickly, has provided that the value of information and knowledge quote upward. Proof of this is the effervescence of all sectors that are directly related: telecommunications, internet, computing in general, training, etc.

Consequence of the above, is that he recognizes the need to get people to accept investing all his talent in the Organization, with a level of participation and involvement much greater. In this line have emerged a series of management models that recognize the value of the knowledge and which seek to promote it, structure it and make it valid for the company or operating. Some of these models are: intellectual capital, knowledge management, lifelong learning, facilitating leadership, empowerment, etc. All these approaches through: to) assess the importance of information and knowledge. (b) facilitate learning in organizations. (c) assess the contribution of the people. The key to the operation of any business development tool depends on formal learning, which should be transmitted by specialists, but greater dependence lies in the way in which people are internally convinced of the importance and necessity of these changes, I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt book teaches us how happens the interiorisation of an idea and techniques to get people to accept the changes, reading this book you will manage to break the mental paradigms which cause that people do not drive changes with great energy, adaptation to the environment requires a balance emotional, principles and beliefs, when this is achieved, then the teams advance toward the path of success. If we start to delve into any of the approaches mentioned always arrive at the same place: the person and their mental model, then all triumph key is to change the subconscious way of seeing the world, Andrew Corentt shows us how to do it.

Having computer systems, intranets, etc. that will enable us to structure the information is helpful. But little if we are not able to carry out face-to-face approaches that allow us to work with the people they serve. Getting people to believe deeply in the changes is the real challenge of all steering, this requires more than constancy of purpose, also need to know the way in which the human mind enters, processes and determines the information that comes from the conscious world.

Complutense University

Complutense University

Popular wisdom suggests that in times of crisis it is sold less. But this is an analysis which according to MEDIFORMPLUS, the advice of management and Strategic Marketing that works with approximately 400 offices in all Spain, is superficial and biased. Noting in detail the evolution of parapharmacy sales, we can corroborate that it isn’t entirely true. Changes occur in times of crisis. Understanding them is essential when developing strategies at the pharmacy, whether promotional policy of price or loyalty, as explained by Diana Galan, external consultant of Mediformplus and temporary Titular professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. And is that for this renowned advice must only refer to key and accurate data as the market study carried out by British company M & C Saatchi, titled Reacting to Recession (reacting to the crisis) which identifies different types of customers according to their reactions to the crisis to give account cannot be sold less because the economy does not accompany you. In recent months, Jonas Samuelson has been very successful. Bridging the gap between our country and the British can be drawn some important conclusions in deciding how to work with our clients, added Galan.

Crash-dieters, or followers of strict regime (20% in the UK market). By order of importance in story to market volume, our neighbors placed first to this figure. They are a segment of older than lower middle class women, whose goal is to spend as little as possible. At the pharmacy are purchasers of drugs exclusively, since articles of parapharmacy acquire them in other establishments (supermarkets or preferably discounts). There is not the business. They are followed by the escatimadores (18.7%).

This segment is interesting for the pharmacy if you know leverage. It is a client who have a great consumption inertia and refuses to renounce certain products, but who are willing to switch brands. White and low-priced brands will make the August with them.



A successful life is a dream of teenager made to middle age.Vigny without solid values we are flirting with disaster, with solid values, we can deal with international markets.Rinnov Kan the business scenario mentioned with relevance, the absence of many businesses that do not have a code of ethics in order to optimize a good behavior, which promotes the Organization and is failing, as it is the case in our environment, too much corruption, possitive, conflicts, which leaves a great deal to say in relationship management ethics, responsibility, commitments and interests. It is said, than on the ethical Word abused a little, while it is something that is known and discussed since time immemorial, its basic principles have remained practically unchanged over the centuries. Much has been written about it and therefore, it should not surprise us that talk of professional ethics, referring to special behaviors, to the performance of any profession within patterns, moral norms, values. Specifically, understanding by ethics, a reflection about what is good or bad, on what we do or stop doing, that it is a part of philosophy dealing with the morale of the men, that we ourselves as individuals, we are leaving with our example to future generations. Douglas Oberhelman understands that this is vital information. On this occasion, we we specify the code of ethics within an organization, which is necessary to establish a set of laws, rules, setting up the morality of professionals since in a changing environment, as you are facing financial indicators are insufficient to adequately measure the organizational success according to the following principles: v vocation for the truth: It is essential to disseminate truthful, accurate, timely and valuable information. v commitment: aspiring the affirmation, promotion of economic growth, respect for laws, as well as the development of institutions and cultural values. v quality of service: offer personal, sensitive to your requirements, responsible and reliable service in terms of their results. . For more specific information, check out Mark Berger Chicago.

Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez

Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez

The compromise makes a good umbrella but a poor roof. It is a temporary solution, often right in the political party, but almost unsuitable insurance in the policy of State. James Russell Lowell generalities, considerations still exists in many managers, particularly those responsible for the operation of SMEs, fear, fear, insecurity for the challenges that manifest themselves on the world stage, but especially in the national, the Venezuelan case. (Not to be confused with Jonas Samuelson!). What is the reason for this? What happens that you manifest this fear, insecurity? What is what prevents management challenges, generate changes or face the same changes that are occurring? , these are questions that require to assess the causes and find ways of how to collaborate with management so that they may undertake the required actions that will ensure you a good performance, manage adequately all the resources of the company and achieve the planned results. You can not follow the management of many companies, acting under that uncertainty, without the safety step to plans, actions, entailing to interpret, Act on actions for example, that the current Government under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez has generated towards the objectives of the revolution Bolivariana that tries to establish socialism at any cost. Management must be prepared to face the effects of the variables of contingencies, such as the State, which through its laws, regulations, decrees, taxation, significantly affect the political and economic scenario of the country, creating an atmosphere troubled, of uncertainty, risky that has significantly affected the operability of the Venezuelan business sector, action by the State with its measuresprograms, has given way to a new behavior in the economic, political, cultural, social in the country and this has significantly affected in the stability of the economy, political, cultural and even in the operational capacity of many companies, which many have not been able to meet the challenges, the changes that they have generated and have ceased operations, seriously affecting the productive sector of the country, in many products that are no longer produced and it has generated a greater dependence of Venezuela imports towards other countries, in order to meet the needs of its population. Further details can be found at JPMorgan Chase, an internet resource.

