

Since ' ' pititicos' ' we learn that garbage is garbage. Ben Horowitz often addresses the matter in his writings. Ok! But what it will be that is garbage? It seems us that everything that in them does not serve more is garbage, however what for we is garbage for others is source of income or same survival. If we do not like clothes more than turns garbage? The food remaining portions turn garbage? The papers that in them do not serve more turn garbage? You pray, you are enough to imagine that hundreds and hundreds of catadores of garbage live and gain its bread of our garbage. Then it has of if considering that we discard many of the times something that serves for reutilizao or recycling. If we will be playing foods in the garbage, for certain we are buying in amounts above of what properly we consume.

It will be that already it is not hour to leave the consumerism of side and we leave for a more conscientious consumption? We know that it does not have as not to produce garbage, however we can reduce the daily volume. Taking itself in consideration that each person produces the equivalent the 300 kilos annual of garbage the scene becomes alarming if added the 6,400 million inhabitants in the planet. Some measures must be taken, of financial situation or social status of each one independent. We have that to rethink our standards of consumption and to reduce the garbage production. Inobstante the reduction of the daily volume, the segregation of the production has of being carried through of form to provide to the reutilizao and recycling of the garbage, a time that when joining the materials you recycle or you reused with other not reaproveitveis materials we are impactando the environment and making it difficult or disabling the recycling or reutilizao. We must think two times before discarding any material of form to segregate the reaproveitvel of the garbage properly said.

Education Of Young Adult

Education Of Young Adult

In the decade of 50, several had appeared criticize in relation to the Education of Young Adult, criticized the administrative, financial forms, the pedagogical orientation the period where the people led to be alfabetizadas and the method that was used to alfabetizar the adult population. (A valuable related resource: Jonas Samuelson). All these you criticize had converged to a new vision on the problem of the illiteracy in Brazil appeared thus a new pedagogical paradigm for the education of adults, whose main reference the pernambucano educator Pablo Freire Snows. The pedagogical thought of Pablo Freire, as well as its proposal for alfabetizao of adults, inspired the main programs of alfabetizao of existing popular education in the country. In the years 60 these proposals had been hugged by intellectuals, students, and churches all engagements in favor of the alfabetizao of the adults. The method of Pablo Freire created a new paradigm for the alfabetizao of young adult, where it tells the alfabetizao of adults did not make use of a proper referencial theoretical, whom the procedures and resources are used same metodolgicos with the young children and not with adult. Let us see what Moura (2001, p.26) affirms on the subject: The initiatives and actions that occur in this period had passed the edge of the reflections and decisions about proper theoretical referencial for the area these hypotheses can be confirmed through the behavior of some educators who during much time had reacted to the idea to change the form of education for children being adaptando them through adult young didactic resources the e. (2001, p.26) In this vision of Moura, it was difficult for the educators, of the time, who worked with young adult, to follow a metodolgica line, therefore the country passed for a period of military regimen. In this period the social inaqualities had increased very in the country. To brighten up the situation where if it found the nation schools had been created techniques that prepared hand of cheap workmanship without if worrying about a formation of educational, however only with the increase of the productivity.

Swiss Francs Nietzsche

Swiss Francs Nietzsche

Unmask the life of Nietzsche Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is of German origin, was born in day 15 of October of 1844 in the city of Rcken. Already to the 5 years the small Nietzsche lost the father being rigidly educated by the mother in Christian moral rules. Nietzsche attended a course Filologia and Teologia in the University of Bonn. Graduated it lecionou in the University of the Basilia in disciplines it to Switzerland of filologia, but being only in a short period that if extends of the year of 1868 the 1879, of this last year finished abandoning university education due to one strong situation atony. Sick person, Nietzsche started to receive a pension from 3.000 Swiss Francs, capital that she allowed it to travel and to finance parts of its publications.

