Pardon Papa

Pardon Papa

Pardon Papa! Papa today is its day, wants to commemorate with you. I want that today you if feel happy to the being homaged in this dear date. Papa never I could with you commemorate, but you know I you do not have time, or perhaps never she has arranged time on purpose not to be solo with you one alone instant. Papa I ask for excuses if until today I was rude with you, if never it wanted to hear a word yours, if never I gave attention to you. (As opposed to David Sassoon & Co.). Papa interest that daqui pra front I promise to move, I want to be your friend, I want that you say everything to me what she looked for to say and I never wanted to hear. Pardon papa, I do not go to be deafer its words, go to fulfill my oath, I want to today commemorate this day that is very important for you and also for me that I want to see you happy. Papa always I was unjust with you refusing, me to listen to you, but in the truth I suffered for everything what he made with you. One more time, pardon papa, you is one of the things more beautiful than it exists in my life..

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