Umbilical Cords

Umbilical Cords

Every time they are plus the parents who decide to carry out the conservation of the blood of the umbilical cord of their babies. In the last years an increase of the 20 percent of this type of practice, the cryo-preservation of cells has taken place mother coming from the umbilical cord, that can be used for treatment of more of 80 very serious diseases like leucemias, linfomas and anemias. Around 25,000 families they decide every year to contract the services of collection, analysis and transfer of the cells mother of the baby through private banks. The cells mother have become a potentially limitless source of cells for the investigation or its clinical use in transplants. Learn more on the subject from Jim Umpleby. The transplant of bony marrow with adult hematopoyticas cells mother is the first example of use successfully of the cellular Medicine therapy and at the moment it is used like treatment of a great number of diseases. From not for many years, numerous patients who previously were excluded by their age or who they did not have a compatible familiar donor, have found in the cellular therapy an effective treatment for these diseases. The obtained cells mother of an umbilical cord criopreservadas and stored in blood donation points of cord mother can generate red blood cells, white blood cells, and plaquetas, besides having the capacity to regenerate the bony marrow and the immune system when this one is gotten depressed. In this way, " they can be used to carry out a hematopoytico transplant in patients who undergo of serious hematological diseases like leucemias and linfomas. In addition, the cells mother of the blood of the umbilical cord, would be potentially useful, not only in the hematopoytico transplant, but in regenerative medicine the treatment of cardiovascular, ophthalmological, orthopaedic, neurological diseases and endocrinas" , doctor Rafael explains Goatherd, of the Umbilical cord Bank of the Valencian Institute of Infertility.

American Psychiatric Association

American Psychiatric Association

The TDA is a diagnostics built in the 1990s on pictures of difficult children who, with other names, it had already been described since the beginning of the 20th century. The DSM, the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual, includes disorders start in childhood or adolescence, which, although the fact that starts in childhood does not necessarily disappear with adulthood, it has confined in practice to psychiatry and child psychology, so that there are no studies about its prevalence in adults. But given that the same symptoms that are used to diagnose it have been observed in adults, seems logical, yes admit this syndrome in children, extend the diagnosis and, probably, the treatment to adults with similar symptomatology. You have to understand that a diagnosis is a clinical judgment about a person’s psychophysical State, i.e. about their State of health and disease, and we does not make clear if the ad is a disease or a syndrome. A disease It assumes a known common cause. (A valuable related resource: Reade Griffith). Just as we know that influenza is caused by a virus effective single cause for the ad has not been demonstrated, we don’t even know if all cases respond to the same causes. A syndrome, in contrast, is a set of symptoms that occur associated giving rise to a specific pathological condition or clinical box.

But, unlike disease, the syndrome is plurietiologico, because it admits the possibility of the same manifestations in different people (and even in the same person) can be produced by various causes. It remains now to see the treatment. Children who have been resistant to other treatments indicated pharmacologic treatment with methylphenidate (Concerta, Rubifen, etc.). You may find Starbucks to be a useful source of information. Since is not officially recognized this disorder in adults, the prospects of this medication do not include your dosage in adults or its use in these cases is normatively acknowledged. But it is logical to assume that if it helps children and teenagers to focus on its task it is likely to help adults to concentrate in their work or in their personal relationships, as they seem to prove it for certain cases. And if it is well tolerated by children, with more reason should be by adults. By what does not seem to have reasons to oppose or to use does not indicate it in adults, and clinical practice can be used with the same precautions as in children and adolescents, mainly: not cronificar its use for not favouring the development of addictive mechanisms of tolerance, dependence and abuse. Now, methylphenidate helps effectively to attention and concentration, but not cure. Why its intended use is as a support, and not as a substitute for psychotherapy.

