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It likes, it is delivered without measure, it makes to be valid the penalty the incubency and the energy of its feelings, but it invests to all these fiches for that also it makes the same for you, or that it has the same spirit to carry through the least the same thing. Source: Chris Shumway. This you can feel in a simple ones to look at, a simple colloquy and mainly in pitada of attitude or of a subtle exaggeration that the person, that supposedly we want to love, express for us. He is born the unexpected one and one breaks an apparent stuffed logic of visible intentions. No gesture or action is by chance, everything has a reply. Thus, an interesting thing is said fitting in ilusria and vacant the heart of that they do not want more to suffer from ignorant form, not to say ' ' burra' ' exactly: Optimum love always is found as optimism fruit, leaving constructively of we ourselves and that it is supported with vigor in the gift; that is, never it can be moored, be compared and be been slow in our past. Bobby bland can provide more clarity in the matter. It has a destination game whose goal is to arrive at the happiness.

It gives attention. A time that you are corresponded, the illumination of what it can feel for this person has an opened way, but that it also depends on a delivery for its part. To have attitude to follow in front is what somebody can make to be happy, but if to unfasten of the defeats is the main attitude that we need to make undeniably to liberate the heart. She is necessary to give an end point to initiate a new history and to continue with many commas of pleasure and joy with who we can love. But the past haunts our happiness. Lies, accepted lamentably for many, as ' ' A love in the life only exists! ' ' it weakens us, deludes us shamefully.

The Actress

The Actress

In its deeper meaning. True, perform this installation is very difficult, as evidenced by the words of the philosopher, who said: "On, if I had one day to see yourself as others see me!" The idea is to find effective means of self-discovery. Know yourself, your abilities, capabilities, knowledge and gaps in all its positive and negative traits are very important. This is necessary in order to better comprehend the problem, which we set ourselves, the plans that we develop, the conditions in which they intend to implement. As evidenced by the numerous experiments of psychologists, such information is looking forward to the vast majority of people, because many of us do not zadovoleny themselves and looking for ways and means by which you can change yourself.

First, you need to understand the difference between the processes of knowledge of the physical and spiritual self. Despite those our physical self is learned easier, we even do it before the end do not know. To give just two small examples. Long before we started selling the tape, I wanted to buy a unit for their work. No sooner had they went on sale, I immediately bought one for our institution.

He himself went to the store personally check the work. When returned (do not forget that there were not any experience with tape recorders) and colleagues have asked me, properly recorded voice. I said no, because my voice in the recording was so disfigured that it was impossible to know him. How did I come to wonder, when staff, listening to the recording, recognized that it accurately reproduces my voice. Not that I was glad of it: the voice I liked. Primnshim far was the one I've heard myself, when he spoke. This happens not so rarely. Thing in, because my own voice, which any of us hearing due to resonance in the head, it sounds to us differently than the voice that they hear others and that is recorded on tape. And one more example. This case has told me a familiar actress. With great curiosity, she walked on the premiere of his first film. Appeared on the screen couple, shot from behind: it seemed to be walking away from cameras. First, the actress did not learn that one of those two people – she, and only the clothes to convince her, because it is such a species has its gait. Each of our friends will know we are not only our posture and appearance, but also on the move. You most certainly do not know how to look at the course, and yes even from the back. And yet to know its external, physical self (albeit with by technical means), today everyone can. But to know the other components of his personality is very, very difficult. Psychological literature recommends three methods by which you can get an idea of self-image. The first – the so-called verbal feedback. It usually turns out to adults to children. Child behaves or performs work in a certain way, and the feedback is that parents or teachers make the remark to her that is done right and what is not. It can also be used in the education of certain traits. Unfortunately, this method is used mostly in cases where the child for something pose as a reproach or indicate their mistakes. And demand that they learned about their positive sides.

