

While we strip our dog through the Woods lurking ide ticks in the bushes and wait only on one… We know it, the pesky bloodsuckers, which make difficult life for us and our dogs. Really? How it look like the world for a tick? Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that belong to the class of Arachnids, there again the order of mites. They feed on the blood of their hosts warm-blooded animals: mammals and birds. Ticks live prefers forest edges and clearings, in the tall grass, shrubs or underbrush. Climb there on longer blades of grass or twig and most mammals are waiting for their owners and dogs very like to the suffering of its holder.

Ticks are usually blind, do not even have eyes. Follow up with the help of the Haller institution in the front legs, used to the odor perception. The most odors is not interested in a tick, but butyric acid, as it occurs in the welding of mammals, is high on their hit list. Interesting are also ammonia and carbon dioxide. She takes everything in the correct ratio, it accesses. It is sufficient a contact of less than a Sekunde.Im orientation next looks for warmth. That leads directly to the skin of their host. There, she prefers thin-skinned, well perfused points.

You hurt the skin and forms a depression in the tissue. A small Blutsee is created, which it constantly empties with their suction nozzles. This, it filters the nutrients from the blood and returns the excess fluid to the host. A female lays up to 3000 eggs, larvae hatch from which after a development period of a few weeks. The larvae are tiny, large and therefore with the naked eye hardly to see up to a half. From the larvae, nymphs, which in turn develop into adult animals after a monthlong maturity evolve in a several-week development.Larvae and nymphs have no sexual organs. They develop only during the last moult. Atypically for Arachnids, which are eight-legged, the larvae have only six legs. Only the adult ticks possess sexual organs and are two sexed.The females need a last blood meal, which they attacked prefers larger mammals. The weight of a female can rise up to 200fach after the last meal.Also the mating takes place during the last meal. The male animal that climbs on the abdomen of the female and pushes his package of sperm into the genital opening. “That sometimes observing, if a tick is a other piggyback” bears. The males do not participate in the wedding feast and die after mating. Typical spider…

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