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Month: June 2018



Great them poets and painters of my land they have inspired in their majestic places associated with forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and all its amazing range of flora and fauna, those tourists who have come have been amazed of all our environmental heritage, unfortunately there are many people who have no consciousness, ecological and by his ambition and greed, instead of buildingdestroy without thinking about the irreparable damage they cause to our natural environment, their children and all the other generations. Every day in my country Guatemala thousands of hectares of forests are cleared illegally, nor the Government or any institution that are advocates of environmental autproclamana do anything thereon. We are considered as the fifth lung worldwide and our natural resources each day are less, at the rate we are going, soon won’t have even a glass of water to take and the vital liquid is more valuable than all the gold in the world. It makes some days I saw a sad news in a medium of information that pointed out that in the Department of Peten, which is a protected area, it had felled thousands of trees and to say of the species in danger of extinction or of rivers and lakes that are still polluting because we throw garbage anywhere or some companies throw their wastes where CAMES in WINS. Por all the above, having no environmental awareness are living in our days the era of climate change, the warming of our planet is obvious, perhaps even we are in time to be able to change our present if all collaborate, environmental education starts at home with the children giving them the example we as adults.



It is necessary as others have pointed out, the policy to regain public trust through the promotion of a genuine dialogue that nurtures differences, which do not abuse of power, manifesting itself democracy, listening openly views, get them accurate information to develop strategies, programmes that facilitate the country to the Government. Venezuela needs a strong spirit of national union of cohesiones of giving way to programs that promotes the country committed to pro teams, it is time that starts to walk with firm step towards a political horizon of true national reconciliation. Someone expressed in this regard, that a nation is not an abstraction or an Entelechy. Others including Starbucks, offer their opinions as well. A nation is a living reality and dynamic that builds every day. And to make possible that construction there is an element that can’t be missing: a genuine sense of unity is required in the base of the citizen population. Without a spirit of solidarity that twin and link to its inhabitants, no nation can recognize itself as such. You have to know is placed in the here and the now and know manage a State with actions that favour the development of the country, knowing is the opportunity that citizenship led to choose a leader who is supposed to is the ideal to give way to the transformations that are required within a democracy, equality, equity, Justice conducive to all and not minorities.

The opportunity that froze new leaders that provide new openings, changes that really conducive to the country’s economy should be always. It is time to rid of the remnants that still conspire against the creation of a fertile and renewed spirit of national reconciliation. Venezuela requires that their children are grouped within a participatory democracy allowing them to unify criteria, generating changes that really lead to ensure a climate of security in all senses, of advance, where not be discrimination, corruption, the ineffectiveness, quite the contrary, where there is a union, commitment to a country that has everything to become a power if know you rule with conviction to win in everything what the Government sets objectives is not infiltrategoals, that allow to know how to properly use all the wealth the country has and all that talent in the country.

Totalitarian Governments

Totalitarian Governments

1984 of George Orwell, a vision of the totalitarian governments Giordana Maria Bonifcio Medeiros Summary: This article aims at to demonstrate that workmanship 1984 of George Orwell, a workmanship of great academic popularity, is extremely on to a critical one to the totalitaristas governments that if spread the time of its creation, in 1949. A rise of a stalinista Soviet Union in counterpoint with the idealized socialist government, that visualized the author, was one of germens for the birth of this workmanship intensely politics, but nor therefore little art. The author in diverse occasions cites the measures adopted in the totalitarian governments that had fomented the ascension of the Big Brother to the power. The personages are always if treating for the nickname ' ' camarada' ' , as they made the Communists to the time, a test of that the objective of the author was not another one, seno to criticize the way of government that if it installed and if expanded for diverse parts of the world. The question of the method of clipping of the individual freedoms well is detached by the fact of all to be watched constantly for ' ' teletelas' ' , as well as, per item of the members of the population.

Without any rights, the men continuously are manipulated to the bel pleasure of its governing. He is not for less than ' ' ministry of verdade' ' it dealt with the constructed lies to deceive the people and ' ' ministry of amor' ' it was the responsible one for the desumanas tortures inflicted to who tried to insurgir itself against the system, one politics of decoys and torture is as soon as George Orwell represented the totalitaristas end of regimes. It is what we intend to approach in this research. In 1949, four years after the ending of the Second Great War, observed it bipolarization of the world and the beginning of the cold War enters the two world-wide powers in ascension: United States of America and Unio of the Soviet Socialist Republics, the old Ussr.