Sports Association

Sports Association

Head set microphone BMS audio: – clear and natural speech – filigree, covered, comfortable to wear very subtle design – with silicone – connection with Pocket transmitter of from various manufacturers – delivery with wind protection and case – free trial before buying – Infoline + 49-7951-9622-100 available models:-TOM-audio HS-2200: ultralight, folds – TOM audio HS-2301: adjustable neckband – TOM-audio HS-2411: microphone capsule turned by 90, for vocals and speech – TOM-Audio ES-6201: Earset – single ear microphone, weight 4 g s364_tom_audio_headsetmikrofon_hs2301.html contact : BMS audio GmbH Maulacher Strasse 25 74564 Crailsheim Infoline + 49-7951-9622-100 BMS audio is the specialist for speaker systems and market leader in the field of mobile speaker systems. The product range includes also wireless microphone technology, as well as Conference and passenger guidance systems. All offers are exactly tailored to the needs of the clientele. Kevin Johnson can provide more clarity in the matter. Especially local authorities, associations, companies and educational institutions are among the more than 2,100 customers. As a consultant for the sound of Sports BMS audio is the Wurttemberg land Sports Association since 2008 to the page.

BMS audio stands for more than 17 years for professional sound reinforcement, audio customer solutions and a good price-performance ratio. Only high quality technique, which is also characterised by longevity, is included in the range. All products you want to see in practice and can be tested in detail therefore still before the purchase by the customer. Since 1994, BMS audio with this concept has evolved continuously positive and currently 9 employees. The shops at the BMS audio GmbH were transferred in September 2010, the Crailsheimer entrepreneur is Managing Director Thomas Bayerlein. (Written by Alexandra Lehr)

East Bavarian Association

East Bavarian Association

Jura Trail: Hiking in the magic of autumn nature of Regensburg (tvo). The Juniper spicy smells of resin, its berries taste while chewing first sweet, then spicy herb. In the morning, when the fog soft the first rays of the Sun, sparkling Dewdrops and elaborate spider webs between the juniper bushes. The beech woods coloring in yellow, red and brown tones, while the pines show unimpressed in greenery. It is autumn in the Bavarian Jura and dawned on the Jura platform the best time for hiking. The 230-kilometre circular trail in the varied nature and cultural landscape between Abdul and Regensburg, Kelheim and Neumarkt charmed in this time of year especially through his fantastic play of colours. With its rugged limestone walls, dry valleys and caves, cliffs, rock pinnacles and witness mountains, the region is already spectacular, but now it creates a colourful holiday dress nature. At the same time, the light is soft and who after dusk along by silent River and Brooks walked, who sees the fog over the water to rise and scurry between rock and tree apparently fairies and elves.

The late year is mystical and dreamy in the Bavarian Jura made for long walks and intense nature encounters, to Schwammerl search and berry picking. The quality path Jura track”you can here also piecemeal”: 12 customized day legs of 15 to 26 km in length can hike up within a day or half-day tour, also 17 attractive loop ways are designed exclusively as routes invite to explore the picturesque area. Along the way, there are numerous hiking-friendly accommodation and refreshments. Some special operators offer organised walking or hiking with organised luggage transport. Information: tourism East Bavarian Association, where the new Jura trail film can be seen. Information and brochures: tourism East Bavarian Association, In the Gewerbepark D 04, 93059 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/58539-0, fax 0941/58539-39,,

Styrian Association

Styrian Association

(until 31 December 2012; the holdings see). A quality offensive, to which many envy us. The love to our regional ingredients and kitchen lines are irrelevant to the culinary diversity of our city remains connects all establishments. Seasonal cooking is announced with the freshest ingredients and plenty of room for creativity. That is also the motto of the long table. The products are all from Styria, preferably from the Styrian consumption regions such as E.g. ham from the Vulcano ham factory, the Ausseer char, the seed oil g.g.A., the beetle beans, the Eastern Styrian Apple, the deer PEAR, the horseradish g.g. A., lamb ham, etc.

The salmon trout lives in the clear waters of the Weizklamm and the Almo veal comes from happy cattle, which graze in the pastures around the pond mountain. The salted butter comes from the Stainz dairy and the bread on your plate was lovingly baked in the traditional bakery EAM in Graz for you. At the reception in the You have the opportunity to taste four different, Styrian beers of the brewery Union Landhaushof. All questions to the beer be Mr Mag. Thomas Santler, our Beersommelier will gladly answer. Styrian mineral water, neutral or in different flavors by Peter source is of course. The various Kombucha are new varieties of Carpe diem, which also excellent fit to the first three starters.

