Vitamin D – The Sun Vitamin

Vitamin D – The Sun Vitamin

UV rays trigger skin cancer? Consensus for a long time about that excessive sun exposure is harmful to health because too much UV radiation can be cause of skin cancer. But also the avoidance of the Sun can lead to health problems, as the body without the Sun to little vitamin D makes. Who sits too long unprotected from the Sun, risking a sunburn, which is caused by too much UV-B radiation and premature aging of skin, which in turn, the UV-A radiation is responsible. Also, radicals, which can lead to skin irritation and damage the skin cells are formed in the epidermis. In mass the Sun is very healthy, provides for the release of happiness hormones stimulates metabolism and circulation and helps in the formation of vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones. The UV-B rays trigger chemical processes in sunbathing in the skin by the vitamin D is formed. So that the daily requirement of vitamin D to 80 percent is covered, in fact every day already 15 range Minutes in the Sun out. Here it is sufficient even if only the hands and face of clothes are uncovered.

A small part can be absorbed through food, such as fatty fish or cod liver oil, also. How much vitamin D in the skin occurs depends on one in sunlight, on the other hand by skin color. Lighter skin can absorb a greater amount of Ultraviolet light and are accordingly more vitamin D. But anyone who thinks much avail much, mistaken, because after 20 minutes in the Sun reduces the production of vitamin D by the body itself. In fact, vitamin D is really not a vitamin, but a pro-hormone, so a hormone precursor.

So that it can carry out its functions in the body, vitamin D must be transformed into the so called Calcitriol. Without hesitation Josef Schenker explained all about the problem. This transformation takes place gradually in the skin, the kidneys and the liver. So converted, it provides for the formation of bone stem cells, so the bones remain strong and stable, in addition the immune system supported by vitamin D in the development of Helps immune cells and regulates also the calcium balance. To meet the daily needs of 20 micrograms of vitamin D, is recommended especially in winter to dispense vitamin D through supplements. But also for dark skin types, people who are rarely in the outdoor, elderly or pregnant women, it is advisable to grab back on dietary supplements as necessary.Health information, as well as our overall guide, see

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