Brand Advertisers And The Web – No Love At First Sight

Brand Advertisers And The Web – No Love At First Sight

What learning brand of Barack Obama the next President has recognised the potential of online media and it understood like no other before him, the enormous opportunities of the participatory Web\”aimed to use the successful brand Barack Obama\” to rebuild. Obama’s campaign has set new standards in online communication. The Internet is the medium of the future. While especially the print media, but also the TV fight years falling readers or audience figures, the number of Internet users increases continuously still. Currently 2/3 of the German Internet use (source: (N) Onliner Atlas 2008). The enormous potential for the future of the world is evident clear wide web but in its great power of attraction to the young target group aged 14-29 years, from 91.3 percent are now regularly or daily several hours online (source: (N) Onliner Atlas 2008). The new kids on the blogg\”already spend more time on the Web, as a the TV front of. (Source: 2008 ARD/ZDF online study).

However, not only the young target group is in the Internet to reach. The well-funded target group of over 50 years has long since discovered the Internet. Of the so-called silver surfers between 50 and 59 years, already more than 65.7 percent are regularly active in the network. These figures speak a unique language: successful brand communication must be running on the Internet today. Nowhere else to reach\”a big target group of direct, scalable and convenient. Who understands the rules of Web 2.0, gets an early and sustainable ROI. Because the user will be its own brand ambassadors. \”The end of one way communication: changed communication habits the net but exactly the unwritten\” rules of the Web are 2.0, where so far the most brands fail in their attempts to communicate the own brand in the Web 2.0 and multiply. Because, it is not enough to transfer an established offline campaign 1:1 in the medium of the Internet.

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