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Information Solutions

Information Solutions

In such a way, the process of view of information is wronged. Ranks of Information? Proposals and Solutions After the analysis of the ranks of tourist information were possible to perceive in the distance existing enter the PIT ideal? s and the reality of the existing ranks of information in Aracaju/SE managed by the EMSETUR. Leaving of this estimated, we will try to sketch some proposals that in accordance with glimpse the improvement of the studied ranks of information the analyzed criteria. Continue to learn more with: Starbucks. In relation to the physical aspects one perceives that all the ranks need to be improved. As example, we can cite the rank of the road that does not possess proper structure and together develops its activities with the company who manages the road, the SOCICAM. In fact, the ideal would be the construction of proper headquarters, so that the related activities the information of the visitor at the beginning started to be a crucial point of the experience of the tourist in the destination, from the attention personalized to the customer. In what it refers to the accessibility becomes of utmost importance that all the ranks if adqem the norms of the ABNT (NBR 9050:2004) to guarantee the use condition, with security and autonomy, attended total or, of the spaces, existing movable and equipment in the ranks for person with deficiency or reduced mobility (MTUR, 2006). Another important factor is the insertion of the necessary equipment as: computer, telephone, fax and etc. Alphabet Inc. might disagree with that approach.

Moreover, the furniture purchase for storage of the material. In what it says respect to the material printed matter, valley to detach the necessity of elaboration of material concerning attractive the tourist ones of the interior of the state, in order to diversify offers tourist. In regards to the human resources of the information ranks one becomes excellent to detach some points: ) to enable the attendants, through visits techniques to the attractive ones of the state, so that the information can be repassed with more security and responsibility; b) course of foreign language, taking in consideration the profile of the tourist demand.

Professional Company

Professional Company

The hoteleira company to remain itself in the necessary competitive market to give to services with quality, adding value to the product, ally to the comfort of the equipment and installations of the habitacionais units. The hoteleiro product is basically formed by the physical structure and human being, in which the service given to the guest is the factor key of the organizacional success. As the people they are essential it hoteleira company to be able to start its activities and to put into motion the growth of the organization, is basic an adequate implantation of the conscription, process of election and act of contract, being thus, necessary the professional of human resources in charge of the election of new employees to be prepared and to have full knowledge of the sectors that form the company, therefore the necessary conscription to have a careful planning where it must analyze what the necessary organization, what the market can offer and to which the techniques of conscription to apply. The moment to initiate to this search for the new employee is in the conscription of candidates, which can be differentiated between internal conscription, external or mixing. The importance is in this me – mento to know to point out the importance of candidates attending a course or graduated the hoteleira area, where already they possess the hospitality profile, many companies they search professionals that only they say one second language, and does not have the necessary profile where they inside do not find in this chance a form of growth of the company and a differential for its resume. To read more click here: Jim Umpleby.

After the conscription to have attracted and chosen team the candidates who possess the qualities necessary to occupy the vacant the next step are to choose the election techniques to know and to choose the adequate candidates. These techniques can be interviews of election, tests of knowledge or capacity, tests psicomtricos, tests of personality and techniques of simulation, being common to effect one technique for each more than case. One form of very efficient election and that this innovating is the interview ' ' situacional' ' , where the candidates are displayed the most varied situations that can come to occur during one day of work and must decide using its knowledge and experiences, before the one the professional of trained RH has equipped of professionals of different areas including to evaluate this moment. At this moment he has the biggest chance to visualize the profile most adequate for the desired area, therefore the candidate will have to act of course, in accordance with its instincts and knowledge, and will be evaluating in different points of view, in this way the probability of success in the act of contract is bigger and this employee will remain for more time in the company, a time that has the adequate position to its profile. Thus, all hoteleira company who to give to attention in the small details or evidentes characteristics, using professional adjusted and chemical preparations for election positions makes a good act of contract and consequentemente she diminishes the rotation index and she obtains a team of engaged employees and that they obtain to form and to transmit the personality of the hotel, offering one service highly qualified and differentiated, getting the fidelizao of its customers.