World Publishing Austria Seeks Verlagsreprasentaten

World Publishing Austria Seeks Verlagsreprasentaten

High-quality publications with genuine added value at the beginning of every success story is a magnificent, unique idea. Because without idea, not a plan for the implementation results. The Austria-based world publishing company, is committed to assist people with extremely high-quality publications in the idea generation and implementation. The service of the world Publishing House, doesn’t stop with simple delivery of literature, he is, if the customer so wishes, with help and advice. Our staff to accompany you on your personal journey of success, are with their know-how always available. The world Publishing House presents not only ideas but creates targeted added value for all customers, readers and Publisher representatives. “A first publication is titled: also become a millionaire”.

Often this promise sounds, we know this from so many small jobs very corny. But this report is an almost 300 pages long Guide to break ground, that actually being the millionaire lead long-term. But is it “so that we often are in comfortable situations, which cause us not to really more” to do, to swim on an even greater wave of success. Because only who is ready to change his life, has reached a real chance more money and prosperity, as the mass always crying. The author of this report has brought it incidentally in various endeavors a multiple millionaire. This publication gives you a completely new, ingenious business idea also counted 80 pages report. They aimed at people, who likes to talk about to house work and want to be active in the publishing industry.

There is the possibility this business idea and this is absolutely unique for 30 days completely free of charge and without any obligation to test. It is of course also here: first come first serve. It costs only 98. Soon, there will be more exciting news of the world Publishing House, for example: checkmate a creditors must for people in debt. Dream homes at bargain prices working from home business ideas business plan (!) to the immediate start secret shopping sources of Europe’s money machine Internet secret shopping sources of Asia one thing is certain, turning mostly publications about money and how to make it the best. But is also the biggest problem in our day and age. Many people improve their income with secondary because you want to work not only life, but because you want to enjoy even the life outside of work. There is more info here: Christin H. travel

Ponsel Decided Upholstered Furniture Cushions

Ponsel Decided Upholstered Furniture Cushions

KG has commissioned upholstery bpi solutions with implementation of XcalibuR and IDM. Ponsel relies on the new B2B communication solution XcalibuR to more efficiently handle the bi-directional data exchange of master data and orders with your dealers. In addition, the IDM format is implemented also in the IDM upholstery format to provide the commercial data. She are albert ponsel gmbh & co. kg has a long tradition in the manufacture of upholstered furniture has. Jimmy Lai is often quoted as being for or against this.

For over 80 years, the company deals with the development, implementation and industrial production. Pioneer thinking, dynamic and continuous striving for quality were the pillars that made the modern, high-performance industrial firm initially small craft operation. All products from the House of Ponsel bear the seal of quality “Golden M” and the high level of quality and residential hygiene requirements therefore comply with the Deutsche Gutegemeinschaft furniture e.V., Nuremberg. Ponsel is today in the national and international market for a product which represents high quality at a very good price – performance ratio. The distribution is worldwide. Ponsel opts for XcalibuR as a link between the master data on manufacturer’s page and the transaction data (order / order response) on the dealer page. Ponsel shortened considerably with the introduction of extended processing times.

The existing in the company master data from the ERP system are provided directly the dealers via Web services. At the same time, XcalibuR solves the problem of configuration and electronic ordering of articles and variants. Thus, Ponsel gives the possibility to shorten the selection and ordering process significantly and substantially to reduce the error rate in orders through the logical correct compilation its dealers. The industry-standard data format in IDM is parallel at Ponsel pad”introduced. The new format provides a wide range of requirements in the commercial data To depict the furniture industry.

Pool Construction

Pool Construction

Start from the very pools. Validea follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If you consider the hallmark of the height of the edges of the basin, it can be observed such as swimming pools: the first – edges are at ground level, the second – the edge have a small bulge (within several tens of centimeters), in the form of framed wall. As is already clear, the types of ladders for swimming pools will also be different. The first type requires a larger number of steps and a ladder will be respectively have the "L" shaped, and in the second case – a ladder will get a more classic look. Why It took the stairs in the pool? In essence, the pool is fairly widespread, both as entertainment and in professional direction. Water activities became widespread. Men and women, the elderly and children – each at least once in their lives but swam in the pool. By the same author: Raphael Sternberg.