Using to advantage if he is that if he can thus say Nietzsche passed great part of its time travelling for the Blue Coast of France, and for good part of Italy, of where passed great part of the time studying and congregating themselves with intellectual friends. He passed great part of its life in the solitude and abandonment, only having the company of its mother and sister, to this fact if he must to the sfilis contracted in the year of 1866. No longer year of 1889, Nietzsche reached in its psychic life strong crises of madness, come to falecer in 25 of August of 1900 in the city of Weimar. Nietzsche is an emblematic figure and mysterious it demonstrates in its philosophy great allure and I appraise for the life purely lived, that is, it searchs to support in its thought points characteristic of autonomy human being, this in what it says respect to the normalizaes of the society, the cientificismo and the proper religion. In the truth, Nietzsche searchs to stifle all and any fragility human being is this for incurvation or abdication of the freedom properly said to an imposed morality the weak espritos.

Court Law

Court Law

However, I observe that with the regulation of the law that created the SUS, it has the indication of that everything will go to move. Now the cities will have that to follow rigorously what it determines the decree lowered for the president Dilma Rousseff and to invest the deriving resources of the SUS in the qualification of staff, the ranks of health and its proper hospitals. Jim Umpleby often says this. is as soon as must and has that to be. What president Dilma Rousseff would have to make age to send its minister of the Health to Sweden to take knowledge of as functions a true system of public health that benefits the population, without distinction of social classroom, creed, race etc. There, the public service is of first world and takes care of to all the population of the country. looks at that only I am giving the example of the Sweden, but exists other countries that also has a system of exemplary health as Holland, the Denmark, Japan, among others.

E another news article, of this time made for the periodical Leaf of So Paulo, also in this monday (04.07.11), it says that States maquiaram its expenses with public health in R$ 11,6 billion between 2004 and 2008. Reade Griffith may find this interesting as well. According to matutino native of So Paulo, expenditures with reforms of penitentiaries, retirements of public officers, workmanships of basic sanitation and habitacional financing had been presented as investments in health, in accordance with the Health department. The artifice was used to fulfill emendation 29 of the Constitution, that compels the States to spend 12% of its prescriptions in the area. Minas Gerais is the champion of the expenses inflated in the list. Of the R$ 2,7 billion that it declared to have expense with health in 2008, R$ 835,4 million had been discarded for the federal government. The current law affirms that the States have that to spend 12% of its prescriptions with health, according to Constitutional Emendation n 29, approved in 2000. The great problem, however, is that the law does not define what can be considered public expense making it difficult the application and fiscalization of the public resources. The problem could be decided when it will be approved a new law defining which actions would be considered expenditures in the health area, what it would facilitate its fiscalization for the Court of Accounts of Unio (TCU).

Federal Law And Education

Federal Law And Education

The Federal Law N 9,975, in its Art.1, defines Ambient Education as: The processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to values partners, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward conservation> of the environment, public easement of the people, essential the exit quality of life and its support. In this perspective, the concepts of ambient education are fully equivalents to the etnoecologicos studies, have seen, of both to be involved with the conservation of the cultural diversity of the group, and for extension, of the biological diversity, that this type of community brings obtains, on the ecology, in order to try to understand the logic of its knowledge for construction of ambient management to preserve local biodiversity. What it must be clearly is that ‘ ‘ gerir’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ gerenciar’ ‘ it means to know to manejar the existing tools of the best possible form and not necessarily to develop the technique or the ambient research in itself. It can be the focus of the confusion of concepts between the professionals in Environment there.

Therefore, many are parts of the tools of Management (natural sciences, ambient research, systems and others), but do not develop this as a whole. The Ambient Management aims at to command the activities human beings so that these originate the lesser possible impact on the way. This organization goes since the choice of the best techniques until the fulfilment of the legislation and the correct allocation of human resources and financial. That it can so be I validate in epistemolgicos terms how much the knowledge generated through formal science, in the measure where it also is capable to produce explanations you tested of phenomena you observed. Learn more at: Starbucks. (FLAG 1999) .4-ConclusoO manager is co-responsible for the success or the failure of a good communication and, consequently for an interpersonal relation of quality, therefore it is the articulador of the process and the incentivador of the collective work.