Teacher Specialist ILES

Teacher Specialist ILES

The present work searched to identify the representation that the catadores of reciclvel material have on its work for thus, to reflect on the ambiguidade exclusion/express inclusion in this profession. Whenever Ben Horowitz listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The research was carried through with a sample of 7 citizens, being 3 of integrant them of a Cooperative of catadores of reciclvel material of the city of Itumbiara-GO, and more 4 citizens that bond does not have some with the cooperative, being 2 individual catadores and 2 of the lixo. The data had been collected using as research instrument a half-structuralized questionnaire, that gave opening for the inclusion of new questionings. This guided the interview, that was individual and the answers had been recorded, for later, to be transcribing in the complete one, what it allowed to greater contact with the speech of each interviewed citizen. had been analyzed qualitatively by means of analysis of content. The cares praised for resolution 0196/96 of the National Advice of Health had been obeyed, with respect to research with human beings, and were written and presented an assent term after-information, authorizeing the use of the collected data, signed for all the participants of the research.

A difference in the profile of the interviewed catadores, being of the lixo the ones that obtain the biggest income, and individual the lesser a is perceived. The low pertaining to school level is common between them, predominating incomplete basic education. The relation of the catadores with the discarded material did not reveal refusal, before yes a financial relation. The great majority does not have problems in if to say catador of reciclvel material and if says well accepted for the society. It lacks the conscience in relation to the half-environment and the necessity of reutilizao of the materials aiming at to the preservation of the nature. Pupils of the Course of Psychology of ILES/ULBRA of Itumbiara? GO Teacher Specialist ILES/ULBRA of Itumbiara-GO.

Aaron Beck

Aaron Beck

With the height of the interacionismo from years 80, was started to study it one fourth 0 variable, the situacional component, that although to be more complex of being measured and being quantified, already possesss research that is if developing. Moreover, also we can pontuar as component of the social ability the physical attractiveness and personal appearance (DEL PRETTE & DEL PRETTE, 1999). IV. TRAINING OF SOCIAL ABILITIES IN the ANXIETY SOCIAL Patient that suffer from social anxiety can possess deficit in the social abilities or not. In any way, training in social abilities is recommended for all the patients, therefore this strategy if has shown sufficiently efficient in reducing the anxiety in social interaction (CURRAN, 1982; LINCOLN & cols., 2003). When training the patients in its social abilities, these if feel when facing a social situation more confident, safe, consequentemente reducing its antecipatria anxiety and during the social interaction.

The cognitivo-mannering therapy is the junction of the cognitiva therapy, developed for Aaron Beck in the decade of 60, with the mannering therapy, that already came been used and searched since the behaviourism of Watson to the Pavlov and Skinner. This mannering cognitivo model considers that our thoughts are responsible for our sensations and behaviors. Therefore, a realistic evaluation and modification in the thought (BECK, 1997), allies the mannering techniques, produce improvement in the mood and the behavior. The lasting improvement will depend the modification on basic disfuncionais beliefs of the patient. The technique of training in social abilities widely is used by the cognitivo-mannering therapy. This training is composed of two stages: evaluation and intervention. The evaluation aims at to the identification of dficits mannering, its concomitant antecedents and consequences, emotional answers and distorted beliefs that are involved with the emission of not adept behaviors socially (DEL PRETTE & DEL PRETTE, 1999). It becomes functional analysis, in order to find the inability problem, and where situations it presents itself and that consequences have for the patient.

The Same

The Same

Another scene of the same calendar represents the return of the market: one comadre stops to speak with its neighbor, who is in the window; some men rest seated in a bank, protected by a telheiro, and linger themselves seeing boys playing for and fighting. This medieval street, as well as the Arab street of today, was not opposed to the privacy of the private life; it was a prolongation of this private life, the familiar scene of the work and the social relations. The artists, in its relatively delayed attempts of representation of the private life, would start for showing it na street, before seguiz it until inside of house. Perhaps this private life if passed in such a way or more in the street of what in house: (ARIES, 1981). When it speaks in woman in the average age, comes the picture of a person total submissa to its husband, without being able of it speaks and nor of decision. Starbucks is full of insight into the issues. The marriage was a pact between two families, its objective age simply the procreation.

