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Month: February 2013

Roberto Kiyosaki

Roberto Kiyosaki

One of sectors not included in the curriculum of schools and the vast majority of universities is the basic financial education. The vast majority of young people who end up with the school are educated to earn money, but they can’t balance a checkbook and much less invest money that will win in their lives. Vacuum like ante in their children’s education, you need parents to assume the role of educating them in the basics of finance and enter them into the world of money. The problem is that many parents have not received adequate training in this area and do not have the knowledge to teach their children. Solution: Learn along with them! Do and what better way to do it than playing an educational game in which their children will learn about the financial issues in natural, entertaining and effective way? Do apart from the Monopoly, which is a classic, I recommend Roberto Kiyosaki, Cashflow games for Kids for children up to 8 years and Cashflow 101? for older children and adults who want to start in the world of investments with the right mentality. Below I give 15 important lessons that my children learned playing Cashflow 101. 1. The concept of the career of rats our education system intends to train people that are inserted successfully into the labour market.

Why the vast majority of people, independent of their level of education, does not question the fact that someday they will work at least 8 hours a day as an employee or as a used car, changing their hours for money. They are unaware that there are other options that allow you to generate money and are automatically trapped in the career of the rats once they begin with their working lives. 2. No matter the amount of money you have, but liabilities that you’re able to generate when we started with the game, my children focused on earning more and more money.

Financial Education

Financial Education

Financial education is an issue that unfortunately is not listed in most of the curriculums of traditional education. If parents wish to prepare their children in the area of finances, they have to do it without the help of educational establishments. Many parents are not even aware of this great vacuum in the education of their children and are confident that they will learn to manage the money on their own when they become adults. Unfortunately, statistics show that this does not happen automatically, as we would like to assume. If nobody cares to teach them, our children will be illiterate in the financial area. Today the State of youth the alarming debt. According to a survey of INJUV (National Youth Institute), more than half of the Chilean youth between 15 and 29 years has debts and 57% of them are behind on payments.

It is not a very encouraging figure when financial education it comes. The need to prepare our young people so that they can handle the money with success in her adult life, is in sight. They have to learn to live according to a budget, have the habit of saving, and they should have basic knowledge of investment that will allow them to multiply its resources. However, even parents who are aware of this great need in the education of their children, are confronted with another obstacle: the lack of interest of their children by topics related to money. What to do if their children are not interested in finance? Many parents write to me and ask me this question. They are parents who have recognized the importance of fostering the skills of money management in their children, but, in practice, do not know how to do it. Finances are an issue that seems to be unattractive to our children. Outside of spending money on its delights, does not seem to merit greater dedication of time.

Promote Financing Franchises

Promote Financing Franchises

Through an agreement signed today with the Asociacion Espanola de Franquiciadores La Comunidad de Madrid is leader in Central franchisers and billing Avalmadrid, society of mutual guarantee attached to the community of Madrid, and the Spanish franchisers Association (AEF) today signed an agreement to promote access to finance franchises and franchisors from Madrid, through the various financial lines of Avalmadrid. In this sense, and through this agreement, Avalmadrid will make available franchises and Madrid franchisors specific products for them, as entrepreneurs line, the plan for the promotion of retail trade and hospitality (FICOH) and the guarantees to ensure payment to the lessee technical and those necessary for the proper development of its activity. Thus, franchises may finance franchise Canyon, the investments needed for its start-up and working capital necessary for the start of the activity not suffocating to the franchise. For its part, franchisors may finance its expansion plans of the franchise are leading. This agreement, concluded at the headquarters of Avalmadrid, has been signed by the President of the madrilenian SGR, Juan Manuel Santos-Suarez and the President of the AEF, Xavier Vallhonrat. The Act has also counted with the presence of the counsel of economy, trade and consumption of the community of Madrid, Eva Piera. The franchise, a safe bet the franchise system offers a number of advantages to those people that are committed to this formula of business marketing.

The most important is to set up a business in duty-free minimizes the risks that have to put up on their own, since the franchisor has tested the concept in the market and found that it is successful, before granting franchises. In addition, this business model offers continuing education, advertising, logistical support for what the franchisee feel alone at any time during the contractual relationship. According to Xavier Vallhonrat, President of the AEF, while certain these benefits, what happens is that many times we do not find financing and that is why this Convention is of fundamental importance for us. In addition, he stressed that you despite the unfavourable economic situation, companies, both Spanish and international, they are betting on growing through franchising formula, which shows that they see the advantages and strengths offered by the system as a model for expansion. The Comunidad de Madrid, leader in the franchise this report system also places emphasis on the location of the Central franchise in the different autonomous communities. In this sense, of 919 chains which make up the franchise, 297 have their headquarters in the community of Madrid (25% of the total); 245 in Catalonia; 99 in the Valencian Community, and 90 in Andalusia. The number of total establishments, the community of Madrid is also in the national lead with a total of 14,200 premises, 22% of Spain. Finally, if we speak of direct employment, the community of Madrid occupies in the system more than 60,000 workers, 22% of the national level.

Moreover, since 2006, in the framework of the programmes of direct aid to small and medium-sized enterprises of the community of Madrid and the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid, it has supported to 344 companies benefiting from the formula of the franchise (9.7% of total SMEs supported in the reference period), with a grant of 4.058.