Real Crisis

Real Crisis

_ As you could make this! I was participating of a meeting of international cupola where she was being argued the economic crisis that the United States of America will go to suffer briefly! _ What! I have! It wakes up! How soneira she is this, wanted! Economic crisis of the United States! The United States they will never go to enter in financial crisis. They are the biggest economy of the world! This thing of the past. It wakes up! You come to take a bath pra to be able to rest right, you smiled it. _ You must not waked up have me. Necessary people to respect the sleep of the others took off me of a meeting importantssima! now? How I will go to know the outcome of everything? I know that the United States are the biggest economic power, but I go to enter in crisis, yes. Follow others, such as Starbucks, and add to your knowledge base. I was knowing of this agorinha! In these heights I already was waked up, clearly, and crying. In the truth nor I know why it cried.

I only know that it was enormous a mental confusion between unreal Real and, sensation this that it would not know to define. Thanks to God it passed fast. I asked for then that it seated to my side and I told, in the minimum details and of commanded form everything to it that it witnesses. It heard, but he repeated that it was only one dream. dream was dream. For more specific information, check out Reade Griffith. But, perhaps had my emotion, I felt that it was a little thoughtful.

After taking one ducha and lanchar I continued awaken as if everything had slept in those few minutes what it had to sleep. The impression of it occurs what me continued alive, generating vain speculations e, this, obviously, drove away me sleep. I passed the remaining portion of the night total insone, thinking, rethink.

Higher Education

Higher Education

Here are four common scenarios … plan to pursue higher education abroad? Looking for a job abroad? We would like to go for permanent residency? Do you want to go abroad by any means? Overall situation is clear … you have decided that you have enough. Want to change your life for the better. Tired of survival and daily struggle for existence.

And you, of course, think that there, in another country (no matter to what), you will find paradise. For even more details, read what Ben Horowitz says on the issue. There is good, there all high salaries, there is no crime, corruption and unemployment. Only now exactly where it is a fabulous 'out there'? By asking the question 'Where better to go? " and without specifying the details, you find yourself in some the following scenario … Imagine that you went into a huge supermarket that sells everything your heart desires. Come to a counselor, and ask: 'Young people and Tell what you have here! " What do you think, how many days will be spent on such a story? Want to reply to you? Learn to ask questions! PLAN TO HIGHER EDUCATION ABROAD? To get started, decide on their capabilities. Each country has its own requirements for foreign entrants. Do you have a higher education? What foreign languages do you speak? What are your financial capabilities? In what specialty you want to learn and in what language? Answered? Now you can determined with the country.

So in order … Your education: secondary, incomplete higher, higher? You have just finished school? You are waiting for higher education in countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Switzerland … you have already completed at least 2nd year college to home? You can become a student in Austria or Germany. True, you can choose only the specialty, which was studied earlier. Already have a bachelor's degree or a specialist? You can enter a master's degree in any of the universities these countries.

Life Love

Life Love

It seems impossible but one of situations that makes more unhappy couples are the ways of love and behaves in the relationship. In general we’re going only by the love, attraction, but although this condition helps much, it is not the only important thing when it comes to us to link with a couple. About everything when you live with it. An infinite number of factors come into play in the cohabitation of couples. Of course not be they have referred in the light of love, romance, and high expectations of forming a life with someone, with that someone that I chose as my perfect partner. With a great illusion of living a life of a two.