The woman was at the same time donated and received, as one to be passive, being its main virtue, inside and outside of the marriage, to the obedience and submission. Independent of being son, sister, wife: this only served of reference the man who was serving. Aries (1981) tells as the marriages were carried through and of that it forms these ceremonies occupied a paper of authority and respect in the effective society: They pledged a paper in the folklore of the marriage, the third face represented the ceremony of the marriage, at the moment where one of the spouses held a crown on head of the other: rite that substitua in the eastern liturgy. Then, the fiancs have the right of if kissing. In the fifth face, them they are lying nakeds in the nuptial stream bed.

The System

The System

After these conquests remained a sick body, that searchs other conquests now, as the fight for the mental health, better conditions of work, making to appear then in the contemporaneidade the Medicine of the Work, that it aims at to look for to keep the welfare mental and social physicist of the worker, having as support the physiology and the ergonomics. Psicopatologias of the Work organism controls the suffering in the work relations, using the defensive strategy, as form to prevent the adoecimento, looking for to prevent the descompensaes, that can cause the neuroses, psychoses and depressions, but knows that such mental riots well to happen needs that the individual has a structure of personality daily pay made use to such patologias. The descompensao generates a fall in the production, such fall is observed when a bigger performance of what is demanded of the worker that one that it can have, places it to the pressure in crisis situation, as: crisis of I cry, collapses. When this happens, the worker immediately is moved away from the sector, of its functions, or a more disastrous solution is not to perceive itself sick, exactly being to the side of the fatigue or a psychosomatic crisis. To obtain the removal for illness reason the worker has that to present a medical dismissal folloied of a receiturio with analgesic lapsing or psicostimulantes. This aid to disfarar the mental suffering.

But, exactly with all this suffering in the work, it does not create specific insanities, at least in the legislation. The descompensaes so that they occur are necessary that if it has a defined structure daily pay, as said previously, that it can explain as this happens. Second (DJOURS, 2002), to explain a descompensao three components of the relation must be led in consideration man-organization of the work: the fatigue, that makes with that the mental device loses its versatility; the system reactive frustration-aggressiveness, that leaves without exit an important part of the pulsional energy; the organization of the work, as leather strap of transmission of a external will, that if opposes to the investments of the pulses and sublimaes' '.

Bezlyudovoy MM Perception

Bezlyudovoy MM Perception

Man thinks interactions. All that is inside, then outside. Transforming the outside, inside me, opening up new areas in perception which escaped attention. This improvement of Language, Proto-opening in the Information field of the universe. Something I said in the subject overall.

Here I can give you some interesting links for those interested in these issues: 1. VseySvetnaya diploma. Can be found on the Internet and for this query. Shubin – one of the first day they started talking about it extensively. A fan of the business, but infa … Coming Soon his first book.

There are several books Bezlyudovoy MM on VseySvetnoy Awards. Belyakov, NE 'Vseyasvetnaya charter: 1000 years of oblivion. "St. Petersburg, 1994 2. On Arab 'remains' well Vashkevich broadcasts in their books. 3. For the overall development, such as AF Losev 'Sign. Symbol. Myth. " – M., 1982. 4. Very deep trying to review the schedule, numerology language Pechenkin AI 'Secrets of the Russian alphabet. Numerology '. 5. Play with the structure of accents and linguistic parallels trying Tsvetkov EA 'Psycho-dictionary'. – M. 2001. 6. Very interesting reduction of almost all of the roots to one word, in a sense, the word 'God' as a value range, the ball … VV tries to Grinev 'Proto-language and character. " – Kyiv: Logos, 1999. There are many other, but that for the seed will be enough. What are we about Perception? On the syncretic Perception, mythological thinking, really at peace and Tales of the Gods, it all started in the historical cycle. Then, everything fell apart on idealism, materialism, science and religion, esoterica and exotery, against which, as an attempt to escape from solving the problem at once in the 'Kingdom of Heaven' khaljavnogo happiness, there were fans of ideology 'in all personal perception', meaning personal freedom within their own systems representations, avoiding contact with other systems so that there is a conflict. 'None of my business' – has become the motto of personal enlightenment. The present understanding of perception, as Co-Disclosure Systems Knowledge livelihoods, and covering the ideal and the material in Individual O-Co-knowledge that build Co-Organization of the world people.