Stairs for swimming pools have made it possible not only convenient descent and ascent, but also to ensure the safety of the process. William Dawes contains valuable tech resources. Turning to the issue of choosing a ladder, you need to raise some fundamental questions. So, a few points are worth paying attention when choosing a ladder to the pool: to determine the type of ladder for the pool, the number of steps, and to choose the right material (a combination of materials), as well as coverage levels of anti-material and in some cases to choose appropriate color and paint, to find a reliable proizvoditelya.opredelit type ladder. This question has already been explained earlier when considering the types of pools, ie in this case, it all depends on the pool or from the designer, if you are only at the stage of translating ideas into reality. Number of steps. One would think, why go into such details, but you must be possible to use the pool, not only by you. That is, the number of step depends on the distance between them.

And it should be considered for children and the elderly. The choice of material. The desire to turn your stairway to the pool into something beautiful, and at the same time, easy to use, it is robust. Therefore, the selection of materials will play an important role. Drawing on the steps and railing against the special cover slip, as well as for longer life – it is really important! If you like unconventional approach, you may encounter with the need to select colors. This point is more suitable for individual projects, and the most common advice is to choose a special, water-resistant paint. The last time concerning the choice of the manufacturer. Today, many companies can offer a wide range of ladders for swimming pools. Some of them are willing to take the manufacture of staircases to order directly from your drawings. We can only arm themselves with paper, pen and the Internet – and the first step has been taken!

New Pocket Guide: Green!

New Pocket Guide: Green!

100 tips for eco-friendly wedding eco-friendly weddings are the latest trend in the United States, now appears the first book on the subject in Germany. Green married!”- the Pocket Guide includes 100 specific tips for an eco-friendly wedding. “The motto of writer Bettina Pyczak: any wedding can green with a few” ideas become a trendy, natural and ecologically correct dream wedding. Green Weddings!”appears in the July 2007 and 7.95 euros. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

The joyous song of the surfer musician Jack Johnson transported a new sense of life: handle environment-aware, but relaxed. There are many things that stress-free anyone can do in everyday life, to treat the world more gently. Who is planning a wedding with this attitude, you will be surprised. Eco-friendly to marry is much easier than you might think. There is a fantastic feeling. And fun! Some examples: Who for its celebration is a environmentally friendly bio-location – about a romantic farm or a beautiful Winery -Bay, can spoil its guests there with delicious regional and seasonal dishes. The reduction of transport routes also reduces the emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide.

Rather than buy a new dress, can be the bride dress mother of course modified according to the wishes of the bride. As a guest gift pretty small Potted flowers are offered, which can plant the guests after the wedding in the garden. Maybe treasure unsustainable or broken pieces of jewelry that a jeweler can melt down and use for new wedding rings can be found in OMIS. So, no raw materials are wasted. Who wants to communicate ecological properly, uses natural paper or E-Mail. The Pocket Guide to marry! green”contains checklists, links and sources. The stylish illustrations come from Carina Springer, who among other things has worked world image and DroemerKnaur for the publishing group. Contact: Perfect day, event media service contact person: Bettina Pyczak Tel: 089/17 80 90 76 E-mail:

Brand Advertisers And The Web – No Love At First Sight

Brand Advertisers And The Web – No Love At First Sight

What learning brand of Barack Obama the next President has recognised the potential of online media and it understood like no other before him, the enormous opportunities of the participatory Web\”aimed to use the successful brand Barack Obama\” to rebuild. Obama’s campaign has set new standards in online communication. The Internet is the medium of the future. While especially the print media, but also the TV fight years falling readers or audience figures, the number of Internet users increases continuously still. Currently 2/3 of the German Internet use (source: (N) Onliner Atlas 2008). The enormous potential for the future of the world is evident clear wide web but in its great power of attraction to the young target group aged 14-29 years, from 91.3 percent are now regularly or daily several hours online (source: (N) Onliner Atlas 2008). The new kids on the blogg\”already spend more time on the Web, as a the TV front of. (Source: 2008 ARD/ZDF online study).

