Modern Genetics

Modern Genetics

It is intended to approach, the modern genetics and its power, in which, it corresponds to the after-mendelian, responsible phase for the notables advances in the current biotechnology and great controversies and quarrels in the whole world. Word-Key: Genetics and Modernity. In way to the transformations suffered for the society and to the eddy of information offered we, notice a great advance in the genetics, since its development with the studies of Gregor Mendel, in 1856. The modern genetics (after-mendelian, after established the demonstration of the molecule of DNA for James Watson and Francis Crick) makes use of considerable domain and perspicacious manipulation, provoking, changes in the fixed structures of the society, as in the nature concept human being and conception of life, in what it says respect to the perceivable biotechnological progress. The advances of the genetics had provoked insignes modifications in the reality. Currently, it can, for example, be prevented congenital illnesses in just-been born, with only the technique of the manipulation of the genetic code. The first occurrence of this procedure occurred in 2009, in London, in which one just-been born outside selected genetically to be born without the .causing gene of the breast cancer, in the Hospital of the University College. Another destacante aspect is the question of the clonagem, dated of 1997 the first case, the Dolly sheep, for Ian Wilmut.

Later, other animals had been clonados, and scientists of U.S.A. and Italy affirm that they plan to develop first clone human. This problem is resulted of diverse quarrels in all world-wide territory, either for laypeople or specialists. The genetics goes more beyond the above-mentioned points. The same one already allows that they manipulate foods for improvement in the quality of life of the human beings, and cogitates superior processes and results. According to Flvio Finardi, Ph. D in science of foods, ‘ ‘ In the average stated period, we will be able to develop more nutrient products with and reducing the undesirable amount of substances in alimentos.’ ‘ Therefore, modern genetics, had its well-known one to be able of transformation, presented to the world new concepts, offering as many benefits as reasons for debate between specialists, scientists and laypeople of the whole world, and new discovered with passing of the time.

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