The System
After these conquests remained a sick body, that searchs other conquests now, as the fight for the mental health, better conditions of work, making to appear then in the contemporaneidade the Medicine of the Work, that it aims at to look for to keep the welfare mental and social physicist of the worker, having as support the physiology and the ergonomics. Psicopatologias of the Work organism controls the suffering in the work relations, using the defensive strategy, as form to prevent the adoecimento, looking for to prevent the descompensaes, that can cause the neuroses, psychoses and depressions, but knows that such mental riots well to happen needs that the individual has a structure of personality daily pay made use to such patologias. The descompensao generates a fall in the production, such fall is observed when a bigger performance of what is demanded of the worker that one that it can have, places it to the pressure in crisis situation, as: crisis of I cry, collapses. When this happens, the worker immediately is moved away from the sector, of its functions, or a more disastrous solution is not to perceive itself sick, exactly being to the side of the fatigue or a psychosomatic crisis. To obtain the removal for illness reason the worker has that to present a medical dismissal folloied of a receiturio with analgesic lapsing or psicostimulantes. This aid to disfarar the mental suffering.
But, exactly with all this suffering in the work, it does not create specific insanities, at least in the legislation. The descompensaes so that they occur are necessary that if it has a defined structure daily pay, as said previously, that it can explain as this happens. Second (DJOURS, 2002), to explain a descompensao three components of the relation must be led in consideration man-organization of the work: the fatigue, that makes with that the mental device loses its versatility; the system reactive frustration-aggressiveness, that leaves without exit an important part of the pulsional energy; the organization of the work, as leather strap of transmission of a external will, that if opposes to the investments of the pulses and sublimaes' '.