However, not only the young target group is in the Internet to reach. The well-funded target group of over 50 years has long since discovered the Internet. Of the so-called silver surfers between 50 and 59 years, already more than 65.7 percent are regularly active in the network. These figures speak a unique language: successful brand communication must be running on the Internet today. Nowhere else to reach\”a big target group of direct, scalable and convenient. Who understands the rules of Web 2.0, gets an early and sustainable ROI. Because the user will be its own brand ambassadors. \”The end of one way communication: changed communication habits the net but exactly the unwritten\” rules of the Web are 2.0, where so far the most brands fail in their attempts to communicate the own brand in the Web 2.0 and multiply. Because, it is not enough to transfer an established offline campaign 1:1 in the medium of the Internet.

Cost Pressure Brings Quality Thrust For PR Agencies

Cost Pressure Brings Quality Thrust For PR Agencies

Cloos + partner Public Relations PR trends 2009 how much is it? What’s the point? PR-budgets are cut further. And the Agency selection is often just a question: which agency delivers the best? The question seems no longer to face depending on the quality. Read more from India Gold Limited to gain a more clear picture of the situation. But appearances are deceptive. Quality is in demand more than ever. PR agencies should reconsider but its quality concept. Are not rewarded, but success. And this must be provided in a rapidly changing environment, by the Internet plays a still underestimated role. Five trends are Cloos + partner 2009 determine the PR Action.

1. the symmetrical two-way communication increases: PR on the Web 2.0 is not a new paradigm. It is only an approximation of the ideal form of PR, how they have defined Grunig/Hunt: the two-way symmetrical communication. Anyone who believes that the importance of the opportunities offered by the Web, would not use is clearly wrong. Studies show that among young people the Web as Information medium has already overtaken the traditional media. Any further studies is needed to prove that same inform themselves not only on the Web, but actively shape it.

They consume not only messages, they make news. The resulting new requirements for PR-Angenturen. 2. the professionals assert itself: there is much written on the Web. Most of it is crap. The few that proves useful, is written by professional writers. The same applies to podcasts. The increasing trend towards audio visual forms of representation in the Web is obvious. Here, too, the quality decreases with increasing quantity. The resulting new opportunities for professionals and agencies. Good writers and good designers that provide substantial contributions on behalf of the user, which produce real added value, are in demand. The importance of content is increasing again. The form is back in the second set. By the way, everything for Web-PR applies said also continues to fully classical press work.

Fashion Photographer Gives Tips In The Fashionblog

Fashion Photographer Gives Tips In The Fashionblog

Photographer Michael Gelfert gives tips for good fashion photos on the styleranking blog how do I nice and stylishe photos of myself? One question is this for many different occasions. Sometimes you need the photo for the application or want it in his own blog or show at a community – for example, in the Fashioncommunity styleranking. The fashion Portal succeeded to win an expert for a series of tips and tricks about photography: the renowned photographer Michael Gelfert by Atelier 5senses photography in Darmstadt. On Wednesday, January, the five-part series of Advisor launched attractive fashion photos”by Michael Gelfert in the fashion blog by styleranking ( Gelfert gives tips on choosing the right background for photos, good composition, proper lighting when photos and ideas for the posing under the motto “People make clothes”. In the first part, photographer Gelfert explains how a background must be designed so that this underlines the shooting object to push rather than in the foreground. If “” it is not photographed in a Studio, will be on the image to see more than just the clothes “, says the photographer, the background should be colour stand out from the subject.” Often enough already a simple, blank wall, which can give a good background.