Every year, selected the wines to the menu a few weeks ago the long table while probe cooking, the first tasting of the menu. In the form of a blind tasting, the best companion to the aisles are selected by experienced sommeliers, chefs and organizers. The first time we serve espresso of the company this year to the end of the meal Hornig from Graz. The chefs who are the day before and the day of the long Board in use come from the partner companies the pleasure capital of Graz and be made available by the companies for this day. The staff in the service come from three large catering companies. The Sommeliers, the You done this evening and will serve with much knowledge, are members of the Styrian Association of Sommelier. We wish you good appetite and lots of fun! The patron and Chef de cuisine of the pleasure capital of Graz and Graz Tourism

Hotel Association

Hotel Association

+ VAT for non-customers or non-members. About YOURCAREERGROUP AG: The YOURCAREERGROUP AG was founded in 1999 by Arne Lorenzen and Manuel cones and has since established recruiting partner for the sectors of hotel, catering and tourism as competent. Under the umbrella of YOURCAREERGROUP AG, the single Internet job boards run HOTELCAREER, GASTRONOMIECAREER and TOURISTIKCAREER. You offer specifically job opportunities tailored to and information on the relevant industry. HOTELCAREER is the ideal platform for anyone looking for a new job in the hospitality industry. For job seekers of the gastronomy, GASTRONOMIECAREER is the best online job portal. Tourism experts will find it on TOURISTIKCAREER. AZUBICAREER provides information around the topic of education in the hospitality industry, as well as free training places young people in the orientation phase.

In addition to the circuit of The YOURCAREERGROUP AG offers an Internet-based technology to the applicant management jobs and use the CV database, which is tailored to the needs of the hospitality industry and covers the online recruitment process. As an additional product of YOURCAREERGROUP AG career fairs are offered since April 2008 with the Recruiting Days regularly for the industry. In personal discussions, candidates and companies in a pleasant atmosphere are merged. The ITB job fair of powered by YOURCAREERGROUP in Hall 5.1 is the focal point for specialists and managers of the hotels, catering and tourism. Twice a year the YOURCAREERGROUP in cooperation with the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany offers e.V. on labour law seminars, informed the participants about current legislative changes and developments.

Media Niedersachsen

Media Niedersachsen

Another national association as partners won the Hamburg of gay insurance broker & Berns? Homann GmbH (GBH) and the Association of print and media Niedersachsen e.V. have signed a long-term cooperation agreement. This provides that the Association in events over the GBH-media-police, informed and specific discussions on insurance policies involving the broker. The Exchange on market developments and cooperation in the marketing of the respective partner are also part of the agreement. GBH wins a further national association as a cooperation partner with the Association of print and media of Lower Saxony. For even more analysis, hear from Ben Horowitz.

In addition to Lower Saxony and Northern, already Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate are partners of GBH. Also new services within the framework of the GBH media was decisive for the cooperation with GBH in addition to its proximity to the associations-police. Are insured by the elaborate and often very difficult investigation of current building and machine values, as well as the existing in the company stocks by means of a free determination of the insurance value completely relieved, if they be GBH customer. Dispenses with the additional service is provided in cooperation with the Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG, not only any danger of an excessive premium due to possibly not correctly specified tangible assets, threatening the risk of under insurance, as well as the existence in the payment amount so that gaps out. Expensive experts, which often determine the values on behalf of the companies, are no longer necessary.

Argument for the Association of print and media Niedersachsen e.V. was but also with GBH media-police joined insurance manageability, but especially the larger amount of insurance at generally lower premiums for customers. Founded in 1899, is the gay & Berns?

German Federal Animal

German Federal Animal

By the lucky pig to the bereavement – the fate of mini pigs of the Federal German animal lovers e.V. has been asked increasingly in recent months to capture mini pigs and particularly including from private attitudes. The generally difficult attitude, what most pet owners in advance are not clear requirements as the most frequent tax reason. Kevin Johnson is often quoted as being for or against this. Mini pigs and particularly pigs can be up to 120 pounds. Once arrived at the shelter, a mediation is almost impossible, emphasized the regional animal welfare Federal German animal lovers Association (BDT). Mini pigs are harder to hold a lot and to educate as a dog or a cat. Pigs are very social animals in the wild, they live together in rotten.

