President Santos’ Government

President Santos’ Government

The launch of quality education, the road to prosperity, politics counted with the presence of President Juan Manuel Santos, the Vice-Minister of education pre-school, basic and middle, Mauricio Perfetti; Deputy Minister of higher education, Javier Botero; and directors of the Ministry of national education, as well as more than 500 guests between representatives of the governmental, economic, political, business, trade, research, educational and civil society in general.During the meeting, President Santos made the previous Government a recognition for his work on the topic of education. They called its policy of education the educational revolution, and I frankly think that this is not an exaggeration. In the past eight years live a real revolution, said the President at the time who claimed to work for the future, based on these achievements, will be by improving the quality, that has become the mantra of the present Government.For my Government, education is the most powerful tool to generate equity. It has been, is and always will be, the most effective way of creating equal opportunities. We need to build a more just society, that all children and young people have the same opportunities that everyone can access the educational system and that merit determines your success. Because that is what the education: open doors that were closed, create opportunities and life choices. Basically we are talking about freedom. Education gives us the freedom to choose, the freedom to overcome our social conditions, freedom to build our own destiny, he said Santos.Adicionalmente, the President emphasized that his Government will work for the integral attention to early childhood, therefore urged the creation of the Council combined from infancy, composed of all entities working in this arearepresented by their Ministers, the high presidential counseling for Social prosperity in Samuel Azout head, and the High counseling programs Especiales.Avances and challenges for a quality education..

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