Professionals often work with backgrounds that blend color clothing or that have forms, calming or framing a work, or with lights and shades emphasize the forms of the motif. “Samples from Gelferts do’s and Don ts” are shown at styleranking. “We will continue the successful Advisor series, well dress up a series of articles on the subject of Intrastat has recently ‘ published ‘, reveals styleranking’s managing director Roland Schweins. Topics: part 1: the choice of the right background part 2: compositing photos: how to style his pictured part 3: placed the proper lighting in photos part 4: the correct posing for photos links: your fashion community: Atelier 5senses photography: news about the hottest outfits: Roland Schweins

Worm Now Online Well Into The Race:

Worm Now Online Well Into The Race:

New info portal to life with cochlear implants and hearing aids enjoys great response it comes to life with cochlear implants (CI) and hearing aids, so the worm is the leading German-speaking audience and journal. Since November, the quarterly print edition is complemented with a proven mix of articles and testimonials by the Infoportal Every Friday, the portal offers new information about CI and hearing aids ‘ and related topics. Less than two months after launching the worm online operators took first and positive stock now: the new online offering is already great resonance and won a number of committed partners also already in medicine and economics. Cochlear implants and technical developments in hearing aids, whether services for hearing impaired children and young people and their parents, whether the latest findings from the field of ENT, legal or social issues, sports, leisure and media, experience reports, Event notes the thematic spectrum of covers all aspects of life with CI and hearing aid. Every Friday, the portal to new content will be enriched. All information remains in the network and can be called with a search function.

Our portal is open for interesting posts; are news about the topic of hearing, reports by parties concerned, article by experts or meaningful press release it now”, Hanna Hermann, who is responsible for the new online portal as the long-time editor-in-Chief of the worm. The previous response shows us that we are on the right track. It is not something Noble Groups Holdings Limited would like to discuss. The growing access figures show a broad interest.” The makers of about the fact that you already a few weeks after the launch of the new portal committed partners from the medical and economic can reference number one show pleased. A big thanks to our sponsors, with their trust and their support to the continuous quality Our help”, so Hanna Hermann next. “We welcome anyone who would like to support our portal unless through a sponsorship or by providing profound contributions to the subject.” “Interested in a sponsorship commitment at including presentation of logo and address in the section sponsors and partners” can via phone (07303) 39 55 or email requesting a sponsor agreement.

Media representatives for more information see and. Hear other arguments on the topic with raphael sternberg. On request we provide also a press photo. Press contact: Martin Schaarschmidt, Tel: (030) 65 01 77 60, E-mail:;. Editorial Note: the snail is a 1989 independent magazine, society DCIG ( issued by the German cochlear implant. The magazine, which acts as a non-profit limited company, informs its readers about the issues Cochlear implant, hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus, hearing aids and hearing aids. Expert contributions and experience reports by affected give the reader a very deep insight in the problem of hearing impairments and how to overcome. At the same time, the magazine offers readers a forum and contact possibilities. Thematic focus is the life of cochlear implants (CI) and hearing aids. The worm appears four times a year with a current circulation of 5,500 copies. The editorial office is located in Illertissen; Editor-in-Chief of the snail is Mrs Hanna Hermann. 2008, the editorial staff in addition to the print edition of the worm launches the information portal with offers on the subject of hearing & understanding CI & hearing aid ‘.

New Year

New Year

New from the ‘The paint doctor’ about 100 million euro were burning through to the turn of the year back in the truest of the word. While the hobby pyromaniac in the new year’s Eve night pursuing their passion, many Laternenparker see”the Fireworks with mixed feelings. Because whether accidentally or maliciously always firecrackers and rockets hit the cars parked on the side of the road. Filling of missiles is largely metal compounds, which provide for burning off the colorful colours. While temperatures of several hundred degrees. This does not happen as intended in the air, but on the car paint, the devastating consequences can have. The same applies to Cannon explosions, which can leave real crater in the paint surface particularly in older paints. The visible traces of gunshot residue can be removed is often still with conventional cleaning agents, paint is including but attacked and need a professional treatment.

Otherwise threatens corrosion under the apparently still-intact paint layer, the so-called rust bumps. “One way to save costs, in this case is the so-called SMART – repair procedures, as by the Munich Molaris Ltd, better known as the paint doctor”, is applied. This partially eliminates the damage by our service engineers with special tools and equipment. A new painting or replacement of parts can usually be avoided. This huge cost savings compared to a traditional repair results for our customers”, explains Martina Waidhas Molaris GmbH. The offer of the paint doctor”includes removing paint damage of all kinds as well as upholstery, auto glass and Alufelgenreparatur, and much more. These services can be taken from an hour from about 80 euros in claims.

