Etteilla Tarot

Etteilla Tarot

How the letters are read according to the Etteilla tarot the mallet of Etteilla tarot, as popular as discussed, it began to spread massively around the year of 1785. Like the controversial Aleister Crowley, its creator, the barber of French origin Jean Baptiste Alliete was based to create it in Egyptian laminae of tarot, oldest known until then (and until today). And although its distribution is the traditional one, with 22 arcane majors and 46 minors divided in 4 woods, the reading letters that are realised with him presents/displays some special particularitities. Alliete, that from the commercial success of its tarot modifici its name by the one of the Etteilla emblem, was the first tarotista in realising a difference between the meaning of a dignificada good deck and the one of a dignificada bad letter (invested). According to its defenders, because of its deep sensitivity and intuition to catch the type of energy that the letters canalize. According to its critics, to prevent that new tarotistas would aparcieran that could dispute the flourishing business to him.

The certain thing is that this distinction has become immensely popular and is today very habitual. Etteilla was a great student of geometry and the mathematical one, and is possible to think that certain particularitities of their distance of tarot can be based on calculations of that type. For example, the form in which the reading is realised, in completely inverse form to the traditional one, an extremely characteristic convention that until the most heterodox renovadores of the tarot they respect. The mallet of Etteilla is also the unique one whose arcane majors are divided in 3 groups. First, of 7 letters, it includes from the Crazy person to the Car. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Electrolux has to say.

One treats, for Etteilla, of the group related to the planes mystical and intellectual of that consult. In the second group, of 7 letters also, we found all the decks between Justice and the Templanza. They are the ones in charge to reflect the moral aspect of consults that them. The third group, finally, includes the 7 letters that go from the Devil to the World. The arcane ones, for Etteilla, of the relation with the planes physical and material. It is by outside these 3 groups the Magician, who in this frame refers fulfilled desires. Visionary or swindler? Wise person or capable retailer? The figure of Etteilla, 3 centuries later, still wide-awake controversies. But something is undeniable: it was without doubts a great diffuser of the map reading and the deck of tarot.

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