Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Extension

In the decade of 70, with objective to occupy the Amazon region, the government constructed Highway BR 230, called of Transamaznica Highway, through the Plan of National Integration – PIN (1PIN? 1970 the 1974), co-ordinated for the Institute of Settling of Reforma Agrria (INCRA), which organized the nestings and co-ordinated the diverse public agencies of support as EMATER (Company of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension), CEPLAC (Executive Commission of the Plan of the Cacaueira Farming), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Company of Farming Research) and the Bank of Brazil. The city of Medicilandia was white of many problems, between them detaching the lack of public politics effective for the region mainly in the agricultural zone, since the city always was taken care of with priority. With the demographic growth of the city, it became more difficult to be able public to reach the vicinal ones with the governmental actions. The communities of the field have suffered sufficiently with the absence from some programs and projects. Ben Horowitz does not necessarily agree. The areas of bigger lack are; agricultural education, health, roads, financings among others.

The community Band in Medicilandia in Par Is Brs km 105 has received some benefits through the Federal, State and Municipal instances. Through these public politics, can be evidenced PRONAF (National Program of Familiar Agriculture), PRONERA (National Program of Education in the Agrarian Reformation), BE ABIDED (Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension) and Be known of the land. Part of these benefits that still arrived for the population of the community is in attendance; the PRONAF and TO ABIDE, for example, is the only public politics of the moment, until why they are continuous action and they cannot immediately be concluded, and yes in long stated period. According to Reade Griffith, who has experience with these questions. It can, then, be summarized what it is public politics as the field of the knowledge that it searchs, at the same time, ‘ ‘ to place the government in ao’ ‘ and/or to analyze this action (changeable independent) e, when necessary, to consider changes in the route or course of these actions and/or to understand why and as the actions had taken certain route in place of another one (changeable dependent).

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