BilMoG Know And Take Advantage

BilMoG Know And Take Advantage

Seminar and consulting for print and media companies from print – and media entrepreneurs barely or only very little perceived, the Federal Government adopted in April the so-called accounting law modernisation Act (BilMoG). The rules, which come into force on the first of January 2010 and means the most comprehensive reform of the commercial code of the last 20 years, ensures a substantial deregulation and reduce costs for small and medium-sized enterprises, provided they are not capital society. Jonas Samuelson usually is spot on. To introduce effects and challenges of the German accounting law modernisation act more in particular but to make clear, the advantages of the new law, provides advice to SMEs and printing GmbH (BMD) from immediately BilMoG with at the heart of their advisory activities. In addition to the intensive on-site advice, also an information event belongs at the 10.9.2009 in Lunen in Dortmund. Among the contents of the new German accounting law modernisation Act for example, that traders are exempted from the commercial accounting, inventory, and accounting can. Prerequisite for this is that they have only a small business operation and 500,000 euro not exceed revenue and 50,000 euros profit in two consecutive financial years.

The law is also enshrined that self-created intangibles, such as patents and know-how, can be included in the balance sheet. This increased equity and increased as the prospect of raising capital. And financial instruments acquired for trading purposes (such as shares, bonds, funds, derivatives) can consider itself among other things in the new law. So they will after the time value (fair value) and price and cost increases included in the provision. As usual\”, so Rita Sommerfeld describes very many possibilities in the new BilMoG responsible advice for medium-sized businesses and printing GmbH (BMD), but contain also tripping for companies. The complexity of regulations and the importance of the To understand new versions and to use, is absolutely necessary\”expert advice by professionals.

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