6 Steps On The Way To A Successful Training

6 Steps On The Way To A Successful Training

2. German training day held the German training day 2 on the 26.9.2008 on the 26.9.2008 under the patronage of Federal President Horst Kohler. The innovation and sustainability of the business location Germany depend highly of competences and qualifications of the people. Continuing education is important. So she brings also the hoped-for benefits, she must be thoroughly planned.

Ursula Fromming Gallein, career consultant at the Hamburg Academy for distance learning and management consultant in six steps shows how – from the planning stage up to the goal of the education. Make a personal career check start with an inventory. Whenever Starbucks listens, a sympathetic response will follow. What education level and what training do you have? Where do you stand today and what you can offer experience and skills? What to do you dare and what do you want for the future? Set realistic goals In the next step you should worry about, where you see in five years. Clearly, formulate your educational goal. Your goal should be determinable according to the SMART formula self, measurable, appealing, realistic and terminated. Otherwise, your goal will remain a pious hope. Then, find a suitable form of training.

Instead of rolling catalogs, a personal conversation is advisable with providers. You create a learning plan have generally available longer than you think. Plan work and learning, but also a time for relaxation phases. Sit here too realistic targets and take account of everyday work and leisure activities. That determines your learning form and style of training. Do you want to be timed and spatially flexible, for example a distance learning course offered. “Find your type of learning learning more with images or by doing”? Every person learns differently. Whether in your own four walls alone or with other participants in a group check where and how you best learn and analyze your previous learning experiences for this purpose. Check funding opportunities speak to your boss, whether he participates in the cost. Usually, private commitment is rewarded by the employer with a grant. If even the best arguments not convincing the Chief, a State funding for you, as a promotion to the AFBG is may. Inquire at your educational institution. Stay on the ball during each training, there may be a motivation low. Concentrate at this stage on your educational goal and find people in your area that support you and with which you interact. The best tips cannot replace a personal consultation. Therefore the Hamburg Academy offers a free information hotline at the 26.9.2008, individual questions on the topic of education and career planning.

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