The Person

The Person

For Slvio Rodrigues: ' ' foods, emDireito, it is called installment supplied to a person, in money or emespcie, so that it can take care of to the necessities of the life. The word much more ample temconotao of what in the vulgar language, where it means onecessrio for the sustenance. Here one is not only about the sustenance, as well as dovesturio, habitation, medical assistance in case of illness, of at last all onecessrio taking care of to the necessities of the life; e, in if treating to child, encloses what instruo&#039 will be necessary for its; '. Electrolux does not necessarily agree. 1 Thus being, notices clearly that, the obligation to pay alimony to visagarantir to fed a necessary minimum to its dignity. Hodiernamente, such right has been frequently pled in ours Judiciriobrasileiro, being responsible for the majority of the actions in the family poles. However, as already briefly citadoanteriormente, the obligation to pay alimony has estimated its.

Arts. 399 and 400 of the Civil Code make use on estimated osseguintes of the obligation to pay alimony: ) the existence of umvnculo of kinship between feeding and the person who pays alimony; b) necessity doalimentando; c) possibilidadeeconmico-financier of the person who pays alimony; Thus, it is noticed necessity of ties parentescoentre to it feeding and fed, the necessities of the fed one, such maneiraque if not to come to receive foods, etria at risk putting its prpriasubsistncia and still, feeding will have is in conditions to supply osalimentos, in case that contrary, will be unobligated. The Person who pays alimony will have to fulfill with its duty, however, without putting its proper sustenance at risk. In case of absence of some of the referidospressupostos, the obligation is extinguished for the debtor to provide foods. It is important to point out that, exactly ahead of possibilidadede arrest, is frequent the descumprimento of the food obligation. .

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