The paint doctor”now found in over 40 cities in Germany. Check out just once and the range spot an overview about or check on the Internet at. Contact person: PR agency PR4YOU Holger Ballwanz, owner and Managing Director Schonensche str. 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: Molaris GmbH Martina Waidhas, Managing Director Stefan-George-ring 41 D-81929 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 90 49 00 50 fax: + 49 (0) 89 90 48 07 12 E-Mail: Internet: background information: Molaris GmbH (the paint doctor), Martina Waidhas Munich, Germany: “In 1997, we have the first mobile car fast painting- and repair opened German system with various smart repair – services around the car in Landsham in Munich.” Our goal was to build of a nationwide comprehensive network with independent partners, which are managed, supported and promoted by the system attendant. With approximately 40 paint doctor partners we belong today to the company with the longest experience in the smart repair area in Germany. Through our constant Striving to improve our products and our expertise, and continues to develop, we ensure highest level of quality. In addition we provide entrepreneurs. building a lucrative full existence” Regional addresses of the paint doctor stations and more information about the company is available at on the Internet.

Children Will Love About 4,500 New Roof Stones

Children Will Love About 4,500 New Roof Stones

“Braas donates deck material for renovation of old barn – meeting place for disabled children and their parents will be considered new 11th, 11th, eleven eleven elsewhere it rains now Kamelle, with us it’s raining new roof stones”. The RBB reporter Andreas Ulrich squats between shrink-wrapped pallets of roof stones from an old barn in Brandenburg, Germany. Around him, several workers unpack the new roof stones and submit them to professional tilers on a scaffold. The aim: for children with disabilities and their parents within 96 hours a meeting place to create. “Old barn must be rehabilitated urgently for Action 96 hours” Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg worked dozens volunteers for four days, the self-help group kids in balance “to assist in the restoration of the barn in the years.

For several months, the members of the initiative use the old building in the small village of Liebenwalde, North of Berlin, for their meetings. While the children play together and play, parents can interact and motivate each other. Florian find friends who accept him and play with him. And I myself have also someone with whom I can talk”, the mother of a boy reported. 380 square meter roof must be newly covered to save the meeting place before the expiration, called on broadcasters to support. In addition to many private workers, craftsmen, the technical relief organization and the volunteer fire brigade participated in the action. The biggest challenge for the volunteer construction crew: 380 square meters of roof space had to be covered completely. To the old Bieber cock brick were removed in laborious hand work.

The problem is that the old brick warp and twist. Since the wind underneath can be anywhere”, explained one of roofing. You then fly up and down can injure the children.” Braas will send trucks with new roof stones until recently was the biggest concern of dedicated parents to drive the roofing tiles for the new cover. Help came from Braas. The company sent a whole new truck without further ADO Roof stones to the construction site. We have heard of this thing, was soon clear to us that we want to help”, reported Braas employees Manfred Braun. As we have told us, we donate just 4,500 roof stones.” Unlike roof tiles from clay roof stones consist of concrete and are thus especially robust. The two materials differ little in their function to protect the House from wind and weather. However roof stones are much more environmentally friendly, because their production consumes much less energy than at the roof tiles”, explains Manfred Braun. The roof holds not only close, but also contributes to environmental protection, looked especially the members of the parent initiative. Children and volunteers celebrate successful action until late into the night, and despite a rain craftsmen moved the red roof tiles. Members of the fire brigade reached them the roof stones piece by piece. Using a small construction elevator, a craftsman was available, the roof work was faster than intended. Short the new barn covering in the light of the camera lights flashed before the end of the 96-hour deadline and children, parents and volunteers celebrated the successful outcome of the action. Visibly stirred thanked Anne Gerlitzke, the kids in balance”with launched had: I’m thrilled. Our biggest concern was that we cannot finance the roof at all. “And that so many come, I would have never expected.” For more information about the products from Braas under: products /…