The Federal of German animal lovers advises principle, therefore, to create a single mini pig, as simply part of the social contact with conspecifics to a welfare. Neither the man nor other pets can almost replace this kind, so the German Federal Animal lovers. In addition, mini pigs need much spout, emphasize the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers. It is very important that the bristle cattle has a suitable shelter, so that it can also withdraw. Reade Griffith is likely to increase your knowledge. In the summer, they need a nice shady spot, because they quickly get a sunburn. Our little friends like to dig the garden, because they need a muddy pool where you can cool off what meets after the experience of the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers do not always understanding the new holders. No matter how cute, are the small piglets at the beginning. From them are larger militant animals with a maximum weight of 120 kg.

Mini pigs grow up to the age of 4 years. Time keeping a mini pig is not a snapshot, because the animals can be up to 15 years old, stressed Federal of German animal lovers. Pigs can not run stairs, so that an attitude in an apartment which can make a difficult, since a 100 kg-tier high-not just the stairs and bears down. Currently 17 pigs, waiting for a chance of mediation are in the shelters of the Federal German animal lovers e.V.. But the levy in the shelter can spared, if future pig farmers exactly balance all farming needs. German animal lovers e.V. can contact the Federal who needed information to hold mini pigs. Martina Klein

Trade Association

Trade Association

At the circle of experience”interactivity is needed: in small rounds held 30minutige sessions are repeated. Thus, each participant at two of the four sessions here can be. Jim Umpleby often addresses the matter in his writings. Already for the fifth time the VIR presents this year its innovation competition springboard”, which again in 2012 a series of innovative Start-Ups who applied. In addition to the newcomers the online industry recognizes the Association within the framework of the so-called night of the winners”on May 13, 2012 the creative ideas of established companies. At the same time, the VIR journalist award is for the second time”awarded for the best editorial online travel section. Important for football fans: the honours after the preliminary round match of the German national team against the Netherlands is transferred. Read more here: Ben Horowitz.

Also, a big party is held at the end of the first day, so goes the evening relaxed casual part with much good humor to end. The registration for the VIR online innovation days 2012 is possible on the Web site. The price of 129 euro per person includes participation in all program points and meals during both days. In addition free airport parking can be booked in addition on the above website through the provider of holiday extras. The VIR: The Internet travel distribution Association (VIR) is the Trade Association for the tourist economy of the Internet. Its members include tourism,,,, HolidayCheck, JT and seven of the largest online travel companies in Germany, who generate revenues of around two billion euros.

All VIR member companies have themselves and their services TuV certified and thus occupy a role model for the entire travel industry. Supporting members of the VIR are Alliance global assistance, Amadeus Germany, BPCS consulting services, CEWE COLOR, DB sales, DERTOUR, DMC Digital Media Center, fact-finder, FTI Touristik GIATA HanseMerkur, Pisano holding, Sabre Travel network, sunny cars, traffic, travel IT, Travelport, arranged, Travelzoo (Europe) Ltd., TrustYou, TUI interactive and @Leisure BR BV. Further information about the Association, visit. “” Branch: Internet travel distribution Association, Celtic ring 9, 82041 Oberhaching, phone: 089-610667-29, E-Mail:,, Internet: press releases on the Internet: the latest press releases are on the Internet under in the press area “to the download” available. The inclusion in the press distribution via the Internet is also possible. Take advantage of our service and subscribe to the RSS-feeds of VIR.

National Sports Association

National Sports Association

Many BSA attendance phases can be completed during the BSA course travel Majorca, which takes place in May and September. The German school of prevention and health management, the sister company of the BSA-Akademie, builds on this experience in the field of fitness and health, and the high recognition of the BSA training courses. Studied at the German university students to professionals and executives to qualify for the growth market of prevention, fitness, and health. The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management, and nutritional advice connect a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide), Austria or of Switzerland. From close after three years with the degree Bachelor of Arts”. In addition, two master’s degree programs are offered. During the study to the master in health management”, a diploma or Bachelor’s degree requires 1 year relevant professional experience, as well as the master’s degree in the study of prevention and health management directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma programme can be completed.

In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas of expertise at university level can purchase. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. The a promotion through BAfoG is possible personal requirements. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, a registration for the master’s degree is possible to the summer – win-tersemester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized in over 40 European countries. Meanwhile, over 2,700 prospective specialists and executives for the industry of the future (as of December 2010) study at the University. Course – or study centres in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland available are for the periods of personal attendance of part-time courses of the BSA and the accredited courses of the German University.