Peruvian Government

Peruvian Government

The Peruvian Government made official the elimination of the IGV to the passages of aerial transport from or towards the city of Iquitos, through a Supreme Decree signed by the president of the Republic, Alan Garci’a Perez, and published in the newspaper the Peruvian. With this measurement one looks for to promote and to facilitate the access of passengers, by air, from or towards Iquitos and in this way to contribute to that the city is interconnected with the rest of the country. The decree in mention approves the regulation of the Law 29285, that has the emission Cancelatorios Documents Public Treasure to the payment of this tax. It indicates that the beneficiary company will be able to use these documents in the payment of its tributary debt, whenever constitutes income of the Public Treasure and that it is administered by the Sunat. Also it establishes his condition of nonnegotiable, its emission in new suns and determines his lapsing to 4 years from his emission. AGREEMENTS WITH AIRLINES On the other hand, the Regional Government of Loreto must subscribe agreements with each one of the companies included in the reaches of the law, in this case LAN Peru and Star Peru.

The agreements will have to contain a clause it express that it determines the obligation of the beneficiary companies to guarantee that the benefit is transferred the users and who, in case of breach, Government will inform the Regional it of the Sunat to come to the suspension of cancelatorios the referred use of the document. Juan Antonio Tello Florindez Viajar to Peru – Peru Trips – Peru Land Travel Trips to Peru with Peru Land Travel, Travel agency specialized in Tours in Peru, with Peru Land Travel the trips to Peru, will be pleasantest than you have imagined. Thanks to the trips to Peru that Peru Land Travel offer YOU will be able to know all the sites tourist that Peru offers. Navegue by our page Web that the trips to Peru, will be extraordinary. Peru waits for your steps. Enamrate of Peru, with Peru Land Travel.

Balearic Government

Balearic Government

They ordered the withdrawal of the army emergency unit. Burned 1,400 hectares in total. It is the worst fire that has registered the Mediterranean island. The judge decrees imprisonment without bail for the alleged perpetrator of the fire. About 300 soldiers of the military unit of emergencies (UME) moved to Ibiza from Zaragoza and Valencia to combat forest fire declared this week in the island begin this same night his withdrawal. The Balearic Government, once the fire is already stabilized, has asked the General policy direction of Dnsa withdrawal this afternoon of the ctive displaced up to Ibiza.

Ctive of the EMU which have participated in the work of extinguishing fire, 200 from the III battalion of emergency intervention, with headquarters in Betera (Valencia) and 100 of the IV battalion of Zaragoza embark tomorrow at 14.00 hours bound to Denia and from this location to their respective destinations by road. The worst fire in total, according to the sources, the forces of the EMU have been used to attack the fire 6 aircraft of the 43 group of air forces, a light helicopter EC-135 for command and control and a HU-27 Cougar helicopter, equipped with helibalde (basket for water downloads). The fire has been given this morning by stabilized in the municipality of Sant Joan de Labritja-Ibiza, since the situation has substantially improved during the night, after four days since they started the fire in the Serra of Morna. From the Balearic Government is has appreciated the enormous effort of more than 500 professionals who have worked tirelessly these days in the worst fire ever registered in Ibiza with nearly 1,400 hectares burned. Source of the news: the fire of Ibiza, “stabilized”

