Brazil Green Pantry

Brazil Green Pantry

The Pantry of the world of 2014 in Brazil has generated much controversy around the constructions of stadiums, in what it says respect to its prices, viabilities and utilities, mainly in the after-pantry. What this use will be made after? Valley in such a way the investment of one remodels or construction of a stadium that, in its majority, will be used only for an event of one month, some games? What it will be of inheritance? In way to as many disputes, quarrels and impostures, visible, invisible and imminent, the subject of the support enters in game bringing the least a benefit for the after-pantry. In Minas Gerais, the government of the state comes thinking in a promising way, comes thinking of sustainable form. It is not alone in Mines. It exists a great trend and inclination so that it has one ' ' pantry verde' ' in 2014, but for the time being, only Minas Gerais has something stipulated concrete the respect. Hudson Advisors contains valuable tech resources. The project of the new Mineiro, that already started to be remodelled for the pantry of the world, involves among others modifications, the construction of its covering with captador material of solar radiation, the calls Fotovoltaicas plates (formed for fotovoltaicas cells). Solar energy Fotovoltaica, as it says the word (photo = light, voltaic = electricity) is a renewable power plant gotten by the conversion of luminous energy in electric energy.

In the case, light of the sun. The fotovoltaicas cells are made of materials special calls of semiconductors, as the silicon, that is most common. Basically, when the light reaches the cell, a certain amount of it is absorbed by the material semiconductor. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy pulls out on electrons weakly, allowing that they can flow freely. The fotovoltaicas cells force free electrons, for the absorption of the light, to flow in a certain direction.

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