All parents want their children to succeed in life. They make enormous efforts and sacrifices so they can get ahead in life. However, there is an area essential to the education of children and young people who often is overlooked: financial education. We are so focused on teaching them how to make money when they become adults, that we forget to provide them with the necessary knowledge to be able to handle it well once they have it in their hands! On the one hand is because parents leave the responsibility of delivering the cognitive education in the hands of the schools and are confident that the curriculum designed by them is adequate, and, on the other hand, because the parents themselves lack adequate training in the financial area. The inevitable result is an alarming financial illiteracy among young people. This leads them to make wrong decisions that could lead to many years of financial difficulties, as it may be getting too high debt on your credit card. Very few adolescents understand how the interests and credit card rates, how to register your transactions in your check book or how to check their account balances are correct.

In Chile, 1.237.191 young people between 15 and 29 years presented some level of indebtedness, which corresponds to a 33.18%. Most of the young people declared not having unpaid debts or receivables. However, little more than one third does have them. Most of them leave their homes without having established positive habits as for example save money and establish budgets, to avoid making wrong decisions in the acquisition of their first property, such as a car or a House. However, it need not be so.

Since schools don’t teach this matter, he becomes responsibility of parents encourage entrepreneurial and skills of handling money in their children. How to do it? The majority of parents do not know how instruct their children about finances. They themselves are often in a difficult economic situation as a result of of the ignorance against the topic. More appropriate is for parents to learn along with their children. I suggest that every parent educated in the area of finances. Not only it will be self-serving, but in addition you can convey knowledge to their children and thus provide them with a suitable financial education which is going to help make the right decisions in the future.

Financial Savings

Financial Savings

This completed a presidential term in one of the world powers as it is United States of America, where outgoing President George W. Bush, has been heavily criticised, vilified by its management in recent years, where United States faces a serious financial crisis, product of economic programs, wars, contrasts found in its foreign trade, and policy jha also been repudiated by some countries for its form of intervention. It is well known that companies eliminated 159,000 jobs in September, according to the Department of labor, a fact that places the United States closer to recession economy.Other 159,000 families wondering how they will pay for food, gas and energy that are eating your budget and wondering how to keep your House, said the Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, in weekly radio speech of the Democrats. In this regard, Jorge Elias journal the Buenos Aires nation points out that Bush weakened national pride with his obsession to restore it after the blasting of the twin towers, and overwhelmed by the financial collapse, instilled more fear than certainty in his effort to convince Republicans and Democrats of the need to vote in the first instance, in the House of representatives, the Wall Street rescue plan. The financial crisis has shown his side economic, with falling employment and consumption in the United States and other countries, and his side politically, with distrust of leaders can not be denied that the United States faces a serious financial crisis that is significantly affecting its economy, its security, the generation of unemployment and to not be affected very President Bush requested a financial system bailout plan Bush ensures that its adoption will help to address the fundamental problem of the crisis in the financial system. As it is already public and as well as the world, the Congress points out It approved a rescue plan that will allow the Government to buy the toxic assets that have destabilized the financial institutions, for an amount of up to $ 700 billion..

Financial Education

Financial Education

Every parent want their children to thrive and succeed in life. An important part of that success will be determined by its ability to generate income that will provide a good standard of living, at least as good as that it had and hopefully better still. That is why one of the biggest efforts of any parent is the invest in the education of their children. In conjunction with the Government, spend billions of dollars a day to ensure that the next generation has the proper education so that they can not only survive, but hopefully prosper in life and make an important contribution to society. To achieve this the best option at our disposal is the recourse to traditional education designed by competent government agencies that propose a curriculum that delivers a so-called comprehensive education to our children. However, few know that traditional education has as its ultimate objective produce an individual who is well prepared for the labour market. Do not even consider the option of educating one person as a future entrepreneur. Higher education nor does provide this alternative.

The curriculum of the vast majority of universities that offer careers related to the management of finance, economics or business administration, aims to equip a person with the necessary tools to be able to be used in any administrative charge within an already established company. One thing is clear, their children will not learn to handle money, much less to invest in the school. The majority of people who graduate from school, and even universities, don’t know carry a checkbook, don’t have the minimum skills to ensure proper accounting and much less how to invest the money that go to work hard. What has happened with the financial education?Is practically non-existent, some exceptions in which parents are companies in which the children have the opportunity to learn from a good model, when studying leave them the! long enough to be able to engage in it!Independent of Ud want their children whether businessmen or not, the important thing is that their children discover their strengths and exploit them in such a way in the future having economic stability, which can sustain a family and live happily. And that is very difficult to achieve if we are giving them an education that teaches them how to generate an income, without also giving them the tools so they know what to do with him once he is in their hands. It is time that we as parents understand that we are giving them only 50% of the formula for success if we ignore financial education. If you need help with the financial education of their children, I invite you to Onparaelexito. com where you will receive a free e-book that teaches you 10 facts that a mother taught her children about how their own businesses. Of Bettina Langerfeldt, whose passion is to teach people of all ages how to get a vision for your life, how to goals and then pursue specific education so that they can achieve them.