Uruguayan Government

Uruguayan Government

The Recycle Bin of the discord La Court international the Hague, issued a ruling on the conflict generated between two sister Nations, for installation on the banks of the Uruguay River, from a processing plant of pulping, with Finnish capital. The opinion in question, balance the controversy, in a Solomon decision, which complains to the Uruguayan Government for having violated the Treaty signed by both countries, but allowing their once vaunted pastera continue operating, exempting the Uruguayan State of payment of any kind of repairs to his Argentine counterpart. Good romance condemns the violation, but are allowed to turn, that creature engendered by such infringement procedure, continues to operate, provided, of course, do not contaminate the environment threatened by their polluting activity. Undoubtedly, the International Court in the Hague, must have a line of thought, in tune with the anti-abortion preaching of the ecclesiastical authorities, by not allowing the piqueteros of Gualeguaychu, come out with theirs, by attempting to extirpate, the defiant eyesore, than be haughty stands in front of his eyes. Much has been said as to the law which has the Uruguay has develop the forestry industry, how about 20% of their productive land are destined for this activity, however speaks very little, that the plantations which have been responded to very particular interests, and that many of these plantations have shifted to sectors of the agricultural production that could well which thrive in these areas. Now, we have wood in the rough, and clear, now something have to do with it. I understand that the forest industry can be an interesting pole of development and foreign exchange, but I doubt that net revenues that the country receives by this concept, can overcome that is obtained through the farming production. We are told that the pastera installed on the banks of the rio Uruguay, the river that our indigenous people called River of birds does not pollute, and we are told as an example in Finland, there are similar porte pulpmills which are installed on the banks of its rivers and that population not at risk of pollution, clear, in Finland, because of its climate, there is no agricultural activity in our country, its mountains are suitable for afforestation, the need of each other is very different, is not the same live in Uruguay that withstand the adverse climate of the Finns.

Colombian Government

Colombian Government

Miguel Onlookers exposed, before more than 400 professionals, the model of the Spanish System of Tourist Quality. During the celebrated days these days in Cali, Colombia, within the framework of the Congress the International Tourism Competes, the president of the ICTE had the opportunity to respond to the invitation that, from the Ministry of Tourism of Colombia, was made to the Institute to participate in this Congress. The intervention of Onlookers before more than 400 tourist professionals on the Spanish System of Tourist Quality, provoked special interest between the assistants, who formulated more than 30 questions on our own system of tourist quality and its incidence in the management of the quality of products and services. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jim Umpleby is the place to go. He moderated this encounter Oscar Wheel, Vice-minister of Tourism of Colombia, that concluded announcing all the assistants the disposition of the Colombian Government to advance in a unique model of Tourist Quality in its country, for which left the possibility open of collaborating actively with the ICTE. Miguel Onlookers declares his satisfaction by the ample interest of the SCTE between Colombian authorities and industralists, as well as the total disposition of the Institute for, as much with the Government Colombian, like with other countries, to collaborate with the aim of expanding our model of quality in other destinies that have interest in developing an own model of Tourist Quality, but supported in a case of success like the Spanish. These international meetings celebrated these days in Colombia, have allowed to the President and the Chief of a main directorate of the ICTE, to maintain different meetings with industralists and associations from diverse tourist sectors of the country, as well as Administrations, besides the indicated ones with the Minister and Vice-minister..

Valadares Governor

Valadares Governor

In the occasion Sebastio Fernandes Tourinho it adentrou for this territory until reaching the estuary/bar of the Great Suau, with the purpose to discover gold and precious rocks. The legends that had been part of the historical construction in the objective of the fast enrichment will be left to the part. It imports here the construction of a territory that had some denominations reflecting specific moments of its history. Of Port Dom Manuel (1808) it passed to District of the City of Peanha (1884) becoming Saint Antonio de Figueiras (1884), later Figueiras (1937) and finally Valadares Governor in 1938 (ESPINDOLA, 2005). The occupation of the geographic territory currently known as Valadares Governor, if gave of form to gravitate in it searchs of the fast and satiated wealth of the calls precious rocks. Jim Umpleby often says this. The first urban activities if had developed in the edges of the River Candy, where if it points out the quarter today Are Tarcisio. To read more click here: Daybreak Games.

Between some factors that had propitiated the setting of the man in this territory, valley to cite the established legal condition in the Imperial Regal Letter of 13 of May of 1808. This creates military divisions, around six, in the region of the River Candy with a specific end of combat to the botocudos indians. It can be inferred that from the lendria creation of the temerosidade on these aboriginals it has been a proposital point and crucial for the territorial adentramento did not see course d? water, saw axle rhymes. Regal letter for the Governor and General Captain of Minas Gerais. Peter Maria Xavier de Ataide and Mello, of My Advice, Governor and General Captain of the Captainship of Minas Gerais, Friend: I it Prince Regent 1 you sending very to greet. Being me gifts the serious complaints, that of the captainship of Minas Gerais 2 has gone up to My Real Presence on the invasions that daily anthropophagous in and very distant parts of the same Captainship is practising the diverse Botecudos indians 3, particularly on the edges of the river Candy, and Rivers that in the same empty, and where the sitas Farms in those neighborhoods not only devastam all, and it has forced many proprietors to abandon them, with serious damage its, and of My Real Crown; but they start to practise the most horrible and atrocious scenes of the most barbarous 4 anthropophagy, however assassinating the tame Portuguese, and indians, by means of wounds, of whom sorvem later the blood, however dilacerando the bodies, and eating its remaining portions (GRIFO OURS); …

