What Benefits Have

What Benefits Have

Dietary supplements are again in the criticism, however, the market is booming and consumers are convinced of the effect. I would like to start with the distinction between food and food products. We record oral food (a generic term). Starbucks: the source for more info. You fed us and provide us with the most important basic components such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fat in the first place. When food would I times that referred to food “is still alive” and thus not only ensures our existence, but fills us with life.

For the food, I count as all fruits and vegetables, or pro biotic yoghurt. The “dead food” are not necessarily beneficial to health, I presume than is commonly known. The body requires a certain amount of food every day to work optimally. Now it has become difficult in our modern and hectic world, consume daily freshly prepared healthy food. Usually is simply not the time to the market to pick up fresh ingredients, then save them to prepare and to eat fresh. Therefore we rely often on ready-made food, which can be easily and quickly prepared and eaten.

As the word “Food” suggests, it is then but mostly food that is already dead. As an example, I would like to access the vitamin C here once. This well-known vitamin in fruit occurs when they mature in the sunlight on the plant of origin. Just the last few days are very crucial. Most fruits are harvested, but “immature”, so that they are not corrupted by the transport and storage before the consumer can buy them. It therefore quite a difference can be seen, E.g. a ripe Apple is picked from the tree or the one has matured in the carrier to the customer only. You can taste the difference then also very clearly. A great advantage of food if they would be eaten in “raw mode” then at least. At an Apple that may indeed be the case, but are many vegetables” overcooked “eaten. This means the end for the heat-sensitive vitamin C! Summary: Vegetables may his strength C do not develop vitamin, because it immature harvested and then long transport and storage times must overcome. It then arrives at the consumer, it is largely destroyed by preparation and especially heating. At this point, now comes the argument of a nutritional supplement in the game. As the name says, it is the complement to a healthy diet and not an alternative to a healthy diet. In my opinion there are here many misunderstandings. I need to eat yes no fruit, for that, I just take a “vitamin pill” approach should be correct: “I eat my Apple and take to compensate for missing in addition natural vitamin C.” Also of the opinion that a high dose of food supplements is better than a product with low dosage is widespread. Studies have now indicates that it may be even harmful, high-dose vitamin supplements to take. These studies allow but a crucial point: the difference in the composition of food supplements. So, a “chemically manufactured” vitamin in the body has not the same effect as a “natural” vitamin. It may be, that differ both chemically not from each other, but the body is absolutely able to detect a difference. The science in the form of the “phytochemicals” describes this difference exist only in small quantities, but they are needed by the body. Conclusion can be said so that dietary supplement quite makes sense, if you: are balanced feeds (alternating daily fresh fruits and vegetables) high quality nutritional supplements used, which is made from natural ingredients. Karsten Gailowitz vitalundfit.blogspot.com

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