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Month: April 2012

Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

Today, fans of dog breeding is difficult as a surprise. This applies, above all, a decent range of very different dog breeds. Dogs the size of a man and a small, easily fits in a jacket pocket, hidden thick, falling to the floor fur or no – for now the dogs in the state is virtually what you want. And the bulk of them in principle a long history of the breed. Still, Rhodesian Ridgeback – it’s an amazing story. Dogs have long found themselves companions of the human race, could accompany him on what you want and travel writings. And for the tribes roamed the South African dogs were primarily guards and colleagues in the hunt. Guards – since nomads tribe is a dog, only because of its superb sense of smell and hearing, found themselves in a position much earlier than people who hear enemy.

Assistants – because of their amazing physiological characteristics were allowed to engage in combat, even with a lion. Also made in ancient Egypt, wall drawings are likely to consider dogs with a pronounced Ridge, through which their own and called lvinopodobnymi dogs. In general, only because of the high-cultural life of ancient Egypt to today, you can let conceivably consider time of origin of such rocks. Already in the middle of the fifth millennium BC hunting dogs with a distinct Ridge on the back seemed well known. Suppose that, of course, today’s Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies look quite like their ancestors, who were in Africa. And only thanks to sophisticated long history of interbreeding with other breeds of dogs, starting from the middle of the XVII century, when the Cape of Good Hope settled residents of the Netherlands. Even the first emigrants described used for hunting dogs, the local tribes, mostly – Hottentot – necessarily including a description of the band on their backs. The first description of an expert breed of lion dogs created historian George MakKoulhil in 19 century.

However, his description was not really correct. He thought it was a nightmare on the outer appearance fauna, in which some hair on the middle of the back grew up in the opposite direction. Average growth of these animals historian named as 45-46 cm, ie, progenitors of the modern Rhodesian Ridgeback were much lower growth. Then lvinopodobnye dog crossed with dogs Greyhound breed, which lived in Africa, as well as exported from Western Europe breeds of dogs. Official recognition of the breed acquired a specialist in 1900 and the first standard was recorded in 1922. On Now the club Ridgeback may be found in whatever Western Europe, and not exclusively European, country, and in addition at the beginning of last century, this breed was considered rare, and all individuals in Western Europe was possible to count on the fingers of even one hand. For example, the first Ridgeback in Europe came only in 1914, the second – not earlier than 1927. Rhodesian Ridgeback called one of the most enjoyable for breeding dogs. And this applies as well as rural residents and urban residents. Rhodesian Ridgebacks barely able to get sick, it is love cushy job and at the same time – kilometers-long festivities.



It's no secret that the technical dryer – an apparatus that is used quite widely, but in this article, we focus on the specific situation of application. Use predostavivschuyusya opportunity to demonstrate use a hair dryer on technical practice. Frost struck, and the owners recklessly forgot to block in the country at the distribution site, the water supply. Here we are, trying to lift the metal cover, and it frozen to the same iron base. Crowbar or claw hammer to undermine not recommended – you can deform the door, because it is made of sheet iron.

And since there is a cottage arsenal heat gun Einhell, then let him have some work. Short period of time (more specifically this time, you can learn from the user's manual) pay heating of the hair dryer on the 'first gear. " This training tool conducive to prolong the life of the heating element. Then switch to the greatest power and start working. Evenly warmed manhole covers all around.

Periodically raise a cap in that case if no improvements – continue to thaw further. So, after a few minutes to work and the efforts of a small hand hatch opens. In this case, the ice accumulated on the lifting brackets, but in other hands, the can not be the case, why should heat gun to warm up on the perimeter. That's so easy, without much effort, with an inexpensive model building dryer resolved our complex, as initially thought, a question. To properly complete the work before complete shutdown again encouraged to translate dryer on the first step to avoid a rapid drop in temperature on the heating element. Remember that when the rules of operation of cooling and warming spiral bulbs, you prolong the life of teplopistoleta. It should be pointed out that the air temperature at the time of thawing was equal to -8 . In that case, if you have to warm up something in a more 'northern' mode or treat large areas of the frozen surface, it is recommended to use a more powerful hair dryer, for example, RT-HA in 2000 the company Einhell, a hair dryer in a position to blow the hot air stream within 630 .