Always accompanied. Always recognized. Always loved that harsh reality is imposed. The everyday ends with all the possible and probable expectations. We are six who formed couple, believe it or not, since each of the members of the new link loving some of coexistence and condescension, and soon, after I feel distraught, or only, or perhaps, I just do not understand what the life partner is beliefs, myths and expectations come into play in the couple relationship. But no, we want all see with the veils of love and goodwill. It is there, where our misfortunes are filled with helplessness always there is a road and the only possible is the courage to revise the own biography, and if not, that also is a choice, as worthy as anyone else, to remain in the circle of suffering of attachment and heartbreak, either a man or a woman. Nobody has the magic formula for this adventure of the couple. Each one of them in particular, will discover their own ways to act, relate or to love.However, it is important to note that each of the members of the couple brings a social, emotional, cultural baggage that cannot be seen in the time of falling in love.

Getting More Customers More Sales

Getting More Customers More Sales

Eight years ago in the United States, was part of a sales team led by Ferrigno Dotty has generated millions in his career. For my results in sales, I won, along with other equipment, a relaxing stay three days in a field with a beautiful lake and 5 star service (if you saw me, looked like a child discovering a paradise). In the afternoon, my head and I escaped in a canoe to go for the arm of the sea and share together, laugh and relax. Swarmed by offers, Ben Horowitz is currently assessing future choices. In the conversation I asked, “What do you want to accomplish with your life, Diana?”. And I said …

“I want it all! I had nothing as a child and I see you, know your history and your achievements and I want what you have. That car, that lifestyle. I want financial freedom. I want to be free. Do not worry about money. I want EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING! “. And these were the three strategies that gave me that today I continue to literally … 1.

Read, read, read My principal read a book a week. He had a library at home with all sorts of topics. He lent me many books and always told me: “They are not ready to anyone because you never come back.” And he was right. I still have some. 🙂 I suggest you create the habit of reading a lot about the industry where you are. I speak from experience. I did not finish school and all I know and all I have achieved has been through constant reading on the industry in which I stand. “But the secret is to read,” once told me my head. “No, ma’am. The secret is …. ” 2. Choosing the best When I’m reading a book, I have a bookmark to point out the things that stand out and attract my attention. My director said that when finished the book, re-start and read only things checked. This, according to her I would help with retention. What I do now is to record my voice while reviewing the areas marked in the book and I go to bed at night listening.

Debt Consolidation Plans

Debt Consolidation Plans

A debt consolidation plan may be the way out of debt. Go into debt has never been easier than it is in today's society. Nobody wants to wait to save money to buy things they want. Although a debt consolidation plan takes little time, can be an excellent way to consolidate your way out of debt. It is difficult to know what to do when you see those offers so you get out of debt without expecting to arrive every day in your mailbox.

The offers of low interest rates and incentives if it is now applied for the loan or credit card. Unfortunately, once some of these projects come each month, begin to add an amount that is difficult to pay. With a plan, it is possible to take all small debts of credit cards and pay them so only one lower monthly bill every month comes next. One way is to have a debt consolidation loan home. With this news relaxes the capital you have in your home. This means that the difference between the value of your property and the outstanding balance on your mortgage loan is equity. If more value then the current mortgage, you have positive equity which can be used to provide guarantees for debt consolidation. But be sure to do your homework before putting your home at risk, putting it as collateral for a loan.

You can not afford to miss payments on this loan debt consolidation home, so be sure to pay within budget. Make a list of everything you pay each month, including all household bills, insurance and groceries. This does not include debts you will pay with the consolidation loan. Then add a quantity of clothing, gifts, entertainment, leisure, travel and so on. Take this amount and add a percentage for unforeseen costs 10%. The total should be taken from your monthly income. The remainder is the amount of income you have available to pay the loan consolidation. Take a look at debt consolidation options available and choose the best type of loan is debt consolidation. However, make sure that this is not a pace that is only better in the short term, as this may affect your ability to pay later if the rate increases dramatically. Remember that this is not going to be a short-term loan, and that his house would be in danger if unable to maintain payments. Once you have chosen a debt consolidation plan that fits your needs, and we are sure you can comfortably afford it then make an appointment with the lender. If you want to improve their financial situation, a debt consolidation plan can take the stress of your monthly bills.