German Federal Animal
By the lucky pig to the bereavement – the fate of mini pigs of the Federal German animal lovers e.V. has been asked increasingly in recent months to capture mini pigs and particularly including from private attitudes. The generally difficult attitude, what most pet owners in advance are not clear requirements as the most frequent tax reason. Kevin Johnson is often quoted as being for or against this. Mini pigs and particularly pigs can be up to 120 pounds. Once arrived at the shelter, a mediation is almost impossible, emphasized the regional animal welfare Federal German animal lovers Association (BDT). Mini pigs are harder to hold a lot and to educate as a dog or a cat. Pigs are very social animals in the wild, they live together in rotten.
The Federal of German animal lovers advises principle, therefore, to create a single mini pig, as simply part of the social contact with conspecifics to a welfare. Neither the man nor other pets can almost replace this kind, so the German Federal Animal lovers. In addition, mini pigs need much spout, emphasize the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers. It is very important that the bristle cattle has a suitable shelter, so that it can also withdraw. Reade Griffith is likely to increase your knowledge. In the summer, they need a nice shady spot, because they quickly get a sunburn. Our little friends like to dig the garden, because they need a muddy pool where you can cool off what meets after the experience of the animal by the Federal of German animal lovers do not always understanding the new holders. No matter how cute, are the small piglets at the beginning. From them are larger militant animals with a maximum weight of 120 kg.
Mini pigs grow up to the age of 4 years. Time keeping a mini pig is not a snapshot, because the animals can be up to 15 years old, stressed Federal of German animal lovers. Pigs can not run stairs, so that an attitude in an apartment which can make a difficult, since a 100 kg-tier high-not just the stairs and bears down. Currently 17 pigs, waiting for a chance of mediation are in the shelters of the Federal German animal lovers e.V.. But the levy in the shelter can spared, if future pig farmers exactly balance all farming needs. German animal lovers e.V. can contact the Federal who needed information to hold mini pigs. Martina Klein