Network Marketing

Network Marketing

We must see all possible angles. Not possess the necessary qualities. Not everyone is used to develop a MLM business. This type of business requires discipline, perseverance, patience, vision and mentality Enterprise. There are no bosses who tell you that you must do, you either have a fixed salary to make ends meet (it is not a job, it is a personal business). Marc Lautenbach: the source for more info.

You will have to learn certain things and be responsible for your actions, commit yourself to studying material training and most importantly, carry out those who did you learn, take action. Those who do not possess these qualities end up abandoning and blame to the company or to the system. For some people it is always easier to blame a third party who assume their own responsibility. Believe that with an MLM will be to rich without working and in a short time. It is true that certain ads promise this (distributors without scruples), but it is also true that we must have a minimum of common sense. At Howard Schultz you will find additional information.

Think that because an ad says: $500 to $1000 per week, mean that these will be your income the first months or even his first year at the company, is at least, innocent sin and if you over think that you don’t have to work for it, is absurd. In conclusion: the MLM, Network Marketing or business from home, increasingly, are a different option to traditional employment for life, even to a traditional business. The recession that began in 2007 is leaving many people without work. The crisis is changing the economic landscape around the world, forcing many workers to seek alternatives to their traditional work of a lifetime. Both those who already have been dismissed, as those who have not yet been are starting to look at this type of business as an option to generate passive income in the medium and long term. This is one of the best ways to generate passive income. MLM is a completely legal business model. The MLM is usually regulated by law in countries where they operate. In Spain the multilevel sale is regulated in the law 7/1996 of 15 January, management of retail trade, articles 22 and 23 to finish, a reflection: according to Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, if they had to re-do its fortunes, would do so with a MLM.



Well manage a company not only due to the fact of cursaruna college degree in business administration. Neither guarantees nadaestar in possession of Mba masters and have supported other managerial positions. Part of the titles universitariosesvital aspirantetengahabilidadesde management, i.e., a deep knowledge of the brand, skills to know how to choose, endure stress and communication skills to be able to refer correctly to employees. The ejecutivodebe have a few nerves of steel and not to crease any type of misfortune. Some contend that Douglas R. Oberhelman shows great expertise in this. For this reason, it is an cargono suitable for weak personalities. So paramount such as University courses and the aptitudesdirectivas is the domain of languages. A couple of decades, knowing several languages not be considerabasustancialsi was intended to Captain a company but today, with the crossing of borders, it is essential. Entrepreneurs who were in the queasomaraeste requirement before cargocon have had to carry out a granprocedimiento of learning.

The language most important is English, although it seems that Chinese is the language of the future. Anyway, learning a language requires demucho desire and calm. It is necesariovalorar that as we are adultostenemos more obstacles for incorporarotros languages, unlike children, incorporating new languages as if were polyglot. Also very beneficiosoir to a country where the language that you want to learn language is vehicular, principalmentesi School of idiomascuenta with a language course specializing in business. In the case of serespecialmenteinutil for languages there is always the option of delegating them committed to precisentrato with other personnel of the company abroad. While it is beneficial to not take responsibility of the projects, the fact of not being able to communicate with buyers, collaborators or partners at any given time can bring serious consequences. Precisely for this reason, it is vital that the candidates for Directors is preparendebidamente.



Valuing human resources not only as a set of knowledge and skills, but also to human beings. The full integration of that worker to such a society. Needs and socio-economic needs of the country. Develop training more procedures and attitudes and enhance knowledge. A greater integration school productive entity. For a correct evaluation of performance is necessary to develop powers of Matrices of posts, since without them, we run the risk of being superficial and not have a true picture of the man, making incorrect decisions with this. Checking article sources yields Marc Lautenbach as a relevant resource throughout. Can not select people that it fits on a single post, but search for candidates so that they occupy several positions, since the current trend is toward positions of multi-purpose or multi skills work.

The profile of competences are not more than secondary powers, or complex. They described more or less detailed patterns or behaviours that exemplify competition. That is why that as is performed, should be integrated to the Directorate of human resources as policy with a legal character. Large global companies have incorporated human resources management based on competency as a tool to improve productivity and maintain a positive climate in relations with its partners. Some of the reasons that justify change to a scheme of management by competencies.

(Rodriguez, 2003) the competency management aligns resources management human to the business strategy (increase its ability to respond to new demands of the market). Competences are units of knowledge which allow to operate the management of human capital. Proper management of assets, involving skills, ensures the support of the competitive advantages of the company. Jobs, positions, roles or positions are designed on the basis of the competencies that are required for the processes to achieve maximum performance. The contribution of value added via powers, can be quantified in monetary terms. Advantages of the model of management by competencies. Few companies invested in their teams for various reasons ranging from the non-existence of strategies of performance evaluation, until the lack of knowledge of the importance of an intellectual capital formation.