Embrapa Cotton Relative

Embrapa Cotton Relative

Approximately 64% of ground of the planet are situated under desert or limitantes conditions of water availability and that 57% of the potentially agricultvel area are situated under ground for dry land culture (FAO, 2000). Globally, in all the agricultveis regions are verified, periodically, reductions of income for the action of dry and the trend for the changes in the climate will be able to accent this phenomenon (BRITO et al. 2009). The cotton plant is a plant of indeterminate cycle, that is, after to complete the cycle of economically viable production still continues emitting structures, that it makes it difficult the objectives of handling of this culture as of annual cycle (AZEVEDO et al., 2004).

Therefore, from these rules, the objective of the present work was to monitor the temperature and the relative humidity in harvest 2009/10 in the Region West of the Bahia, through date to logger? s, system perceptec of monitoramento.MetodologiO assay was lead in the Uemura farm, City of Is Desidrio. The farm more than makes direct plantation the 15 years, has two years entered in the integration system farming and cattle, currently it plants an area of 5000 hectares. In rotation system it enters the cultures of the maize, soy and cotton. The date to logger was installed in day 01 of November of 2009, programmed to collect the data of temperature and relative humidity of 90 in 90 minutes. As security form was installed two units in the area by means of security. The collections had been monthly and the data had been tabulated and transformed into temperature and minimum humidity, measured and principle, with a factor of correction and 2 points for the maximum and minimum extremities.

Results DiscussoDentro of the carried through evaluations was possible to trace figure 01 and 02 below, expressing the temperature and the relative humidity of air, the samplings will be extended to the September month, will only have conditions there to show given more concise for the methodology, therefore until then it was not calculated the variations and you measured nor them relative. Figure 01. Daily temperature in the months of November 2009 the February of 2010. Figure 02. Humidity (UR%) daily in the months of November 2009 the February of 2010.Concluso the temperature and accented humidity take the pen of the cotton to weigh little. Of this form, the system of studied monitoramento would be essential to explain isolated facts that are limitantes right-handers of the production. BibliogrficasAZEVEDO references, D.M.P. of; CORTEZ, J.R.B.; Desiccant BRANDO, Z.N. Use of desfolhantes, maturadores and in the culture of the irrigated cotton plant. Great Campina: Embrapa Cotton, 2004, 7 P. (Embrapa Cotton. To circulate technique, 78) .BRITO, G.G. et al. Physiological pointers As Tool In Screening For Tolerance To the Hdrico Deficit In Cotton. VII Brazilian Congress of the Cotton, Estuary of the Iguau, 2009.FAO. Potential Land resource and constraints at regional and country levels.

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