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Month: December 2012

History Shows Products

History Shows Products

Participation in exhibitions became commonplace for companies that are actively present their products or services on the market. Exhibitions for them – it's not just a way to show their achievements, but also a way to establish new business contacts. Without participation in the specialized exhibition does not present itself has no company, is seriously engaged in promoting their products. No matter what industry it operates – the saturation and the theme of exhibitions now so diverse that choose exactly the exhibition, which is suitable in all respects is quite simple. The opening of borders allows domestic companies to present their products abroad and foreign firms to take participation in exhibitions held in Russia. Encouraged by the fact that the quality of exhibitions in our country is constantly growing. There are more professionals who can and can organize and local small exhibitions and large-scale international exhibition of high technical and informational level.

Grows and the number of specialized niche exhibitions not only in central cities, but in other regions. Participation in such exhibitions and interesting for the large capital companies, which can thereby promote their products in the regions, and small local producers – to demonstrate their capabilities and, often, vice versa – go to the larger metropolitan markets. Exhibition – is a means of advertising, so it is necessary to carefully prepare not only the organizers and participants. You must be familiar with the achievements of competitors and partner companies to try to provide the "best of everything, constantly evolve and strive for perfection.

The Soul

The Soul

Searching the house they turn the girl under the bed crying compulsory and one of them said: – comes here young woman, does not go to make to it badly, as is its name? – it is Brenda! – that pretty name you are the not necessary saved one now to have fear Brenda left and gave the hand to the policeman who wise person as the girl was if feeling for having lost the people who it more loved and it received it in its arms leaving to cry. Without perceiving a tear he rolls of its face and later another one and plus another one it left itself to still disarrange with the girl in its arms. It was taken for the house of an uncle ranzinza and without love that complained of everything, complained still more when it was knowing that brenda would go to live with it. Brenda already with its thirteen years does not discover what it was to be a child, not even wise person as it was to be loved again. In one late sunny Brenda left to give a return, in the garden of the uncle, who by the way was very pretty, had flowers for all side and the birds sang gladly making dances in the sky, beyond the breeze of the wind that the soul washed.

But brenda did not perceive nothing of this, only was looking at pro nothing, the mind becoming vacant looking for answers. Derrepente it saw one white beard gentleman looking at and opening one sorrisso, called it to it to seat to the side of it in a bank. It sat down and looked at for that one Sir, it seemed so familiar! It speaks: – How you are my young? I see air of sadness in you! – how I am? he asks still me? I am pssima, my life is a drug! who is you? – I am a friend, who you search already do not make a time! – But I do not remember you! – You never more me he looked for, I am your God and am here for I help to understand it! – God? I do not believe God, therefore when I more needed it I did not help me, when my parents I had died it did not intervine and left my small irmozinho to die at the hands of those outlaws and he did not make nothing, and still I had that I came to live with my uncle razinza that hates with all the forces to me of it, now says cad God to me? – I am here and without who you know, you come folloied its regret waiting patiently that you appealed me, plus this never she happened! It was not my guilt as you find, I you cannot intervine in the actions of the human beings, I you could force them make it the good and to love me, but forced love is not true love.



Thinking that me no, Love, one remembers, reckless, it would rise, desire, to see to that me, by disdains, loses. That he is adventurous, if admits to me, use, hope of love, say, green, seeing that you to me, from so far, veo". (Lope de Vega, century XVII) 15. Hiprbole Exaggeration that leaves the reality, exaggerated consideration. Examples: I will break by force of arms a thick mount that another one did not break. (Gracilazo) Young, I want so much to you, Young, as much want to you that if removes to me I watch you to the eyes after the holes. (Popular Song) Sometimes it produces humorous effects: It lies in this slab lasts a so thin woman that in the case of a sword it was engaged in to the grave.

(Balthasar of Palace) rase a man to a stuck nose. (Francisco de Quevedo) a hyperbolic passage is, then, the one that raises an exaggerated reality, extreme. 16. Irony Is the way to make fun of of somebody or something, affirming the opposite seriously than it is wanted to give to understand. Rhetorical figure that consists of giving to understand the opposite than says (SAR, 1992). Examples: " Very good your accin".

We run to offer our adhesion and ours plcemes to the advisory, governing gentlemen and lieutenant governors of the banks that have expelled their personnel to consider like a breach of discipline the request of improvements. 17. Ltote ltote is a figure that presents/displays what it is said in the form of atenuadora negation: " That is not very bien" (= he is bad). (Carreter, 1995, 11). 18. Metaphor Is the stylistic resource that it consists of identifying a term with another one, with which has more or less common characteristics: " a" he is " b". It does not have to be confused with the comparison or resemblance, since in the case of the metaphor comparison does not exist, but identification of a term with another one.