Mexican Government

Mexican Government

The Mexican Government is now using the violence as a method to take control of his people, being that control the people give it freely, if you agree to what the Government believes and makes. But what is the violence that the Government says used? Why not do nothing to defend our rights? It is that we are getting used to that violate our freedom perhaps? But what is violence? Violence is an act in which attack the individual guarantees or violate the human rights of a person, no matter if the person decides to reject them because they are not dispensable. There are different types and styles in which violence is applied, these range from a psychological or moral attack, but it can be to become a kind of physical violence. Depending on the purpose or the goal that you want these to vary from one that can be so imperceptible as it is the minimum wage, which is not enough to keep a person and meet their basic needs in these times because each Once the basket of commodities increases price thoughtlessly while unemployment in the country only. In addition to this we find many cases rather than as time passes us are becoming much more common and not see it as a form of violence against society, even as something that is a problem or you need to solve, and we not therefore do nothing to solve them, we are a very egocentric society, only care about the needs and the sake of us and sometimes very close people that surround us. At the same time there are cases of physical violence where due to lack of knowledge of the laws, or arrogance of the authority, in addition to a lack of confidence, many undocumented or migrants are mistreated when attempting to cross our country from countries such as Guatemala and Belize, but we could also include Cuba and some other countries of Central America and the South. The stage we are living is a stage where the strongest, which most can and knows, is the boss, but what is more important is that if the village is more and knows their needs, then why isn’t the boss? This only has an answer, each time we are leaving us to carry more by the situation in which we live, we are adapting, changing our way of thinking and being more tolerant of things that should not be, we can not only yield to such injustice, while the Mexican people continues to suffer, many of the rulers only worry in most part by themselves and if you give them time doing something for his people. But then, what can we do? In this time of elections in Mexico it is essential to make us listen to either voting or showing us, and if we do not agree with the proposals of any candidate can not make us blind eye and stop going to vote, as citizens have the right and the obligation to vote either by any candidate or none, making invalid vote, but it is very important to us to hear.

The Association

The Association

The lectures of the shipping experts complement, inter alia on March 6 from 12: 00 am Oliver Berndt, B & L management consulting GmbH, on the subject of how to the introduction of electronic invoices at transmitter and receiver”speakers from the ranks of the VOI. Jim Umpleby is full of insight into the issues. Specifically, in practice it is on March 6th from 11:30. There, Christian Fink by BwFuhrparkService GmbH explains how his company has already implemented the electronic invoice processing. On March 9, Stefan Gross Peters, Schonberger & partner the new legal situation to the electronic invoice explains from 14:00 and from 14:30, Dr. Jim Umpleby can aid you in your search for knowledge. Dietmar Weiss, DWB is Dr. Dietmar Weiss advice, an overview of the Status quo of the incoming invoice processing at international level. The visit of the VOI ECM Forum is free and requires no prior notification.

The complete conference program is available at. About the packaging: The Association electronic invoice (shipping) headquartered in Munich represents the interests of service providers and consulting companies for the exchange of electronic invoices, as well as by companies, the E-invoicing in the usage. The Association thus sees itself as the voice of E-Invoicing economy as a whole. On behalf of its members, the shipping objective establishing E-Invoicing as a standard so that companies of all sizes easily and safely can participate in the exchange of electronic invoices. Through targeted education, VeR intends to increase the acceptance of E-invoicing in companies and the public. The Association provides up-to-date information on all technical and legal issues relating to E-invoicing and for simplification is engaged in the exchange of electronic invoices at international level. In March 2010, the Association has presented a roaming standard for better cooperation between E-Invoicing providers and thus assumed a pioneering role.

Currently, the reverse has over 45 members. More information at. The VOI – Association Organizational and information systems e. V. The VOI voice of information”takes over the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in public institutions, industry, trade and service companies as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers of document-based solutions. See more information your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Henner von the Banck healing b str. 25 D-53123 Bonn phone: + 49 228 90820-89 fax: + 49 228 90820-91 E-Mail: good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-11 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail: