In times of crisis and cuts of most marketing budgets, no other option that leave to seek new ways to get customers and trying to maintain the loyalty of existing ones. To do this, email corporte appears as an ideal solution. A few years ago, nobody would have thought that email would become one of the tools most used and effective in promoting a business and get large number of new customers. Even today thousands of Internet business they only use email as a means to reach customers and acquire income. One of the great benefits that provides the corporte email is that it is very economical. Email is far less expensive than other forms of communication, such as for example newspapers or magazines, radio, sms and tv. Without a doubt, the most expensive of all, the tv is one of the most expensive marketing, and not tools for being the most expensive is the best. Visit website has much experience in this field.
Another great benefit that has email marketing is it is proactive, i.e. Further details can be found at Marc Lasry, an internet resource. arriving at each customers encouraging an action. It allows us to send information to the recipient, thing that happens on a website, where potential clients necessarily go by themselves in search of information. On the other hand, email marketing is massive, so it can reach out to thousands and thousands of people in a few minutes, and with almost zero effort. It also allows recurring sales, so it becomes an ideal tool to retain customers and also get new. Different studies have claimed that make a new sale to a fixed customer, is up to 7 times easier that trying to get a new customer. Email marketing is also effective.
For all companies that use email marketing in a correct and professional, it is most likely having a great return on investment for each email performed in relation to other types of marketing tools. Certain features such as what personalization and segmentation helps achieve very good percentage of effectiveness. Finally, email marketing has another very important benefit, and it is measurable. All email marketing campaign results can be measured in real time and with perfect accuracy, which do not possess other types of marketing as the tv media. There are many metrics that can be very useful, they are: the delivered emails, the emails read, the desuscriptos, the clicks on clicks, the complaints, the bounced hard and soft, and sent to a friend, among several others. A greeting.