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Month: October 2013

Banco Popular

Banco Popular

Does the BBK group: for its part, the BBK group counts with a core Tier 1 capital? 8.8% (11.3% with provisions and other instruments). Banco Santander: has 8.4% (8.9%). Behind after the Bank that presides Emilio Botin would be box Spain-Caja Duero, which boasts a level of resources of the highest quality of the 7.3% (8.4% with provisions), in both EFFIBANK (formed by Cajastur and boxes of Cantabria and Extremadura), it has in 6.8% (8.3%). The solvency of Ibercaja stands at 6.7% (7.3% with provisions); that of La Caixa, at 6.4% (9.1%); of the Caixa Pollensa, at 6.2% (8%); and group BMN, at 6.1% (9.3%). Banco Sabadell, with a level of resources of the highest quality of 5.7% is situated below 6% (8% with provisions and other instruments); the Caixa Ontinyent, 5.6 % (7.2% with provisions); and Banca Civica, 5.6%, which would get 9.4% taking into account the provisions and other assets.

Financial Bank and savings account with a core capital of 5.4%, while taking into account the mattress of provisions, reaches 6.5%. For its part, Bankinter, Banco Popular and NovacaixGalicia reach a solvency of 5.3%. In the case of the Banco Popular, if taken into account the provisions and other instruments, this percentage rises to 7.4%, in the case of Bankinter, in the Galician box, to 6.5% and 6.8%. Pending after these entities are already solvency tests, which are CAM, Banco Pastor, Caja3, Unnim and CatalunyCaixa, since they get less than 5 per cent of resources of the highest quality which have been suspended. However, relying on provisions and other items, all these entities would outweigh above 5%. Source of the news: most creditworthy entities in Spain: Banca March, the Kutxa, Unicaja, BBVA, BBK and Santander.



Then I will tell you something that you can take as unquestionable truth. Bring the certificate of veracity is (or not) your discernment, that surely is that you can rely on.The certainty that I inform you is the following: 1. Living is hard in any part of the planeta.2. All human beings have the feeling that living demands more effort than the other. what practical utility does this claim that your own discernment will ratify?Just as in war, there are positions strategically better than others, there are philosophically better than other positions in the struggle for life.If you think that it is a victim of a bad luck that becomes disabled, it will suffer a psychic fall that subtracted energy. Remember that in the war, one of the favorite tactics is difficult provisions of the opponent: food, fuel, medicines, clothing, ammunition. When you overestimating the difficulties to live, will decrease their mood and therefore resources energy.

Fight with less enthusiasm, enthusiasm, passion.I go back to the beginning: If you know that all the human beings for it is equally difficult to live, you will feel a fair competition regime, will fight with enthusiasm and chances of success will be greater.All I intend to be a text of self-help, of those that point to you remove forces from which there is no, or that it tries to convince that ‘love is power. My invitation is that it objectively sensitivities the effort you need to do to earn a living. The bad news is that you was not selected by the bad luck to do harm, which would be a great honor after all, not to mention would that also it remove him responsibility for their inevitable failures.

The Differences

The Differences

Primer should not cause difficulties. But to the choice of primer should be approached with great responsibility. Deciding to save on the primer, you will encounter difficulties in laying the parquet to the ground. Glue or mastic will depart from the base, and as Consequently, your floor covering warp, strips are displaced, and you have not pleasing result. 4. Laying plywood.

Before laying the whole sheets of plywood (1525 x 1525 mm) is recommended sawed into four pieces for removal voltage. Applied to the base asphalt mastic or adhesive hardwood plank and plywood sheets with a shift to the four corners did not converge at one point. Stacked sheets are fixed with screws (10 pieces per 1 sq. M). Laying plywood – the problem is simple in that if the base is well aligned.

5. Sanding of plywood. Performed in two cases: for the purification of plywood and to equalize the differences in height between adjacent sheets, resulting in the laying process. Contamination of plywood can reduce the quality of the gluing. Clay will be torn away from the plywood cover, and, consequently, parquet flooring lies firmly. Drops in height between the sheets of plywood can also lead to defects parquet, especially if it's not a massive parquet board and boards, and parquet. Unevenness leads to deformation of the floor and when installing cork flooring. 6. Laying the floorboard. Can be performed in two ways. "Floating" mode – on a level base stretches special substrate surface plank hardwood planks, fastened together by the dowel with glue or lock.

Human Development

Human Development

I am there I am with our future; the future of our children, of our young, of that they are pra to be born, therefore I do not go to be silent and I well clearly go to be pra who to hear to want me and to read what I have to say. I cannot compactuar with you nor with a party that already defined goals of government for the next mandate; goals of pure authoritarianism, true sandices, to the eyes of people with medium intelligence. In the truth, they are embryonic goals of a moral, mannering dictatorship implacable. Goals that they will destroy what it has of more sacred any human being: the real feeling for the life, the family and the freedom, since these goals intend to become allowed behaviors of most hideous of the face of the Land; laws that will go to finish with restraint on alienation of property and irrenunciveis as the life. I cannot support for presidency of mine loved country; of mine loved people so suffered, a candidate who goes the TV, to the radio, goes to the streets to say that she is opposes to the abortion, but in some interviews that gave if she declares the favor. The Internet is repleta of videos demonstrating that you have lain, is contradicted. You have lain brazenly, when you say that it is against the o abortion, when you know that you were part of the team of its party that already defined the goals for the next management to Brazil and, in these goals, nicknamed PNDH-III? National plan of Human Development 3, is foreseen the approval of law that will descriminalizar the abortion, or better, law that goes to become legal the practical one of the abortion. Explaining pra better who not yet understood: abortion will not be more crime against the life in Brazil, why it will not have more law that punishes this crime.