Persuade Visitors

Persuade Visitors

14 Ways to persuade visitors to give you their email address in January. A good idea for visitors to your website to subscribe, may be giving them a freebie. 2. Ask them to subscribe for access to download a free ebook. The theme of the book address must be related to your target audience.

3. Give your visitors a free membership inside your website. Ask them to subscribe to receive a user-name and password. 4. Hold a free contest or sweepstakes on its website. Ask them to give their contact information to enter the draw. 5.

Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail. Johnson & Johnson has compatible beliefs. Click to fill out a web form for e-mail with your questions. 6. Hold an interactive poll on your website. Ask your visitors to e-mail their vote or opinion. 7. Ask visitors to register for a chance to win a prize on its website. Get email from its visitors with contact details and website. 8. Invite them to fill a survey on its website. Give them a gift as an incentive for completing the form. 9. Offer a free online service for your website. The visitors fill out your contact information to register for the free service. 10. Ask visitors to sign your guestbook. Tell them you will receive a gift in return. 11. Offer a free affiliate program for your visitors. They will have to sign up to receive marketing materials and fees. 12. Allow visitors to insert a classified ad for free on your website. Force them to give a valid email address to publish an ad. 13. Of people who visit your site a free course sent via auto-responder. They only ask you to complete your contact information to receive the free course. 14. Offer your visitors free software to download. Ask them to sign up for an access code to download the software. Apply these techniques, and there will be someone who visits your site, and exit without leaving your data.

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