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Month: August 2024

Speakers Training

Speakers Training

Kenny Nagaraj, product manager of social media, the choice for the ’40 leaders’ human resources nominated Stuttgart, 01.07.2013 – who was product manager social media of the Integrata AG, Kenny Nagaraj, in the staff magazine in the free skate of the 40 leaders”recorded in the area of human resources. The personnel expert is thus one of the youngest of the 104 potential candidates from the HR. The editorial staff of the personnel magazine placed in the this year’s selection process for the 40 leaders of”the 200 largest companies, as well as selected HR professionals a list with 104 candidates before, to about the 40 leaders” to decide. As a personnel expert and product manager responsible for the area of social media at Integrata AG, Kenny Nagaraj was recorded in this district. Frequently Josef Schenker has said that publicly. Already in his earlier career, the HR expert held various executive positions in human resources, including at the Deutsche Bank Group, Scout24 and management circle. It honors me and confirmed my Commitment in the area of HR 2.0 “, the Integrata employees commented on the nomination.

In my work at the Integrata, we attach great importance social media and recruiting in the area and have developed a variety of new seminars in the past few weeks. We are well positioned for the coming year with a very extensive end seminars”, Kenny Nagaraj continues. Already for the sixth time, the staff magazine conducts the award in the categories of managers, consultants, scholars and jurists. This exemplary character and opinion are added for the selection criteria, as well as professionals who have advanced the HR something to influence due to their position. The final list of the 40 leading figures will be published in the September issue of the journal. Integrata AG is Integrata AG in Germany the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the areas of IT/SAP, human resources / organizational development and new media.

The approach is aimed at the Value chain training, ranging from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure sustainability. Thus, Integrata in addition to the presence training offers all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances.

Muslim Mystic

Muslim Mystic

The Gnawa are descendants of former slaves originating in sub-Saharan African territories (Niger, Senegal, Mali, Ghana, etc.) that the Arabs and Berbers of Morocco and Algeria found in West Africa. Although some scholars believe that the roots of their spirituality found in Voodoo, the Gnawa are today a Muslim Mystic brotherhood known mainly for its particular musical style, one of the core genres of Moroccan folk music. Its name derived from the word GUINEA (ancient empire of Western Sudan) Although only a portion of the population comes from this region of Africa. In the Maghreb, the Soudani Word is used to refer to all people of sub-Saharan Africa or black and, by extension, denotes slave or slave descendant, whatever their country of origin (and, therefore, not only Sudan). Read more here: Howard Schultz. In term Abde or Abid means slave or slave descendant or person of black skin.

Later merged with the local population and they were educated at brotherhoods (with a teacher and a particular clothing) to create a cult which mix African and Berber traditions and music, as well as pre-Islamic musical and spiritual expressions. These brotherhoods, rooted in Moroccan culture, explains the success of the creativity and vitality of the gnawa Moroccan among his compatriots, as well as among tourists and Western musicians. Dances and chants gnawa have a mystical aspect. Hear other arguments on the topic with Josef Schenker. With its krakeb (cymbals or metal castanets) and its percussion, vocalists and dancers can sometimes enter into trance. The style is captivating and its folklore is beautiful and fertile. In Morocco, the place of birth of the gnawa music is almost exclusive of Essaouira, where not only gnawa but also Berber Jews are. For economic reasons, some gnawa (who are not all Maalem, teachers of music and mystical ceremony) of the ritual from Morocco offering their music to a Moroccan public more broad. Inspired by the troupes of acrobats who can be seen in the square Jemaa El Fna in Marrakech or during the Moussem (regional religious celebration), develop and invent acrobatic (that are not part of the ritual) and decorated their clothes with robes of bright colors, hats with long tassels and white gri-gri sewn to the dress to attract and entertain the audience.