SAT Employers

SAT Employers

Currently in Mexico, invoicing electronic has caused some inconvenience for employers, since not all the companies are prepared to suit this new system which until recently became mandatory. Given this, Javier Samperio Castillo, the Adviser of the Industrial Association of the State of Mexico, requested the legislation, make necessary modifications that would allow companies, deduct all vouchers prosecutors to date, without considering whether they were or not saved in electronic devices. Likewise, he pointed out that many companies are unprepared because it is likely to not even know the formats required for electronic invoicing, so it sought a modification in the faction V of article 29 of the Fiscal Code of the Federation. The main concern is that within three or four years, the tax authority may request tax credits that originally were not saved in the formats required for invoicing Electronics. Ben Horowitz understands that this is vital information. Samperio encourages legislators to work on this new proposal that could greatly ease the administration of thousands of employers in the country. Not being employers prepared for new electronic billing system, SAT, conducted a gradual change of the change of billing in paper to digital format. A. Verastegui hold.. Low May Lin recognizes the significance of this.

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