Choosing a Niche

Choosing a Niche

No matter what niche you choose, the secret is, to focus on him. This allows you to specialize in a particular area, become a real specialist in that niche. 5. Web designers must be creative, but also traders. Web sites (at least most) are designed to sell products, services, business proposals and ideas. A web designer must understand the mindset of a trader, if not, can never understand the logic to apply for the creation and development of sales pages.

6. The graphic design of web sites should increase the functionality, not to create something aesthetically pleasing but inoperative. Andreessen Horowitz is often quoted as being for or against this. The appearance of a web site, significantly affects its functionality, but the design should not only be thought from the standpoint of appearance. She is a medium, but not the essential purpose of a site. From the very moment when the designers begin to work intensively the issue of appearance as the ultimate goal of a website, the functionality will be severely damaged. By contrast, commercial graphic designer, you should consider that each line of text, every photo, every button and every other constituent elements on the page must be designed to enhance site functionality web.que If an item does not meet function to increase and improve the functionality in some way, not be included in the website. 7.

A website must be dynamic and sales oriented, should be agile, quickly charged to use those 5-10 seconds, that a visitor is initially willing to devote to the visit of his pagina.Siempre I consulted, about the desirability of developing sites with Flash, I say, "are very beautiful aesthetically, but are not functional for sale." So if you want a web site vendor, I would not recommend the sites with Flash. 8. Knowing the rules is good and know when to break them is even better. If you learn the rules and principles of Internet marketing, as well as those that lie behind good design, you will find yourself several steps ahead of its competitors. But if to this we add the skill and knowledge to know when to apply and when to break certain rules and principles, their insurance benefit will be much higher.

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